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Paper 2503.05449

LLM-based Iterative Approach to Metamodeling in Automotive

Authors: Nenad Petrovic, Fengjunjie Pan, Vahid Zolfaghari, Alois Knoll

Published: 2025-03-07


In this paper, we introduce an automated approach to domain-specific metamodel construction relying on Large Language Model (LLM). The main focus is adoption in automotive domain. As outcome, a prototype was implemented as web service using Python programming language, while OpenAI's GPT-4o was used as the underlying LLM. Based on the initial experiments, this approach successfully constructs Ecore metamodel based on set of automotive requirements and visualizes it making use of PlantUML notation, so human experts can provide feedback in order to refine the result. Finally, locally deployable solution is also considered, including the limitations and additional steps required.

Paper Content:
Page 1: LLM-based Iterative Approach to Metamodeling in Automotive March 10, 2025 Nenad Petrovic∗ email: nenad.petrovic@tum.de orcid: 0000-0003-2264-7369Fengjunjie Pan∗ email: f.pan@tum.de orcid: 0009-0005-8303-1156Vahid Zolfaghari∗ email: v.zolfaghari@tum.de orcid: 0009-0004-0039-6014Alois Knoll∗ email: k@tum.de orcid: 0000-0003-4840-076X ∗Technical University of Munich (TUM) School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems Abstract —In this paper, we introduce an automated approach to domain-specific metamodel construction relying on Large Language Model (LLM). The main focus is adoption in au- tomotive domain. As outcome, a prototype was implemented as web service using Python programming language, while OpenAI’s GPT-4o was used as the underlying LLM. Based on the initial experiments, this approach successfully constructs Ecore metamodel based on set of automotive requirements and visualizes it making use of PlantUML notation, so human experts can provide feedback in order to refine the result. Finally, locally deployable solution is also considered, including the limitations and additional steps required. I. I NTRODUCTION Evolution and paradigm shifts towards centralized vehicular systems in automotive have significant impact on related tools used for engineering and development as well [1]. In auto- motive, model-driven engineering (MDE) tools and methods (such as SysML on top of AUTOSAR standard) are widely adopted in order to make the development more convenient for different experts involved into the process [2]. At core of model-driven tools, metamodels are used as formal repre- sentations capturing key domain concepts, their attributes and relations. Therefore, the change of automotive architectures implies update of the existing metamodels and their alignment with respect to current trends in order to support. However, this task is expensive and time-consuming, as it is usually done manually and requires sophisticated automotive domain expertise. Additionally, changes on metamodel-level might also require the updates when it comes to other software artifacts relying on its structure, such as model instance creation and visualization tools, especially when it comes to underlying parsers. Due to the previously mentioned facts, it can be observed that such changes lead to disruptions of the development process, making it less flexible and slower when it comes to innovation-oriented experimentation in this domain. On the other side, the trending Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit strong text summarization capabilities, mak- ing them potentially suitable for task that involve conceptabstraction which is the case of metamodeling, which was approved in earlier research [3] [4]. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the capability of state-of-art commercial LLM – OpenAI’s GPT-4.0o for metamodeling task, while the focus is on automotive domain. The goal of the proposed approach to automatically generate automotive metamodel based on OEM- provided requirements as input through multiple iterations, as LLM-based metamodeling approaches leveraging problem decomposition exhibit better results [5]. For metamodel rep- resentation, we use widely adopted Eclipse Modeling Frame- work (EMF) and its Ecore format [6], while PlantUML [7] class diagram representation is used in order to visualize the intermediary result to the end-user. In order to demonstrate the methodology, a prototype web service is implemented using Python programming language. To the best of our knowledge, there aren’t any similar tools targeting automotive domain available yet. II. I MPLEMENTATION OVERVIEW In Fig. 1, a high-level depiction of the proposed method’s workflow is given. Within the first step, automotive engineer provides a collection of requirements covering various aspects of the vehicular system. While the scope of the provided requirements can be arbitrarily large, it is expected to cover at least the aspects relevant to sensors and actuators of the vehicle, as they can be conveniently demonstrated in our simulation engine on top of CARLA, as presented in [8]. In order to extract the requirements relevant to specific aspect of the vehicular system (such as filtering only sensor and actuator-related), we make use of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) methodology, built upon our previous work from [9]. RAG splits the provided requirements document into chunks, multiple smaller pieces which are leveraged in order to store and later retrieve information more efficiently from large input documents. After that, LLM-based service is used to construct meta- model based on the provided set of requirements. As output of this process, a partial metamodel is constructed, whicharXiv:2503.05449v1 [cs.SE] 7 Mar 2025 Page 2: Fig. 1. LLM-based workflow for iterative metamodeling in automotive domain: 1-Freeform text 2-Text chunks 3-Ecore metamodel (partial) and updated model parser 4-Metamodel visualization based on PlantUML 5-Expert feedback/update request 6-Ecore metamodel (complete) 7-Freeform text 8-Model instance 9-XMI file 10-OCL rules based on standards 11-Complete and consistent system model 12-Executable code . is not the final outcome, but intermediate product which is iteratively refined, based on additional requirements which are provided as input. In parallel, it is expected that LLM also generates updated model parser based on the current meta- model each time it is updated. The initial partial metamodel only contains ”Vehicle” element which should be on top of hierarchy. Additionally, at each of the steps, the current state of the partial metamodel can be visualized as PlantUML class diagram, so human expert can have insight into its structure. Optionally, in case that further correction or refinement of the LLM-constructed metamodel is needed, human expert can provide feedback, which will be taken into account and could directly affect its structure. As already emphasized, the process of metamodel construction is iterative and its output is Ecore file, while PlantUML class diagram and PNG format image are constructed as side products intended for metamodel visualization. While PlantUML representation is created also using LLM, the image file is rendered using an auxiliary client library for Python - plantweb [10]. In what follows, the underlying prompts used for metamodel construction are given. System prompt 1: ”You are generating .ecore metamodel without additional comments. ” User prompt 1: ”Based on description [requirements] up- date Ecore metamodel [current metamodel]”. Additionally, PlantUML representation is also created for purpose of metamodel visualization based on the following prompts. System prompt 2: ”You are generating plantuml metamodel about vehicle with no additional comments. Subclass relations should be identified. ” User prompt 2: ”Based on description [requirements] up- date plantuml class diagram [current plantuml]” Once metamodel construction process is finished through one or many iterations of adding new requirements, the produced Ecore file can be further used. There are two later steps where metamodel is required: 1) model instance creation - construction of XMI model instances using LLMs based on user-provided requirements with respect to given metamodel,TABLE I PROTOTYPE API OVERVIEW . Service endpoint Method Parameters Output updateMetamodel POST requirements Ecore metamodel getCurrentMetamodel GET - PNG image as described in [1]; 2) OCL rule generation - construction of design constraint rules based on reference architecture and standardisation-related documents, built upon works from [11]. After those two steps, the model instance is checked in order to identify whether it is compliant to given set of OCL rules. The underlying mechanism is work in progress, while the initial results were presented in [11]. Finally, once the model instance is complete and contradiction-free, it can be further used for code gener- ation. Based on our work from [8], we further generate code for CARLA simulator covering the aspects of vehicle configuration (sensors, actuators), environment (pedestrians, obstacles, weather conditions) and behavior (event chain for autonomous driving-related functionality, such as lane keeping and emergency braking). The initial prototype is deployed on free version of Google Colab as Python web application relying on Flask with simple API, as shown in Table II. In order to run it, about only 1.2GB of RAM was occupied, as it relies on cloud-based infrastructure provided by OpenAI for LLM execution. The first service endpoint is used for both creation of new and update of the existing metamodel, considering either vehicle requirements or human hints/feedback as input. The role of second service endpoint is to visualize the current state of the constructed metamodel. III. E XPERIMENT SCENARIO AND EVALUATION For purpose of the approach showcase, a scenario of three- iteration automotive metamodel construction using LLM will be depicted (see Fig. 2). In the first iteration, we only provide requirements related to sensors. As output, partial metamodel denotes that sensors are part of vehicle, while specific types of sensors with Page 3: TABLE II EVALUATION FOR GPT4 O SOLUTION . Step Aspect Req. [num] Tokens Exec. [s] Creation Sensors 19 647 9.64 Update Actuators, power 14 1102 11.52 Feedback HW accelerators 3 1113 9.36 corresponding parameters are derived by inheritance. In the second iteration, we include requirements related to both actuators and power management as well. In the the third iteration, human expert feedback is taken into account, in order to include hardware accelerators as part of the vehicle, considering two relevant properties: processing unit clock and architecture type. The output of the third iteration is complete metamodel containing all the mentioned elements. As it can be noticed, it also includes default attributes values based on the provided OEM requirements. Additionally, we consider the execution time and token con- sumption for these iterations, taking into account the number of requirements handled for each of the underlying steps. As it can be seen, both time required and token consumption increase with current metamodel size and number of new requirements introduced. When it comes to the benefits of adopting such approach in automotive toolchains, it is obvious that significant amount of time will be saved, as manual procedure of changing metamodel might be time consuming, especially for huge number of new requirements being ab- stracted. The estimated effort for such actions done manually would be at least order of magnitude of minute, but automatic approach based on LLMs performs it within several seconds. On the other side, locally deployable instance of DeepSeek’s smaller size model deepseek-ai/deepseek-llm-7b-chat was used for comparison to commercial one. The deployment was done on Google Colab Pro version with A100-based GPU configuration with 40GB of VRAM. Based on the initial results, this model was not able to produce syntactically correct Ecore result. On the other side, it was able to generate correct PlantUML class diagram which can be visualized. Based on that observation, an additional component was added to the pipeline in order to tackle this issue - a model-to- model transformation script which transforms PlantUML class diagrams to Ecore metamodel format, as shown in Fig. 3 . The results achieved using locally deployable model were compared to the metamodel constructed using GPT-4o. The summary of the achieved results was given in III. As it can be noticed, DeepSeek 7B model was able to identify all the classes and composition relations, while its main struggle were generalizations of subclasses. Additionally, it can be also noticed that it exhibits worse performance when it comes to attribute identification, resulting with lower number of attributes in the automatically created product. However, one of possible solutions would be additional steps of human feedback steps to correct the intermediary result.TABLE III LOCALLY DEPLOYABLE DEEPSEEK 7B SOLUTION COMPARED TO GPT-4 O. Scenario Classes Attributes Composition Subclass Sensors 6/6 15/21 5/5 6/6 Actuators 2/2 3/8 2/2 0/2 Power 1/1 3/6 1/1 0/1 IV. C ONCLUSION In this paper, we have shown a proof-of-concept imple- mentation for iterative metamodeling based on textual input. The presented case study is focused on automotive domain - the inputs are automotive requirements, while the output is metamodel which can be further leveraged for automotive soft- ware generation, along with requirements-level completeness and consistency checking. Based on the achieved outcomes, it is shown that such approach exhibits much potential even out of box, without many additional efforts in case of larger commercial models such as OpenAI’s GPT-4o, while usage of smaller ones needs adoption of additional strategy in order to ensure the correct and further usable output. However, several further refinements have to be taken into account, especially to overcome the challenges of han- dling large metamodels [12], approaches to tackle to LLM hallucinations and cleaning the generated output for usage within automotive tools. Additionally, the potential of locally deployable LLMs will be explored, especially when it comes to smaller models with fine tuning applied, considering that non-disclosure of OEM-specific requirements to external cloud services is highly valuable. Finally, finding the right method and automating the evaluation of LLM-generated metamodels is another challenging aspect that will be addressed in our future works on this topic as well. REFERENCES [1] N. Petrovic, F. Pan, K. Lebioda, V . Zolfaghari, S. Kirchner, N. Purschke, M. A. Khan, V . V orobev, and A. Knoll, “Synergy of Large Language Model and Model Driven Engineering for Automated Development of Centralized Vehicular Systems,” Technical University of Munich, Tech. Rep., 2024. [Online]. Available: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1738462/1738462.pdf [2] M. Schulze, J. Weiland, and D. 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