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aComputer Science Department, IT University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300
Copenhagen S, Denmark
e-mail address :,
bDepartment of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt, Hochschulstraße 10, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
e-mail address :
Abstract. We present a choreographic framework for modelling and analysing concurrent
probabilistic systems based on the PRISM model-checker. This is achieved through the
development of a choreography language, which is a specification language that allows to
describe the desired interactions within a concurrent system from a global viewpoint. Using
choreographies gives a clear and complete view of system interactions, making it easier
to understand the process flow and identify potential errors, which helps ensure correct
execution and improves system reliability. We equip our language with a probabilistic
semantics and then define a formal encoding into the PRISM language and discuss its
correctness. Properties of programs written in our choreographic language can be model-
checked by the PRISM model-checker via their translation into the PRISM language. Finally,
we implement a compiler for our language and demonstrate its practical applicability via
examples drawn from the use cases featured in the PRISM website.
Programming distributed systems presents significant challenges due to their inherent com-
plexity, and the possibility of obscure edge cases arising from their complex interactions.
Unlike monolithic systems, distributed programs involve multiple nodes operating con-
currently and communicating over networks, introducing a multitude of potential failure
scenarios and nondeterministic behaviours. One of the primary challenges in understanding
distributed systems lies in the fact that the interactions between multiple components can
diverge from the sum of their individual behaviours. This emergent behaviour often results
from subtle interactions between nodes, making it difficult to predict and reason about a
system’s overall behaviour.
PRISM [ 2] is a probabilistic model checker that offers a specialised language for the
specification and verification of probabilistic concurrent systems. PRISM has been used in
various fields, including multimedia protocols [ 21], randomised distributed algorithms [ 18,20],
security protocols [ 24,19], and biological systems [ 12,15]. At its core, PRISM provides a
declarative language with a set of constructs for describing probabilistic behaviours and
properties within a system. Given a distributed system, we can use PRISM to model the
Key words and phrases: choreographic language, PRISM, probabilistic systems modeling.
Preprint submitted to
Logical Methods in Computer Science© M. Carbone and A. Veschetti
CC⃝ Creative CommonsarXiv:2503.08530v1 [cs.LO] 11 Mar 2025
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behaviour of each of its nodes, and then verify desired properties for the entire system.
However, this approach can become difficult to manage as the number of nodes increases.
Choreographic programming [ 22] is an emerging programming paradigm in which
programs, referred to as choreographies, serve as specifications providing a global perspective
on the communication patterns inherent in a distributed system. In particular, instead
of relying on a central orchestrator or controller to dictate the behaviour of individual
components, choreographic languages focus on defining communication patterns and protocols
that govern the interactions between entities. In essence, choreographies abstract away
the internal details of individual components and emphasise the global behaviour as a
composition of decentralised interactions. Although, this approach can be used for a proper
subset of distributed systems, choreographies have proven to be very useful in many use
cases since they facilitate the automatic generation of decentralised implementations that
are inherently correct-by-construction [9].
This paper presents a choreographic language designed for modelling concurrent proba-
bilistic systems. Additionally, we introduce a compiler for translating protocols described
in this language into PRISM code. This choreographic approach not only simplifies the
modelling process but also ensures integration with PRISM’s powerful analysis capabilities.
To illustrate the idea with concrete commands, consider the following example. We
have a choreographic language specification:
Cdef=p→ {q}λ1: (x′= 1) & ( y′= 2); C
λ2: (x′= 3) & ( y′= 1); C
This specification recursively defines an interaction where process pcommunicates with
process q, choosing either branch λ1(setting xto 1 and yto 2) or branch λ2(setting xto 3
andyto 1). The projection mechanism translates this global choreography into local PRISM
modules by annotating each interaction with a unique label (e.g., aforλ1andbforλ2) and
using a state counter (e.g., spandsq) to uniquely identify each step. The corresponding
PRISM translation is:
p:{ [a]sp= 0→µ1: (x′= 1) & ( s′
p= 1) [] sp= 1→1 : (s′
p= 0)
[b]sp= 0→µ2: (x′= 3) & ( s′
p= 2) [] sp= 2→1 : (s′
p= 0) }
q:{ [a]sq= 0→γ1: (y′= 2) & ( s′
q= 1) [] sq= 1→1 : (s′
q= 0)
[b]sq= 0→γ2: (y′= 1) & ( s′
q= 2) [] sq= 2→1 : (s′
q= 0) }
In this translation, the command labeled ainp’s module corresponds to branch λ1(with
rateµ1), and the matching command in q’s module (with rate γ1) sets yto 2; similarly, label
bcorresponds to branch λ2(with rates µ2forpandγ2forq), setting xandyappropriately.
After executing an interaction command in each module, a subsequent reset command (with
rate 1) sets the state counters spandsqto 0 due to the recursive call following the branching.
This mechanism ensures that these commands are only executable when the system has
reached this particular state.
Through our contributions, we aim to provide a smooth workflow for modeling, analyzing,
and verifying concurrent probabilistic systems, ultimately increasing their usability in various
application domains. In particular, by employing choreographies, we gain a clear and
comprehensive view of the interactions occurring within the system, allowing us to discern
the flow of processes and detect any potential sources of error in the modelling phase.
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Contributions and Overview. We summarise our contributions as follows:
•we propose a choreographic language equipped with well-defined syntax and semantics,
tailored specifically for describing concurrent systems with probabilistic behaviours ( §3).
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first probabilistic choreography language that is
not a type abstraction;
•we introduce a semantics for the minimal fragment of PRISM needed for code generation
from choreographies ( §4), which follows PRISM’s original semantics [2];
•we establish a rigorous definition for a translation function from choreographies to PRISM
(§5), and address its correctness. This translation serves as a crucial intermediary step
in transforming models described in our choreographic language into PRISM-compatible
•we give a compiler implementation that executes the defined translation function ( §6),
enabling users to utilise PRISM’s robust analysis features while benefiting from the
expressiveness of choreographies;
•we show some use cases in order to demonstrate the applicability of our language ( §7).
Changes with respect to the conference version. This article is an expanded version
of our paper presented at COORDINATION 2024 [ 10]. It includes detailed definitions and
proofs, which were previously omitted. Additionally, we provide a thorough analysis of
richer language constructs incorporated in the implementation. Furthermore, we introduce a
new set of use cases, analysed through choreographies, including an example that illustrates
when the PRISM endpoint setting can be just as effective as a choreography-based approach.
2.A Motivating Example
As an example, we consider a simplified version of the thinkteam example, a three-tier data
management system [25], presented in the PRISM documentation1.
1 ctmc
2 module User
3 User STATE : [0..2] init 0;
5 [alpha 1] (User STATE=0) →lambda : (User STATE’=1);
6 [alpha 2] (User STATE=0) →lambda : (User STATE’=2);
7 [beta] (User STATE=1) →mu : (User STATE’=0);
8 [gamma 1] (User STATE=2) →theta : (User STATE’=1);
9 [gamma 2] (User STATE=2) →theta : (User STATE’=2);
10 endmodule
12 module CheckOut
13 CheckOut STATE : [0..1] init 0;
15 [alpha 1,alpha 2] (CheckOut STATE=0) →1 : (CheckOut STATE’=1);
16 [beta] (CheckOut STATE=1) →1 : (CheckOut STATE’=0);
17 [gamma 1,gamma 2] (CheckOut STATE=1) →1 : (CheckOut STATE’=1);
18 endmodule
The protocol aims to manage exclusive access to a single file, controlled by the CheckOut
process. Users can request access, which can be granted based on the file’s current status.
The goal is to ensure that only one user possesses the file at any given time while allowing for
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efficient access requests and retries in case of denial. Users move between different states (0,
1, or 2) based on the granted or denied access to the file with corresponding rates ( λ, µ, θ );
theCheckOut process transitions between two states (0 or 1):
In PRISM, modules are individual processes whose behaviour is specified by a collection
of commands, in a declarative fashion. Processes have a local state, can interact with other
modules and query each other’s state. Above, the modules User(lines 2-10) and CheckOut
(lines 12-18) can synchronise on different labels, e.g., alpha 1. On line 5, (User STATE=0) is
a condition indicating that this transition is enabled when User STATE has value 0. The
variable lambda is a rate, since the program models a Continuous Time Markov Chain
(CTMC). The command (User STATE’=1) is an update, indicating that User STATE changes
to 1 when this transition fires.
Understanding the interactions between processes in this example might indeed be
challenging, especially without additional context or explanation. Alternatively, when
formalised using our choreographic language, the same model becomes significantly clearer.
C0 := CheckOut →User : (+["1*lambda"] ; C1 +["1*lambda"] ; C2)
C1 := CheckOut →User : (+["1*theta"] ; C0)
C2 := CheckOut →User : (+["1*mu"] ; C1 +["1*mu"] ; C2)
In this model, we define three distinct choreographies, namely C0,C1, and C2. These
choreographies describe the interaction patterns between the modules CheckOut and User.
The state updates resulting from these interactions are not explicitly depicted as they are not
relevant for this particular protocol, but necessary in the PRISM implementation. As evident
from this example, the choreographic language facilitates a straightforward understanding
of the interactions between processes, minimizing the likelihood of errors. In fact, we can
think of the choreography representation of this example as the product of the two PRISM
modules seen above.
To formally analyze the system, we need to project the choreography onto individual
components, resulting in a PRISM model that captures the behavior of each process
explicitly. The projection process ensures that each role in the choreography, such as User
and CheckOut , is assigned a state variable that tracks its execution progress. Interactions
in the choreography correspond to PRISM synchronization labels, ensuring consistency
across transitions. Furthermore, the rates in the choreography, such as λ, µ, θ , translate into
transition rates in the PRISM model.
Each choreographic rule maps to a corresponding PRISM command. For instance, the
choreographic transition
C0 := CheckOut →User : (+["1*lambda"] ; C1)
corresponds to the following PRISM code:
1. . .
2[alpha 1] (User STATE=0) −>lambda : (User STATE’=1); // User module
3. . .
4[alpha 1] (CheckOut STATE=0) −>1 : (CheckOut STATE’=1); // CheckOut module
5. . .
This ensures both modules execute in sync under the label alpha 1and only when the modules
are in the correct states ( CheckOut STATE=0 and User STATE=0 ). Similar transformations
apply to other interactions.
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3.Choreography Language
In the previous section, we showed our choreography language via an example. We now
formalise our language by giving its syntax and semantics. For the sake of clarity, we slightly
change the syntax with respect to the syntax of our tool, adopting a more process-algebra
3.1.Syntax. Letprange over a (possibly infinite) set of module names R,xover a (possibly
infinite) set of variables Var, and vover a (possibly infinite) set of values Val. Choreographies,
the key component of our language, are defined by the following syntax:
C ::= p→ {p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj(interaction)
|ifE@p then C1else C2 (conditional)
|X (recursive call)
|0 (inact)
D ::= Xdef=C,D | ∅ (definitions)
u ::= ( x′=E) &u|(x′=E) (assignments)
E, g ::= f(˜E)|x|v (expressions)
The syntactic category Cdenotes choreographic programs. The interaction term p→
{p1, . . . , pn}: Σ{λj:xj=Ej. Cj}j∈Jdenotes an interaction initiated by module pwith
modules pi’s (for pand all pidistinct). A choreography specifies what interaction must be
executed next, shifting the focus from what can happen to what must happen. When the
interaction happens, one of the jbranches is selected as a continuation. Branching is a
random move: the number λj∈Rdenotes either a probability or a rate. This will depend on
the language we wish to use. In the case of probabilities, it must be the case that 0 ≤λj≤1
and Σ jλj= 1. Once a branch jis taken, the choreography will execute some assignments uj.
A single assignment has the syntax ( x′=E) meaning that the value obtained by evaluating
expression Eis assigned to variable x; assignments can be concatenated with the operator
&. Note that x′is used for an assignment to x: here, we follow the syntax adopted in
PRISM (see §4). Expressions are obtained by applying some unspecified functions to other
expressions or, as base terms, i.e., variables and values (denoted by v).
The term ifE@p then C1else C2denotes a system where module pevaluates the
guard E(which can contain variables located at other modules) and then (deterministically)
branches accordingly. The term Xis a (possibly recursive) procedure call: in the semantics,
we assume that such procedure names are defined separately. The term 0denotes the system
finishing its computation.
3.2.Semantics. The semantics of a choreography is a relation that captures how the values
assigned to variables are modified when the various modules synchronise with each other.
Similar to the operational semantics of imperative languages, we define a state, denoted by
S, as a mapping from variables to values, i.e., S:Var→Val.
Given a state, substitution allows to modify some of its values:
Definition 1. Given a value vand a variable x, a substitution [v/x]is an update on a state,
i.e.,S[v/x](y) =
v ify=x
S(y)otherwiseThen, the update S[u]is such that S[x′=E&u] =
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S[E↓S/x][u]andS[x′=E] =S[E↓S/x], where E↓Sis an unspecified (decidable) evaluation
of the expression Ein the state S.
Given the set of all possible states Sand a set of definitions Dof the form Xdef=C, we
can define the operational semantics of choreographies as the minimal relation −→D⊆
S ×C×R× S × Csuch that (we omit Dif not relevant):
(Interact) (S,p→ {p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj)−→λj(S[uj], Cj)
(IfThenElseT) E↓S=tt⇒ (S,ifE@p then C1else C2)−→ 1(S, C 1)
(IfThenElseF) E↓S=ff⇒ (S,ifE@p then C1else C2)−→ 1(S, C 2)
(Call) Xdef=C∈ D ⇒ (S, X)−→ 1(S, C)
The transition relation is a Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) or a Continuous Time
Markov Chain (CTMC) depending on whether we use probabilities or rates in the branching
construct. Note that states of the Markov chain are the pairs ( S, C), while the transitions
are given by the relation −→.
Example 1. Consider the following choreography:
C=p→ {q}λ1: (x′= 1); p→ {q}λ2: (x′= 1);0
The semantics of Cstarting from a state in which S(x) =S(y) = 0 can be depicted as follows
(forC′=p→ {q}λ1: (x′= 1);0):
x= 0C
x= 1C′
x= 10startλ1 λ2
Example 2. Consider the following definition:
Cdef=p→ {q}
λ1: (x′= 1)&( y′= 2); C
λ2: (x′= 3)&( y′= 1); C
The semantics of Cstarting from a state in which S(x) =S(y) = 0 can be depicted as
x= 0
y= 0C
x= 3
y= 1Cx= 1
y= 2Cλ1
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3.3.Other language constructs. Our language includes constructs that are not part of
the formal syntax defined above. These constructs are purely syntactic sugar and can be
easily encoded. Below, we discuss each of them:
•Parametric modules. In our implemented language, modules can be parameterised (indexed)
as done in PRISM. We denote parameterised roles as p[n] fornranging some finite set N.
As an example, the choreography
p[i]→ {q[i]}:λ:U;r→ {q[i]}:λ:U;0
can be easily encoded as:
p1→ {q1}:λ:U;
p2→ {q2}:λ:U;
p3→ {q3}:λ:U;
r→ {q1}:λ:U;
r→ {q2}:λ:U;
r→ {q3}:λ:U;0
Additionally, the choreography
p[i]→ {q[i]}:λ:U;q[i+1]→ {p[i]}:λ:U;0
can be encoded in our model language as
p1→ {q1}:λ:U;
p2→ {q2}:λ:U;
p3→ {q3}:λ:U;
q2→ {p1}:λ:U;
q3→ {p2}:λ:U;
q1→ {p3}:λ:U;0
Given that parameters range over a finite set, this operation is redundant as far as the
theory is concerned.
•The foreach construct. The use of parametric modules can be further facilitated by
introducing syntactic sugar that allows iteration over the set of indices that parame-
terise these modules. To this end, our language implementation includes the construct
foreach (kopi)u@A[i], which can be used in front of and update uto parameterise
with respect to multiple instances of the same type of variable over different modules.
The construct enables the expression ( kopi) to range over a set of indices, which can
then be used in u@A[i]. In essence, it provides a more concise and readable way to
express operations over multiple indexed modules. Notably, this construct can be encoded
explicitly by numbering the modules manually, provided that the indices are known at
compile time rather than determined dynamically at runtime.
•Non-deterministic Synchronisation. Our implementation supports the non-deterministic
synchronisation language construct allsynch {pi:Gi}i∈I, where Ghas the form g→
Σi∈Iλi:ui. The core idea behind this construct is to enable a set of roles, denoted by
pi, to synchronise while allowing each role to non-deterministically select from a range
of possible local actions. This provides a structured mechanism for defining interactions
where multiple roles must coordinate, but their precise behaviour may vary dynamically
(with a certain probability distribution/rate).
A key advantage of this construct is its compactness and readability in specifying this
type of interactions. For instance, in a scenario where two roles, pandq, participate in a
synchronised exchange, the allsynch syntax allows for a concise definition of conditions
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under which each role updates its state. This avoids the need for manually encoding
synchronisation through nested conditional constructs. Despite its expressiveness, the
allsynch construct does not introduce a new semantics but serves as syntactic sugar
for an equivalent formulation. In fact, allsynch can be rewritten using a series of
nested if-then-else constructs, ensuring that the synchronisation conditions are met
before proceeding with the interaction. For example, consider the non-deterministic
synchronisation between roles pandq:
p: (x= 5)→10 : ( x′= 0)
p: (x= 1)→5 : (x′= 100)
q: (y= 1)→1 : (y′= 0)
This construct provides a compact and structured way to define synchronized interactions.
However, it can be rewritten without using the allsynch syntax by explicitly handling
conditions using the if-then-else construct:
if(x= 5)@ p then
if(y= 1)@ q then
p→ {q}10 : ( x′= 0)&( y′= 0);0
else 0
if(x= 1)@ p then
if(y= 1)@ q then
p→ {q}5 : (x′= 100)&( y′= 0);0
else 0
else 0
The two formulations are equivalent, with the allsynch syntax acting as syntactic sugar
for a structured and readable representation of synchronization. The expanded version
using if-then-else makes explicit the conditional execution of interactions but retains
the same behaviour.
The allsynch construct is more efficient (in terms of code) than manually encoding
synchronisation with nested if-then-else statements. As the number of synchronising
roles and conditions increases, the depth and complexity of the nested conditionals grow
exponentially, making the explicit formulation harder to read, write, and process. In
contrast, allsynch provides a compact and structured way to express the same logic
without the combinatorial explosion of nested conditionals.
4.The PRISM Language
We now give a formal definition of a fragment of the PRISM language by introducing its
formal syntax and semantics.
4.1.Syntax. We reuse some of the syntactic terms used for our choreography language,
including assignments and expressions. In the sequel, let arange over a (possibly infinite)
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set of labels L. We define the syntax of (a subset of) the PRISM language as follows:
(Networks) N, M ::= 0 empty network
|p:{Fi}i module
|M|[A]|M parallel composition
(Commands) F::= [ α]g→Σi∈Iλi:ui (α∈ {ϵ} ∪ L )
Networks are the top syntactic category for system of modules composed together. The
term0represent an empty network. A module is meant to represent a process running in
the system and is denoted by its name and its commands, formally written as p:{Fi}i,
where pis the name and the Fi’s are commands. Networks can be composed in parallel, in
a CSP style: a term like M1|[A]|M2says that networks M1andM2can synchronise using
labels in the finite set A. In this work, we omit PRISM’s hiding and substitution constructs
as they are irrelevant for our current choreography language. Commands in a module have
the form [ α]g→Σi∈I{λi:ui}. The character αcan either be the empty string ϵor a label
a, i.e., α∈ {ϵ} ∪ L . Ifϵthen no synchronisation is required. On the other hand, if there is
label athen there will be a synchronisation with other modules that must synchronise on a.
The term gis a guard on the current variable state. If both label and guard are enabled,
then the command executes a branch iwith probability/rate λi. As for choreographies, if
theλi’s are probabilities, we must have that 0 ≤λi≤1 and Σ i∈Iλi= 1.
4.2.Semantics. To give a probabilistic semantics to the PRISM language, we follow the
approach given in the PRISM documentation [ 2]. Hereby, we do that by defining two
relations: one with labels for networks and one on states. Our relation on networks is the
minimum relation ⇝satisfying the rules given in Fig. 1. Rule (M)just exposes a command
F∈ {Fk}k
p:{Fk}k⇝F(M)∃j∈ {1,2}. Mj⇝[α]g→Σi∈Iλi:uiα̸∈A
M1⇝[a]g→Σi∈Iλi:ui M2⇝[a]g′→Σj∈Jλ′
Figure 1: Semantics for PRISM networks
at network level. Rule (P1)propagates a command through parallel composition if αis
empty or if the label ais not part of the set A. When the label ais in A, we apply rule
(P2). In this case, the product of the probabilities/rates must be taken by extending the
two different branches to every possible combination. This also includes the combination of
the associated assignments.
Based on the relation above, given M⇝[α]g→Σi∈Iλi:uiand two states SandS′,
we define the function
µ([α]g→Σi∈Iλi:ui, S, S′) = Σ S[ui]=S′,i∈Iλi
which gives the probability/rate for the system to go from state Sto state S′after executing
command [ α]g→Σi∈Iλi:ui, for some α. If the λiare probabilities, then the function
must be a probability distribution. Note that µ(F, S, S′) only denotes the probability/rate
for the system to move from state Sto state S′after executing command F. However, there
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can be other commands derived from a given network Mthrough the relation ⇝that
would cause a transition from StoS′. Therefore, we define the transition relation on states
∀j, α. M ⇝Fj S⊢Fj
jµ(Fj,S,S′)S′(Transition )
where S⊢[α]g→Σi∈Iλi:uiis defined as g↓S. Note that since PRISM is declarative, a
term Mnever changes while the state of the system evolves.
It is important to point out that, in general, the transition rule above does not give
the exact probability of a transition in case of a Markov chain (DTMC), since the sumP
jµ(Fj, S, S′)could be a value greater than 1. In order to get the right probability, the
value has to be normalised for all reachable S′. In the next section, we will show that this
is not an issue for networks that are obtained from our translation from choreography to
Example 3. Consider the following network M:
p:{ []x= 0→1 : (x′= 1)
[a]y <1→0.4 : (x′=x+ 1) + 0 .6 : (x′=x)}
q:{ []y= 0→1 : (y′= 1)
[a]x <1→0.5 : (y′=y+ 1) + 0 .5 : (y′=y)}
above, the two modules pandqcan both do independent actions, as well as synchronising
on label a. Applying the semantics, we can easily derive M⇝[]x= 0→1 : (x′= 1),
M⇝[]y= 0→1 : (y′= 1), and M⇝F, such that
F= [a]x <1 &y <1→ 0.2 : (x′=x+ 1) & ( y′=y+ 1)
+ 0 .2 : (x′=x+ 1) & ( y′=y)
+ 0 .3 : (x′=x) & ( y′=y+ 1)
+ 0 .3 : (x′=x) & ( y′=y)
Lets0= (x= 0, y= 0),s1= (x= 1, y= 0),s2= (x= 0, y= 1), and s0= (x= 1, y= 1) be
all possible states, with s0a starting state. Then,
µ([]x= 0→1 : (x′= 1), s0, s1) = 1 µ(F, s 0, s1) = 0 .2
µ([]y= 0→1 : (y′= 1), s0, s2) = 1 µ(F, s 0, s2) = 0 .3
µ(F, s 0, s0) = 0 .3 µ(F, s 0, s3) = 0 .2
Now, by (Transition) , we have that M⊢s0→1.2s1,M⊢s0→1.3s1. Clearly, both transitions
should be normalised, finally yielding the following DTMC:
start s0s2
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Example 4. The choreography presented in Example 2 can be described by the following
PRISM network M(forλi=µi∗γi):
p:{ [a]sp= 0→µ1: (x′= 1) & ( s′
p= 1) [] sp= 1→1 : (s′
p= 0)
[b]sp= 0→µ2: (x′= 3) & ( s′
p= 2) [] sp= 2→1 : (s′
p= 0) }
q:{ [a]sq= 0→γ1: (y′= 2) & ( s′
q= 1) [] sq= 1→1 : (s′
q= 0)
[b]sq= 0→γ2: (y′= 1) & ( s′
q= 2) [] sq= 2→1 : (s′
q= 0) }
The two modules pand qsynchornize on the labels aandb. Applying the semantics, the
global state can evolve according to F1orF2, defined as follows:
F1= [a]sp= 0 & sq= 0→ µ1∗γ1: (x′= 1) & ( y′= 2) & ( s′
p= 1) & ( s′
q= 1)
F2= [b]sp= 0 & sq= 0→ µ2∗γ2: (x′= 3) & ( y′= 1) & ( s′
p= 2) & ( s′
q= 2)
In this section, we provide a rigorous treatment of projection, which constitutes the mapping
from choreographies to the PRISM language.
5.1.Mapping Choreographies to PRISM. The process of generating endpoint code
from a choreography is commonly referred to as projection . Typically, projection is defined
separately for each module appearing in the choreography program, i.e., given a module (often
called a role) and a choreography, it generates the code for that particular role. However,
this is not the case in our approach, as PRISM relies solely on label synchronisation and a
notion of state, which can be modified through standard imperative assignments enabled
by conditions on the state. Thus, our approach simulates a choreography interaction in
PRISM by using (i) labels on which each involved module can synchronise and (ii) the state
to enable the correct commands at the appropriate times.
Before formalising this idea, we make a slight abuse of notation by assuming that each
interaction in a choreography is annotated with a label. We refer to such a choreography as
anannotated choreography :
Definition 2 (Annotated Choreography) .Anannotated choreography is obtained from the
choreography syntax by adding a label to each interaction:
C::=p→a{p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj|. . .
The intuition behind annotations is that they allow us to identify a particular interaction
in the choreography, enabling all modules involved to synchronise. Since these annotations
must be unique, we make the following assumption, which is key to our results:
Assumption 1. Each annotation in an annotated choreography occurs exactly once.
As an example, the following choreography is annotated correctly:
λ2:ifE@p then p →b{q}:λ1:0else 0
while, the one below is not:
λ2:ifE@p then p →a{q}:λ1:0else 0
Page 12:
In order to ensure consistency for subsequent statements in a choreography, our definition
of projection uses the function nodes (C), which returns the number of nodes in abstract
syntax tree of C. Formally, it is defined as:
nodes (p→ {p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj) = 1 +P
j∈Jnodes (Cj)
nodes (ifE@p then C1else C2) = 1 + nodes (C1) +nodes (C2)
nodes (X) = nodes (0) = 1
We now define the projection function. Since there are key differences between using
probabilities and using rates, we proceed separately. We begin with choreographies that
involve rates:
Definition 3 (Projection, CTMC) .Given an annotated choreography with rates C, a module
p, a natural number ι, and J={1, . . . , m }, we define the function projas:
proj(q,p→a{p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj, ι) = ifq=p
[aj]sq=ι→λj:sq=sq+ 1 +Pj−1
k=1nodes (Ck) &uj↓qo
jproj(q, Cj, ι+ 1 +Pj−1
k=1nodes (Ck))
proj(q,p→a{p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj, ι) = ifq∈ {p1, . . . , pn}
[aj]sq=ι→1 :sq=sq+ 1 +Pj−1
k=1nodes (Ck) &uj↓qo
jproj(q, Cj, ι+ 1 +Pj−1
k=1nodes (Ck))
proj(q,p→a{p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj, ι) = ifq̸∈ {p,p1, . . . , pn}
jproj(q, Cj, ι+Pj−1
k=1nodes (Ck))
proj(q,ifE@p then C1else C2, ι) = ifq=p
[]sq=ι&E→1 :s′
q=ι+ 1,
[]sq=ι¬(E)→1 :s′
q=ι+nodes (C1) + 1
∪proj(p, C1, ι+ 1) ∪proj(p, C2, ι+nodes (C1) + 1)
proj(q,ifE@p then C1else C2, ι) = ifq̸=p
proj(q, C1, ι)∪proj(q, C2, ι+nodes (C1))
proj(q,0, ι) =∅
proj(q, X, ι) = [] sq=ι→1 :s′
q=ι′where defs(X) =ι′
We examine the various cases in the definition above. The first three cases deal with the
projection of an interaction. When projecting the first module p, we create one command
[aj]sq=ι→λj:sq=sq+ 1 +Pj−1
k=1nodes (Ck) &uj↓qfor each branch such that
•the label ajand its uniqueness ensure that all modules take the same branch;
•the guard sq=ιensures that these commands are only executable when the system has
reached this particular state, identified by the reserved variable sq;
•the rate λjis the rate that appears in the same branch of the choreography
Page 13:
•the successor state is determined by incrementing sq, depending on which branch was
selected—the function nodes ensures that every interaction in all branches is assigned to a
different counter value, thereby also discarding all branches that are not selected;
•the projected update uj↓qacts as a filter on the list of updates in uj, ensuring that only
those variables local to qare updated.
Note that the translation works only with rates. In the case of probabilities, the definition
above is incorrect, as we must ensure that the probabilities in a branching sum to 1.
The second case defines the projection of an interaction for one of the modules
{p1, . . . , pn}. Similarly to the previous case, we define a command for each branch of
the interaction. However, the rate of each command is set to 1, ensuring that each branch
synchronises with probability λj·1 (see rule (P2)in Figure 1). The third case is the one
when we are projecting a module that is not in the set {p,p1, . . . , pn}. The if-then-else
construct focuses on the module pwhere the guard Emust be evaluated. As a consequence,
we do not need to have any label for synchronisation. For recursive calls, we generate a
command that resets the counter to a distinct value given by the auxiliary function defs.
Example 5. In order to show how our projection works, consider the following example
in which we apply the projection to the choreography in Example 2 and obtain the PRISM
modules from Example 4. In Example 2, we defined a recursive choreography in which role p
interacts with role qthrough two branches. Its annotated form can be written as:
λ1: (x′= 1)&( y′= 2); C
λ2: (x′= 3)&( y′= 1); C
From label a, each branch of the choreography is identified by a unique label, say a1for the
first branch and a2for the second. Then, the state of each module can be tracked by counters
spandsq. The various steps of the projection can then be summarised as follows:
(1)Computing the States. Starting from the initial counter values sp= 0andsq= 0,
we apply our projection function to determine the new state values for each interaction.
The auxiliary function nodes (C)counts the steps within each branch of the choreography.
Since each branch in Example 2 consists of a single interaction followed by a recursive
call to C, we can compute the state updates as follows. In particular, for the jthbranch,
the new state is given by ι+ 1 +Pj−1
k=1nodes (Ck). Applying this formula to our example:
(a)Branch λ1(label a1):
•The initial state is sp= 0andsq= 0.
•in the first branch ( j= 1), the sumPj−1
k=1nodes (Ck)is equal to 0, therefore
p= 0 + 1 = 1 , s′
q= 0 + 1 = 1
•The update rule for this branch is s′
p= 1 & s′
q= 1
(b)Branch λ2(label a2):
•Again, starting from sp= 0andsq= 0.
•in the second branch ( j= 2), the sumPj−1
k=1nodes (Ck)is equal to 1because the
first branch contains only the recursive call to C. Hence,
p= 0 + 2 = 2 , s′
q= 0 + 2 = 2
•The update rule for this branch is s′
p= 2 & s′
q= 2
Thus, each branch is assigned a unique state to ensure that only one transition can be
taken at a time in the PRISM model. The recursive nature of the choreography ensures
that the state counters return to 0 after each interaction, allowing the process to repeat.
Page 14:
(2)Assigning Unique Labels. For each branch, a unique label is generated from the
interaction’s base label. In this example, the first branch is assigned label a1and the
second a2. These labels serve as synchronisation points between the interacting modules.
In our projection, role p(the initiator) uses the corresponding rates (e.g. µ1andµ2for
branches 1 and 2) while role quses a fixed rate (equal to 1) for synchronisation.
(3)From Choreography to PRISM. As detailed in Example 4, the projected PRISM
network is obtained by creating commands for each branch in both roles. Each command
is guarded by a condition on the state counter (for instance, sp= 0for the first branch)
and includes the update that sets the counter to the new state computed above. The
modules for pandqsynchronize on the unique labels aandb, and the overall system’s
global transitions (e.g. F1andF2) are derived by the composition of these synchronized
commands. The rates of these transitions are computed as the product of the individual
rates (i.e., λi=µi∗γi).
As hinted above, the projection in Definition 3 would be incorrect if instead of using
rates we used probabilities. This is simply because we cannot force both pand{p1, . . . , pn}
to take the same branch with the probability distribution of the λi’s. To fix this problem,
we have the following definition instead:
Definition 4 (Projection, DTMC) .Given an annotated choreography with probabilities C,
a module p, and a natural number ι, we define projas:
proj(q,p→ {p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj, ι) = ifq=p
q=ι+ 1 + j,
{[lj]sq=ι+ 1 + j→1 :s′
q=ι+ 1 +Pj−1
k=1nodes (Ck) &uj↓q}j∈J
jproj(q, Cj, s+ 1 +Pj−1
k=1nodes (Ck))
The other cases of the definition are equivalent to those in Definition 3.
The fix is immediate: module ptakes a (probabilistic) internal decision on the jthbranch
and then synchronises on label ljwith{p1, . . . , pn}.
5.2.Correctness. Our projection operations are correct with respect to the semantics of
choreographies and PRISM. In order to state our main result, we need to use the notions
ofhead modules andstrongly connected choreography. The former identifies the modules
involved in the next action of a choreography:
Definition 5 (Head Modules) .The function hMods is defined as follows:
hMods (p→ {p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj) = {p,p1, . . . , pn}
hMods (ifE@p then C1else C2) = {p}
hMods (X) = hMods (C) ( ifXdef=C∈ D)
hMods (0) = ∅
Then, the property of strongly connected is defined below.
Page 15:
Definition 6 (Strongly Connected Choreography) .A choreography Cisstrongly connected ,
written sConn (C), if it satisfies the following conditions:
∀j∈J.sConn (Cj)∧hMods (Cj)̸=∅ ⇒ hMods (Cj)∩ {p,p1, . . . , pn} ̸=∅
sConn (p→ {p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj)
∀j∈ {1,2}.sConn (Cj)∧hMods (Cj)̸=∅ ⇒ p∈hMods (Cj)
sConn (ifE@p then C1else C2)
sConn (C) Xdef=C∈ D
sConn (X) sConn (0)
The notion of connectedness is quite well-known in the literature. Since our framework
is based on synchronous communication, we follow the same approach as that of Carbone et
al. [8]. The basic idea is that each interaction shares at least one module with the subsequent
choreography. In particular, in every branch of a probabilistic choice or an if-then-else
involving modules p1, . . . , pn, the first action (if any) of every other module qmust be an
interaction with one of p1, . . . , pn, possibly after unfolding recursive calls. For example, the
Xdef=p→ {q}:
λ1:u1;q→ {r}:λ′
is strongly connected while p→ {q}:λ1:u1;r1→ {r2}:λ′
is not.
We are now ready for our main theorem. In the sequel, S+is obtained from state Sby
extending its domain with the extra variables sq(one for each module in a choreography)
used by the projection. In the projection, we utilize alphabetized parallel composition ||,
wherein modules synchronise solely on labels that appear in both modules.
Theorem 1 (Projection) .Given a choreography Csuch that sConn (C), we have that
(S, C)−→λ(S′, C′)if and only if ||q∈Cproj(q, C, ι)⊢S+−→λS′
Proof. The proof proceeds by cases on the syntax of C.
•C=p→ {p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj. By (the only applicable) rule (Interact) , we have
(S,p→ {p1, . . . , pn}: Σj∈Jλj:uj;Cj)−→λj(S[uj], Cj)
By definition of projection, we obtain the following PRISM commands. Role pis projected
k=1nodes (Ck) &uj↓po
jproj(q, Cj, ι+1+j−1X
k=1nodes (Ck))
Roles piare projected as:
[aj]spi=ι→1 :spi=spi+1+j−1X
k=1nodes (Ck) &uj↓pio
jproj(pi, Cj, ι+1+j−1X
k=1nodes (Ck))
while any other role is projected as:
jproj(q, Cj, ι+j−1X
k=1nodes (Ck))
Page 16:
We need to show two things: first, that the projection above can make the same transition;
second, that if the projection makes a transition, it must be corresponding to that of the
choreography above. Observe that the state of a generated CTMC is uniquely identified
by the counter ι. The uniqueness of the label a(Assumption 1) makes sure that all and
only those modules involved in this interaction synchronise with this action (this shows
from the rules in Figure 1). As a consequence of this and since choreographies are strongly
connected, the commands generated by this step of the translation are such that any state
S+is exclusively going to enable these commands (because of the guard sq=ι) which
obviously implies that it must be done with rate λjapplying the rules in Figure 1. This
argument is key for proving both directions of the if and only if.
•C=ifE@p then C1else C2. In this case, the projection of pis
[]sp=ι&E→1 :s′
p=ι+ 1,
[]sp=ι¬(E)→1 :s′
p=ι+nodes (C1) + 1
proj(p, C1, ι+ 1) ∪proj(p, C2, ι+nodes (C1) + 1)
while, for all other roles, we have
proj(q, C1, ι)∪proj(q, C2, ι+nodes (C1))
In this case, role pis enabled by the counter. All other roles are not enabled simply because
we assume that the choreography is strongly connected; hence, any other synchronisation
or if-then-else statement is blocked, as it must involve p(on different counter value).
•C=X, and C=0. Similar to the other case.
The case for DTMC is also similar.
We implemented our language in 1246 lines of Java, by defining its grammar and using
ANTLR [ 1] to generate both parser and visitor components. Each syntax node within the
abstract syntax tree (AST) was encapsulated in a corresponding Node class, with methods
within these classes used for PRISM code generation.
String generateCode ( ArrayList <Node > mods , int index , int maxIndex , boolean isCtmc , ArrayList <
,→String > labels , String prot );
Listing 1: The generateCode function
The generateCode function generates the projection from our language to PRISM. The
input parameters for the projection function include:
•mods: a list of the modules. New commands are appended to the set of commands for
each respective module as they are generated.
•index andmaxIndex : indices for tracking the current module being analyzed.
•isCtmc : a boolean flag indicating if a CTMC is being generated, crucial for projection
generation logic.
•labels : existing labels; essential for checking label uniqueness.
•prot: the name of the protocol currently under analysis.
Page 17:
The projection function operates recursively on each command in the choreographic language,
systematically generating PRISM code based on the type of command being analyzed. While
most code generations are straightforward, the focal point lies in how new states are created.
Each module maintains its set of states, and when a new state needs to be generated, the
function examines the last available state for the corresponding module and increments it
by one. Recursion follows a similar pattern: every module has as a field that accumulates
recursion protocols, along with the first and last states associated with each recursion. This
recursive approach ensures a systematic and coherent generation of states within the modules,
improving the efficiency of the projection.
In Listing 2, we revisit the choreography from Example 2, assuming that process
Pexecutes the same branch for each process Q[i]. Using our notation, we express the
commands concisely without repetition. For every module in the system, where the index i
ranges from 1 to n, a corresponding PRISM module is generated. For instance, in the case
where iranges from 1 to 2, the resulting PRISM code is shown in Listing 3.
C:=P→Q[i] : (+["mu1*gamma[i]"] "(x’=1)" "(y[i]’=2)" ; C
+["mu2*gamma[i]"] "(x’=3)" "(y[i]’=1)" ; C )
Listing 2: Example of an use of parameterization in the choreographic language
2module Q1
3 Q1STATE : [0..1] init 0;
4 y1 : [0 .. N] init 0;
5 [RLICV] (Q1 STATE=0) →gamma1 : (y1’=2)&(Q1 STATE’=0);
6 [OKAMT] (Q1 STATE=0) →gamma1 : (y1’=1)&(Q1 STATE’=0);
9module Q2
10 Q2STATE : [0..1] init 0;
11 y2 : [0 .. N] init 0;
12 [OMPXG] (Q2 STATE=0) →gamma2 : (y2’=2)&(Q2 STATE’=0);
13 [AQNZR] (Q2 STATE=0) →gamma2 : (y2’=1)&(Q2 STATE’=0);
14 endmodule
16 module P
17 PSTATE : [0..2] init 0;
18 x : [0 .. N] init 0;
19 [RLICV] (P STATE=0) →mu1 : (x’=1)&(P STATE’=0);
20 [OKAMT] (P STATE=0) →mu2 : (x’=3)&(P STATE’=0);
21 [OMPXG] (P STATE=0) →mu1 : (x’=1)&(P STATE’=0);
22 [AQNZR] (P STATE=0) →mu2 : (x’=3)&(P STATE’=0);
23 endmodule
Listing 3: PRISM code generated for the choreography in Listing 2
This modular approach systematically represents and integrates each system component
within the PRISM framework, enabling comprehensive analysis and synthesis of the system’s
behavior. Importantly, these internal optimizations do not impact the projection process, as
they focus on efficiency and code management rather than altering the overall structure or
behavior of the projection.
Page 18:
The other differences are primarily syntactic. Updates of the same process are de-
lineated by quotation marks, such as "(x’=1)" . Additionally, rates and probabilities are
represented differently. In our choreographic language the rate/probability of interaction is
represented as the product of rates/probabilities of each process. For example, in Listing
2, we use mu1*gamma[i] to indicate that the rate of the first process ( P) ismu1, while
the rate of the second process ( Q[i]) is represented by gamma[i] . If multiple processes
are interacting, the rate/probability is the product of all corresponding rates/probabilities
(lambda 1. . .*lambda n).
In our implementation, we ensure a single enabled action per state by enforcing label
uniqueness and unique state-associated variables. This clarity aids in accurately determining
enabled actions and improves system reliability, facilitating analysis and comprehension of
system dynamics.
In this section, we present an experimental evaluation of our language. The examples
provided highlight two main points: firstly, the representation using choreographic language
is significantly more concise; secondly, we demonstrate that PRISM behaves similarly on both
the projection and the original model in PRISM also in our implementation. In particular,
we focus on six benchmarks: a modified version of the example reported in Section 2; a
simple Peer-To-Peer protocol; the Bitcoin Proof of Work protocol [ 6]; the Hybrid Casper
protocol [ 13]; a synchronous leader election protocol [ 17] and a modelization of the dining
cryptographers [11]. The generated PRISM files can be found in our online repository [3].
A Modified thinkteam Protocol. In this modified version of the thinkteam protocol
introduced in the earlier sections, we extend the protocol to involve generalised interactions
with possible many receivers. Specifically, the CheckOut process now communicates with two
users simultaneously, User1 and User2 each tasked with performing distinct actions upon
access to the file.
In the first branch, User1 increments the variable xby 1, while User2 decrements the
variable yby 1. Conversely, in the second branch, the roles are reversed, with User1
decrementing xand User2 incrementing y.
C0 := CheckOut →User1, User2 : (+["1*lambda"] " " "(x=x+1)" "(y=y-1)"; C1
+["1*lambda"] " " "(x=x-1)" "(y=y+1)"; C2)
C1 := CheckOut →User1, User2 : (+["1*theta"] ; C0)
C2 := CheckOut →User1, User2 : (+["1*mu "] ; C1 +["1*mu "] ; C2)
Listing 4: Choreography for the Modified thinkteam Protocol
Part of the generated PRISM model is reported in Listing 5. The model less clear
compared to its choreographic representation, primarily due to its lack of sequential structure
and lower readability. In the PRISM model, the absence of a clear sequential structure makes
it harder to follow the flow of interactions between components, since module definitions
and transition labels can be more challenging to read and comprehend compared to the
concise and structured nature of the choreographic language.
Page 19:
1 module CheckOut
2 CheckOut STATE : [0..2] init 0;
3 [MMHOL] (CheckOut STATE=0) −>1 : (CheckOut STATE’=1);
4 [FFSFW] (CheckOut STATE=0) −>1 : (CheckOut STATE’=2);
5 [ULCFN] (CheckOut STATE=1) −>1 : (CheckOut STATE’=0);
6 [YHHWG] (CheckOut STATE=2) −>1 : (CheckOut STATE’=1);
7 [XWSAO] (CheckOut STATE=2) −>1 : (CheckOut STATE’=2);
8 endmodule
9. . .
10 module User2
11 User2 STATE : [0..2] init 0;
12 [MMHOL] (User2 STATE=0) −>lambda : (y’=y −1)&(User2 STATE’=1);
13 [FFSFW] (User2 STATE=0) −>lambda : (y’=y+1)&(User2 STATE’=2);
14 [ULCFN] (User2 STATE=1) −>mu : (User2 STATE’=0);
15 [YHHWG] (User2 STATE=2) −>theta : (User2 STATE’=1);
16 [XWSAO] (User2 STATE=2) −>theta : (User2 STATE’=2);
17 endmodule
Listing 5: Part of the generated PRISM model for the Modified thinkteam Protocol
Simple Peer-To-Peer Protocol. This case study describes a simple peer-to-peer protocol
based on BitTorrent2. The model comprises a set of clients trying to download a file that
has been partitioned into Kblocks. Initially, there is one client that has already obtained
all of the blocks and Nadditional clients with no blocks. Each client can download a block
from any of the others but they can only attempt four concurrent downloads for each block.
The code we analyze with K= 5 and N= 4 is reported in Listing 6.
PeerToPeer := Client[i] →Client[i]: (+["rate1*1"] "(b[i]1’=1)" &&" " . PeerToPeer
+["rate2*1"] "(b[i]2’=1)" &&" " . PeerToPeer
+["rate3*1"] "(b[i]3’=1)" &&" " . PeerToPeer
+["rate4*1"] "(b[i]4’=1)" &&" " . PeerToPeer
+["rate5*1"] "(b[i]5’=1)" &&" " . PeerToPeer)
Listing 6: Choreography for the Peer-To-Peer Protocol
1 module Client1
2 Client1 : [0 .. 1] init 0;
3 b11 : [0 .. 1 ];
4 b12 : [0 .. 1 ];
5 b13 : [0 .. 1 ];
6 b14 : [0 .. 1 ];
7 b15 : [0 .. 1 ];
9 [] ( Client1=0) →rate1 : (b11’=1) &(Client1’=0);
10 [] ( Client1=0) →rate2 : (b12’=1) &(Client1’=0);
11 [] ( Client1=0) →rate3 : (b13’=1) &(Client1’=0);
12 [] ( Client1=0) →rate4 : (b14’=1) &(Client1’=0);
13 [] ( Client1=0) →rate5 : (b15’=1) &(Client1’=0);
14 endmodule
Listing 7: Part of the generated PRISM program for the Peer-To-Peer Protocol
Page 20:
Part of the generated PRISM code is shown in Listing 7 and it is faithful with what is
reported in the PRISM documentation. In Figure 2, we compare the probabilities that
all clients (in a model with 4 clients: Client1 ,. . .,Client4 ) have received all blocks within
the time interval 0 ≤T≤1.5, as obtained from both our generated model and the model
reported in the documentation. This property serves as a benchmark to evaluate whether
the generated model preserves the expected behavior of the original specification. In this
case, there are no differences in the results or the time required to compute the property.
0 0.5 1 1.5
Figure 2: Probability that clients received all the blocks before T, with 0 ≤T≤1.5
Proof of Work Bitcoin Protocol. In [6], the authors extended the PRISM model checker
syntax to incorporate dynamic data types, enhancing its capabilities to model the Proof of
Work protocol used in the Bitcoin blockchain [23].
PoW:=Hasher[i] →Miner[i] :
(+["mR*hR[i]"] " " "(b[i]’=createB(b[i],B[i],c[i]))&(c[i]’=c[i]+1)" ;
Miner[i] →Network : (["rB*1"] "(B[i]’=addBlock(B[i],b[i]))"
foreach(k!=i) "(set[k]’=addBlockSet(set[k],b[i]))"@Network;PoW)
+["lR*hR[i]"] ;
if "!isEmpty(set[i])"@Miner[i] then {
["r"] "(b[i]’=extractBlock(set[i]))"@Miner[i] ;
Miner[i] →Network : (["1*1"] "(setMiner[i]’=addBlockSet(setMiner[i],b[i]))"
"(set[i]’ = removeBlock(set[i],b[i]))";PoW)
if "canBeInserted(B[i],b[i])"@Miner[i] then {
["1"] "(B[i]’=addBlock(B[i],b[i]))&(setMiner[i]’=removeBlock(setMiner[i],b[i]))"@Miner[i];
Listing 8: Choreography for the Proof of Work Bitcoin Protocol
In summary, the code depicts miners engaging in solving PoW, updating their ledgers,
and communicating with the network. The indices irepresent the module renaming feature
of the choreographic language. Thus, each interaction will be repeated for each miner
and hasher of the protocol that we are considering. The protocol works as follows. When
synchronising with the hasher, a miner tries to solve a cryptographic puzzle. Successful
attempts add a new block to its ledger and update other miners’ block sets. Unsuccessful
attempts involve extracting a block, updating its ledger and block sets, and continuing the
PoW process.
Page 21:
Figure 3: Probability that a block is created within Ttime units, 0 ≤T≤1000
The PRISM model we created is more verbose than the one in [ 6], mainly because
we consistently generate the else branch for if-then-else expressions, resulting in a higher
number of instructions. Despite this, the experimental results for block creation probability
within a bound time T(Figure 3) remain unaffected. Any discrepancies between the original
and generated models are due to inherent variations in the simulation-based calculation of
Hybrid Casper Protocol. We now present the Hybrid Casper Protocol [ 13]. The Hybrid
Casper protocol represents a hybrid consensus protocol for blockchains, merging features
from both Proof of Work and Proof of Stake protocols.
PoS := Hasher[i] -> Validator[i] :
(+["mR*1"] "(b[i]’=createB(b[i],L[i],c[i]))&(c[i]’=c[i]+1)";
if "!(mod(getHeight(b[i]),EpochSize)=0)"@Validator[i] then{ . . .}
Validator[i] -> Vote_Manager :(["1*1"] "(Votes’=addVote(Votes,b[i],stake[i]))"; PoS)}
+["hR*1"] ; if "!isEmpty(set[i])"@Validator[i] then { . . .}
else{ PoS }
+["rC*1"] "(lastCheck[i]’=extractCheckpoint(listCheckpoints[i],lastCheck[i]))" . . .
Listing 9: Excerpt of choreography for the Hybrid Casper Protocol
The modeling approach is very similar to the one used for the Proof of Work Bitcoin
protocol. Specifically, the Hybrid Casper protocol is represented in PRISM as the parallel
composition of nValidator modules, along with the modules Vote_Manager and Network .
Each Validator module closely resembles the Miner module from the previous protocol. The
module Vote_Manager is responsible for storing maps containing votes for each block and
computing associated rewards/penalties.
The choreographic model for this example is reported in Listing 9. The code resembles
that of the Proof of Work protocol, but each validator can either create a new block, receive
blocks from the network module, or determine if it’s eligible to vote for specific blocks. For
lack of space, we detailed only part of the code, the complete model can be found in [3].
The generated code is very similar the one outlined in [ 13], with the main distinction
being the greater number of lines in our generated model. This difference is due to the
fact that certain commands could be combined, but our generation lacks the automatic
capability to perform this check. While the results obtained for the probability of creating a
block within the time Treported in Figure 4 exhibit similarity, running simulations for the
generated model takes PRISM 39.016 seconds, compared to the 22.051 seconds required for
the original model.
Page 22:
0 50100150200
Figure 4: Probability that a block is created within Ttime units, 0 ≤T≤200
Synchronous Leader Election. This case study examines the synchronous leader election
protocol proposed by Itai & Rodeh [ 17], designed to elect a leader in a ring of Nprocessors
by exchanging messages. The protocol operates in rounds, where each processor selects
a random ID from {1, . . . , K }, circulates it around the ring, and determines if a unique
maximum ID exists. If so, the processor with this ID becomes the leader; otherwise, the
process repeats in the next round.
For illustration, we considered the case where N= 4 and K= 8, following the PRISM
model3. We modeled this example in our choreographic language, as shown in Listing 10,
capturing the protocol’s behavior and dynamics.
Election := allSynch{ j in [1...4]
Process[j] : (true -> "1/K" : "(p[i]’=0)&(v[i]’=0)&(u[i]’=true)"+
. . .+ "1/K" : "(p[i]’=0)&(v[i]’=7)&(u[i]’=true)") }.
Counter : ("(c<N-1)" -> "1" : "(c’=c+1)")
Counter : ("(c=N-1)" -> "1" : "(c’=c)")
Process1 : ("u1&!(p1=2)&(c<N-1)" -> "1" : "(u1’=true)&(v1’=v2)")
Process1 : ("u1&(p1=2)&(c<N-1)" -> "1" : "(u1’=false)&(v1’=v2)&(p1’=0)")
Process1 : ("!u1&(c<N-1)" -> "1" : "(u1’=false)&(v1’=v2)")
Process1 : ("u1&!(p1=v2)&(c=N-1)" -> "1" : "(u1’=true)&(v1’=0)&(p1’=0)")
Process1 : ("u1&(p1=v2)&(c=N-1)" -> "1" : "(u1’=false)&(v1’=0)&(p1’=0)")
Process1 : ("!u1&(c=N-1)" -> "1" : "(u1’=false)&(v1’=0)")
. . .
if "u1 | u2 | u3 | u4"@Counter then {
Counter -> Process[i] : (["1*1"] "(c’=c)" "(u[i]’=false)&(v[i]’=0)&(p[i]’=0)".
allSynch {
Counter : (true -> "1" : "(c’=c)")
Process1 : (true -> "1" : " ")
. . .
} . END)
else{ Counter -> Process[i] : (["1*1"] "(c’=1)" "(u[i]’=false)&(v[i]’=0)&(p[i]’=0)" . Election)}
Listing 10: Choreography for the Synchronous Leader Election Protocol
While the generated model (Listing 11) successfully replicates the functionality of the PRISM
repository model, a key difference lies in the modular structure of the two representations.
Specifically, the generated model adopts a simplified modular design by grouping transitions
more compactly in certain modules, such as the Counter module. This simplification reduces
redundancy and may improve readability without altering the correctness or outcomes of the
Page 23:
protocol. Importantly, this structural refinement does not impact the behavior of the system,
as the generated model remains functionally equivalent to the original PRISM repository
model, as displayed in Figure 5.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 5: The probability of electing a leader within Lrounds, with 1 ≤L≤10
1 module Counter
2 Counter : [0 .. 4] init 0;
3 c : [0 .. N −1]init0;
4 [YQBDX] (Counter = 0)&(c <N−1)−>1 : (c’=c+1)&(Counter’=1);
5 [YQBDX] (Counter = 0)&(c=N −1)−>1 : (c’=c)&(Counter’=1);
6 [ELTMI] (Counter=1)&(u1 |u2|u3|u4)−>1 : (c’=c)&(Counter’=2);
7 [LJTIP] (Counter=1)&!(u1 |u2|u3|u4)−>1 : (c’=1)&(Counter’=0);
8 [AWUQP] (Counter = 2) −>1 : (c’=c)&(Counter’=2);
9 endmodule
10 module Process1
11 Process1 : [0 .. 4] init 0;
12 p1 : [0 .. K −1]init0;
13 v1 : [0 .. K −1]init0;
14 u1 : bool;
15 [BKKXT](Process1 = 0) −>1/K:(p1’=0)&(v1’=0)&(u1’= true)&(Process1’=1)
16 + 1/K:(p1’=1)&(v1’=1)&(u1’= true)&(Process1’=1)
17 + 1/K:(p1’=2)&(v1’=2)&(u1’= true)&(Process1’=1)
18 + 1/K:(p1’=2)&(v1’=3)&(u1’= true)&(Process1’=1)
19 + 1/K:(p1’=2)&(v1’=4)&(u1’= true)&(Process1’=1)
20 + 1/K:(p1’=2)&(v1’=5)&(u1’= true)&(Process1’=1)
21 + 1/K:(p1’=2)&(v1’=6)&(u1’= true)&(Process1’=1)
22 + 1/K:(p1’=2)&(v1’=7)&(u1’= true)&(Process1’=1);
23 [YQBDX] (Process1 = 1)&u1&!(p1=2)&(c <N−1)−>1 : (u1’= true)&(v1’=v2)&(Process1’=2);
24 [YQBDX] (Process1 = 1)&u1&(p1=2)&(c <N−1)−>1 : (u1’= false)&(v1’=v2)&(p1’=0)&(Process1’=2);
25 [YQBDX] (Process1 = 1)&!u1&(c <N−1)−>1 : (u1’= false)&(v1’=v2)&(Process1’=2);
26 [YQBDX] (Process1 = 1)&u1&!(p1=v2)&(c=N −1)−>1 : (u1’= true)&(v1’=0)&(p1’=0)&(Process1’=2);
27 [YQBDX] (Process1 = 1)&u1&(p1=v2)&(c=N −1)−>1 : (u1’= false)&(v1’=0)&(p1’=0)&(Process1’=2);
28 [YQBDX] (Process1 = 1)&!u1&(c=N −1)−>1 : (u1’= false)&(v1’=0)&(Process1’=2);
29 [ELTMI] (Process1=2) −>1 : (u1’= false)&(v1’=0)&(p1’=0)&(Process1’=3);
30 [LJTIP] (Process1=2) −>1 : (u1’= false)&(v1’=0)&(p1’=0)&(Process1’=0);
31 [AWUQP] (Process1 = 3) −>1 : (Process1’=4);
32 endmodule
33 . . .
Listing 11: Part of the generated PRISM model for the Synchronous Leader Election Protocol
Page 24:
Dining Cryptographers. The generated model for this example does not faithfully model
the original one. We chose to include it in the paper to demonstrate the limitations of our
approach, specifically in cases where the abstraction may not fully capture the behavior
of the original protocol. This allows us to analyze and understand where discrepancies
may arise, highlighting areas for improvement in the model generation process. This case
study explores the dining cryptographers protocol introduced by Chaum [ 11], which allows
a group of Ncryptographers to determine whether their master has anonymously paid
for dinner without revealing the identity of the payer. The protocol functions by having
each cryptographer flip a fair coin and share the outcome with their right-hand neighbor.
Each cryptographer then publicly declares whether the two coins they observe—one they
flipped and one received from the left—match or differ. If a cryptographer is the payer, they
deliberately alter their response. The final count of ”agree” statements follows a predictable
pattern: for an odd number of cryptographers, an odd count indicates that one of them
paid, while an even count means the master paid. This pattern reverses for an even number
of participants.
To illustrate the protocol, we examined the case where N= 3, using the PRISM model4
reported in the official repository. We expressed this scenario in our choreographic language,
as shown in Listing 12.
Crypto := if "(coin[i]=0)"@crypt[i] then {
crypt[i] -> crypt[i] : (+["0.5*1"] "(coin[i]’=1)" . Crypto2
+["0.5*1"] "(coin[i]’=2)" . Crypto2)
else{ Crypto }
Crypto2 := if "((coin[i]>0)&(coin[i+1]>0))"@crypt[i] then{
if "(coin[i]=coin[i+1])"@crypt[i] then {
if "(pay=p[i])"@crypt[i] then { Crypto3 }
else{ ["1"] "(agree[i]’=1)"@crypt[i]. Crypto3 }
if "(pay=p[i])"@crypt[i] then { ["1"] "(agree[i]’=1)"@crypt[i]. Crypto3 }
else{ Crypto3 }
else { Crypto2 }
Crypto3 := allSynch{ j in [1...3]
crypt[j] : (true -> "1" : "true;" )
Listing 12: Choreography for the Dining Cryptographers Protocol
This code defines a choreography model using three distinct choreographies ( Crypto ,Crypto2 ,
and Crypto3 ) to avoid redundancy and optimize the code structure. By using separate
choreographies, we can reuse common logic without rewriting the entire code. The initial
probabilistic branching demonstrates the use of recursion, where both branches of the
probabilistic transition ultimately lead to the same state.
In fact, in the generated PRISM model in Listing 13, we can observe that from the
initial state crypt1 = 0 , we transition to two possible branches where crypt1 = 1 regardless of
Page 25:
whether coin1 takes the value 1 or 2. This is a result of the recursion in the choreography,
where both branches follow the same recursive path that leads to crypt1 = 1 . The transitions
in the model are shown in the following PRISM code, where both transitions have a 50%
probability of either setting coin1 = 1 orcoin1 = 2 , and both lead to the same updated state
crypt1 = 1 . Note that the code provided here only shows a part of the generated PRISM
model. The code for crypt2 and crypt3 follows the same structure.
1 . . .
2 module crypt1
3 crypt1 : [0 .. 2] init 0;
4 coin1 : [0 .. 2] init 0;
5 s1 : [0 .. 1] init 0;
6 agree1 : [0 .. 1] init 0;
7 [] (crypt1=0)&((coin1=0)) −>0.5 : (coin1’=1)&(crypt1’=1)+0.5 : (coin1’=2)&(crypt1’=1);
8 [] (crypt1=0)&!((coin1=0)) −>1:(crypt1’=0);
9 [] (crypt1=1)&(coin1 >0)&(coin2 >0)&((coin1=coin2))&!((pay=p1)) −>1:(agree1’=1)&(crypt1’=2);
10 [] (crypt1=1)&(coin1 >0)&(coin2 >0)&((coin1=coin2))&((pay=p1)) −>1:(crypt1’=2);
11 [] (crypt1=1)&(coin1 >0)&(coin2 >0)&!((coin1=coin2))&((pay=p1)) −>1:(agree1’=1)&(crypt1’=2);
12 [] (crypt1=1)&(coin1 >0)&(coin2 >0)&!((coin1=coin2))&!((pay=p1)) −>1:(crypt1’=2);
13 [LERZX] (crypt1 = 2) −>1:(crypt1’=2);
14 endmodule
15 . . .
Listing 13: Part of the generated PRISM model for the Dining Cryptographers Protocol
In this case, however, the generated model does not exhibit the same behavior as the
original one in the PRISM repository. When analyzing the probability of anonimity, the
result obtained by the original model, as reported on the website, is 0.25, whereas in our
generated model, the probability is 0. This discrepancy arises from a fundamental difference
in how the initial state is handled between the two models.
In the original PRISM model, the transition is defined as:
[] (coin1=0) −>0.5 : (coin1’=1)&(crypt1’=1) + 0.5 : (coin1’=2)&(crypt1’=1);
Here, the transition occurs from coin1 = 0 tocoin1 = 1 orcoin1 = 2 , without any dependency
on the crypt1 state. This allows for a transition regardless of the initial value of crypt1 .
In contrast, in our generated model, the transition is conditional on both coin1 = 0 and
crypt1 = 0 , as shown at line 7 of Listing 13. As a result, the model can only transition when
both conditions are met, but in the original model, such a restriction does not exist. This
difference in the initial state setup explains why the probability of certain events and the
number of states and transtitions in our generated model differ significantly from that of the
original model (95 states and 194 transitions in our model vs. 380 and 776 in the original
8.Related Work and Discussion
Related Work. Choreographic programming [ 22] is a language paradigm for specifying
the expected interactions (communications) of a distributed system from a global viewpoint,
from which decentralised implementations can be generated via projection. The notion of
choreography has been substantially explored in the last decade, both from a theoretical
perspective, e.g., [ 8,9], to full integration into fully-fledged programming languages, such as
WS-CDL [16] and Choral [14]. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of research on probabilistic
Page 26:
aspects of choreographic programming. To the best of our knowledge, Aman and Ciobanu [ 4,
5] are the only ones who studied the concept of choreography and probabilities. Their work
augments multiparty session types (type abstractions for communicating systems that use
the concept of choreography) with a probabilistic internal choice similar to the one used
by our choreographic branching. However, they do not provide any semantics with state
in terms of Markov chains, and, most importantly, they do not project into a probabilistic
declarative language model such as PRISM. Carbone et al. [7] define a logic for expressing
properties of a session-typed choreography language. However, the logic is undecidable and
has no model-checking algorithm. As far as our knowledge extends, there is currently no
work that generates probabilistic models from choreographic languages that can be then
Discussion and Future Work. The ultimate goal of the proposed framework is to use
the concept of choreographic programming to improve several aspects, including usability,
correctness, and efficiency in modeling and analysing systems. In this paper, we address
usability and efficiency of modelling systems by proposing a probabilistic choreography
language. Our language improves the intuitive modeling of concurrent probabilistic systems.
Traditional modeling languages often lack the expressive clarity needed to effectively capture
the intricacies of such systems. By designing a language specific for choreographing system
behaviors, we provide an intuitive means of specifying system dynamics. This approach
enables a more natural and straightforward modeling process, essential for accurately
representing real-world systems and ensuring the efficacy of subsequent analysis.
Although choreograhies and the projection function aim to abstract away low-level
details, providing instead a higher-level representation of system behaviors, the choreographic
approach can have some limitations in expressivity. Some of the case studies presented in the
PRISM documentation [ 2] cannot be modeled by using our current language. Specifically,
there are two main cases where our approach encounters limitations: (i)in the asynchronous
leader election case study, our language prohibits the use of an ’if-then’ statement without an
accompanying ’else’ to prevent deadlocked states; (ii)in probabilistic broadcast protocols or
cyclic server polling system models, the system requires probabilistic branching to synchronise
different modules based on the selected branch. These issues could be fixed by extending
our choreographic language further and are therefore left as future work.
Additionally to these extensions, we conjecture that our semantics for choreographies
may be used for improving performance by directly generating a CTMC or a DTMC from
a choreography, bypassing the projection into the PRISM language. In fact, the Markov
chain construction from a choreography seems to be faster than the construction from a
corresponding projection in the PRISM language, since it is not necessary to take into
account all the possible synchronisations in the rules from Fig. 1. A formal complexity
analysis, an implementation, and performance benchmarking are left as future work.
In conclusion, this paper has introduced a framework for addressing the challenges of
modelling and analysing concurrent probabilistic systems. The development of a choreo-
graphic language with tailored syntax and semantics offers an intuitive modeling approach.
We have established the correctness of a projection function that translates choreographic
models to PRISM-compatible formats. Additionally, our compiler enables seamless transla-
tion of choreographic models to PRISM, facilitating powerful analysis while maintaining
expressive clarity. These contributions bridge the gap between high-level modeling and
robust analysis in probabilistic systems, paving the way for advancements in the field.
Page 27:
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