Paper Content:
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arXiv:2503.10530v1 [cs.CV] 13 Mar 2025Lightweight Models for Emotional Analysis in Video
Quoc-Tien Nguyen, Hong-Hai Nguyen, Van-Thong Huynh*
Dept. of ITS, FPT University
Ho Chi Minh City, 71216, Vietnam
{tiennq27,hainh51,thonghv4 }
In this study, we present an approach for efficient spa-
tiotemporal feature extraction using MobileNetV4 and a
multi-scale 3D MLP-Mixer-based temporal aggregation
module. MobileNetV4, with its Universal Inverted Bottle-
neck (UIB) blocks, serves as the backbone for extracting
hierarchical feature representations from input image se-
quences, ensuring both computational efficiency and rich
semantic encoding. To capture temporal dependencies,
we introduce a three-level MLP-Mixer module, which pro-
cesses spatial features at multiple resolutions while main -
taining structural integrity. Experimental results on the
ABAW 8th competition demonstrate the effectiveness of our
approach, showing promising performance in affective be-
havior analysis. By integrating an efficient vision back-
bone with a structured temporal modeling mechanism, the
proposed framework achieves a balance between compu-
tational efficiency and predictive accuracy, making it well -
suited for real-time applications in mobile and embedded
computing environments.
1. Introduction
Human emotion recognition is a subfield of human behav-
ior analysis that has got significant interest from research ers
in artificial intelligence, psychology, and human-compute r
interaction. By utilizing various types of data, such as au-
dio, images, and text, researchers can analyze and predict
human emotions as well as continuous actions. Advance-
ments in deep learning has significantly improved the accu-
racy and efficiency of emotion recognition systems. These
technologies can detect emotions in real time, allowing ap-
plications across a wide range of fields. Understanding hu-
man emotions and behavior can create various applications
in areas such as healthcare, autonomous vehicles, robotics ,
and more [ 4–6,16]. For example, emotion recognition is
increasingly being used in mental health monitoring, where
*Corresponding authorit helps identify signs of depression or stress based on be-
havioral patterns. In marketing, consumer emotion recogni -
tion enables brands to tailor their products and advertisin g
strategies to evoke desired emotional responses. Moreover ,
in human-computer interaction, emotion-aware systems are
enhancing user experiences by adapting to users’ emotional
The Emotion recognition has many benefits in life, but
emotion recognition still faces various challenges in real -
world applications. Human emotions are complex and in-
fluenced by various factors such as gender, age, and con-
text, etc. Therefore, the 8th Affective & Behavior Analysis
in-the-Wild (ABAW8) workshop [ 10] specifically addresses
the complex challenges inherent in analyzing human affec-
tive states and behavioral patterns in unconstrained, real -
world scenarios. Unlike controlled laboratory environ-
ments, in-the-wild settings present numerous variables in -
cluding diverse lighting conditions, varying head poses,
occlusions, and spontaneous expressions that significantl y
complicate accurate analysis.
The challenge includes six tasks: Valence-Arousal
(V A) Estimation, Expression (EXPR) Classification, Action
Unit(AU) Detection, Compound Expression (CE) Recog-
nition, Emotional Mimicry Intensity (EMI) Estimation,
Ambivalence/Hesitancy (AH) Recognition. These chal-
lenges leverage datasets such as Aff-Wild2, C-EXPR-DB,
HUME-Vidmimic2, and BAH, providing a comprehensive
benchmark for evaluating affective behavior analysis mod-
els.The challenges utilize the Aff-Wild2 [ 8,11], C-EXPR-
DB [ 7], HUME-Vidmimic2, and BAH datasets, providing
a comprehensive evaluation framework for affective behav-
ior analysis methodologies. In this paper, we solve the task s
such as Valence-Arousal (V A) Estimation, Action Unit(AU)
Detection, Emotional Mimicry Intensity (EMI) Estimation,
Ambivalence/Hesitancy (AH) Recognition. The V A task
predicts valence and arousal in video sequences, while the
AU task detects the presence of 12 action units (AUs) in
each video frame. The EMI task estimates the intensity of
six emotional dimensions (Admiration, Amusement, Deter-
mination, Empathic Pain, Excitement, and Joy). Lastly, the
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AH task identifies the presence or absence of ambivalence
or hesitancy in each frame.
2. Method
2.1. Visual feature extraction
The visual feature extraction process is facilitated by a
small variant of MobileNetV4 [ 14], pretrained on AffectNet
dataset [ 13]. MobileNetV4 [ 14] introduces a universally ef-
ficient architecture optimized for mobile devices, integra t-
ing the Universal Inverted Bottleneck (UIB) and Mobile
Multi-Query Attention (Mobile MQA) blocks to enhance
feature extraction efficiency. The UIB block unifies key ar-
chitectural components, including Inverted Bottleneck (I B),
ConvNext, Feed Forward Network (FFN), and an Extra
Depthwise (ExtraDW) variant, providing flexibility in spa-
tial and channel mixing while improving computational ef-
ficiency. Mobile MQA accelerates attention mechanisms by
over 39% on mobile accelerators, further optimizing featur e
representation. Additionally, an advanced neural archite c-
ture search (NAS) strategy refines MobileNetV4’s design,
ensuring mostly Pareto-optimal performance across CPUs,
DSPs, GPUs, and dedicated accelerators like Google’s Ed-
geTPU. In this study, we fed a sequence of 224×224×3
images into the MobileNetV4 to extract multi-scale feature
maps from input frames. The backbone is configured to
output hierarchical feature representations at different spa-
tial resolutions, allowing for rich semantic extraction. T o
maintain efficiency while preserving important spatial de-
tails, all but the final layers of the backbone are frozen dur-
ing training. The extracted feature maps serve as input to
the subsequent temporal modeling module.
2.2. Temporal aggregation module
To model temporal dependencies in the extracted features,
we incorporate a multiscale 3D MLP-Mixer-based [ 17] to
build temporal aggregation module (TAM). This module
processes the sequential feature maps using multiple level s
of spatial granularity. TAM consist of three mixer layers op -
erate on different feature resolutions: (1) a high-resolut ion
mixer for 28×28feature maps, (2) a mid-resolution mixer
with input size of 14×14, and (3) a low-resolution mixer
for highly detail feature maps of size 7×7. Each mixer
employs 3D MLP-based transformations to capture tempo-
ral relationships while preserving spatial structure. Fin ally,
a fully connected layer maps the aggregated feature rep-
resentations to the target output space, ensuring effectiv e
sequence-level prediction.
3. Experiments and Results
3.1. Dataset
This subsection provides a brief summary of the datasets
used in each challenge, such as Action Unit (AU) Detec-Table 1. Distribution of AU Annotations in Aff-Wild2
AU Action Total Number of
Activated AUs
AU 1 inner brow raiser 301,102
AU 2 outer brow raiser 139,936
AU 4 brow lowerer 386,689
AU 6 cheek raiser 619,775
AU 7 lid tightener 964,312
AU 10 upper lip raiser 854,519
AU 12 lip corner puller 602,835
AU 15 lip corner depressor 63,230
AU 23 lip tightener 78,649
AU 24 lip pressor 61,500
AU 25 lips part 1,596,055
AU 26 jaw drop 206,535
tion, Valence-Arousal (V A) Estimation, Emotional Mimicry
Intensity (EMI) Estimation.
Action Unit (AU) Detection This challenge uses a data
set that includes 542 videos with annotations for 12 Ac-
tion Units (AU), which represent facial muscle movements,
including brow raisers, cheek raisers, lip tighteners, and
jaw drops. The data set consists of 2,627,632 frames cap-
tured from 438 unique subjects. Annotations were devel-
oped through a semiautomatic methodology that integrates
both manual and computational techniques. The data set has
been divided into three subsets: a training set (295 videos) ,
a validation set (105 videos), and a testing set (142 videos) .
Table 1 provides the distribution of the AU annotations of
the dataset.
Valence-Arousal (V A) Estimation This challenge uti-
lizes an expanded version of the Aff-Wild2 database, in-
cluding 594 videos annotated for valence and arousal. The
data set consists of 2,993,081 frames captured from 584
subjects. Significantly, sixteen videos contain dual subje cts,
both of whom received independent annotations. Four ex-
pert annotators evaluated the data set following the method -
ology detailed in [ 3], continuous valence, and arousal values
within the range of [-1, 1].
To maintain subject independence across experimental
protocols, the data set has been partitioned into three dis-
crete subsets: a training set (356 videos), a validation set
(76 videos), and a testing set (162 videos). This division
ensures that individual subjects appear exclusively in one
Emotional Mimicry Intensity (EMI) Estimation. The
EMI Challenge considers emotional mimicry through the
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Table 2. HUME-Vidmimic2 partition statistics.
Partition Duration #Samples
Train 15:07:03 8072
Validation 9:12:02 4588
Test 9:04:05 4586
HUME-Vidmimic2 dataset, which includes more than 30
hours of audiovisual recordings from 557 participants. Thi s
data set was collected in naturalistic environments where
participants used their webcams to mimic facial and vo-
cal expressions presented in seed videos, subsequently sel f-
evaluating their mimicry performance on a scale of 0-100.
The data set has been systematically partitioned according
to the distribution detailed in Table 2 , which presents com-
prehensive statistics for each subset. To facilitate analy sis,
participants are provided with facial detections extracte d
from videos using MTCNN [ 24], processed at a sampling
rate of 6 frames per second.
Furthermore, to enable the development of end-to-
end methodological approaches [ 18–22], participants re-
ceive pre-extracted features derived from the raw audiovi-
sual data, specifically: facial features processed using Vi -
sion Transformer (ViT) [ 2], audio signals processed using
Wav2Vec 2.0 [ 1].
Ambivalence/Hesitancy Recognition
Action Unit (AU) Detection TheF1score uses precision
and recall to calculate which ensure a robust assessment of
classification performance. The equation of the F1score is
as follows:
F1=2∗precision ∗recall
precision +recall(1)
The average F1 score is used to evaluate 12 AUs. The F1
score ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 represents perfect and 0
represents the worst performance. The formula is expressed
as follows:
Valence-Arousal (V A) Estimation In this task, the Con-
cordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) [ 12],Pis used to
evaluate the performance of the model. The CCC is a mea-
sure that is used to evaluate the agreement between two con-
tinuous variables. The CCC range is from [-1,1] where -1
is a negative correlation, 0 is no correlation, and 1 is a high
correlation. The formula is expressed as follows:PVA=PV+PA
wherePVandPAare the CCC of valence and arousal, re-
spectively, which is defined as
Y+(µˆY−µY)2 (4)
whereµYwas the mean of the label Y,µˆYwas the mean
of prediction ˆY,σˆYandσYwere the corresponding stan-
dard deviations, ρwas the Pearson correlation coefficient
Emotional Mimicry Intensity (EMI) Estimation. The
average Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient ( ρ)is used to mea-
sure the six emotion dimensions:
Table 3 shown results of our approach compared to pre-
vious studies on Affwild2 dataset [ 9].
Table 3. Action unit validation set.
Methods F1 score
Regnet-ViT [ 23] 0.5280
EmotiEffNet [ 15] 0.537
Ours with 3 level mixer 0.5369
Ours with 2 level mixer 0.5338
Ours - single mixer 0.5441
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