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Paper 2501.03187

Turn-based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Model Checking

Authors: Dennis Gross

Published: 2025-01-06


In this paper, we propose a novel approach for verifying the compliance of turn-based multi-agent reinforcement learning (TMARL) agents with complex requirements in stochastic multiplayer games. Our method overcomes the limitations of existing verification approaches, which are inadequate for dealing with TMARL agents and not scalable to large games with multiple agents. Our approach relies on tight integration of TMARL and a verification technique referred to as model checking. We demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our technique through experiments in different types of environments. Our experiments show that our method is suited to verify TMARL agents and scales better than naive monolithic model checking.

Paper Content:
Page 1: arXiv:2501.03187v1 [cs.AI] 6 Jan 2025Turn-based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Model Chec king Dennis Gross Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University, Toernooiveld 212, 6525 EC Nijmegen, The Netherlands dgross@science.ru.nl Keywords: Turn-based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, Model Che cking Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel approach for verifying the c ompliance of turn-based multi-agent reinforce- ment learning (TMARL) agents with complex requirements in s tochastic multiplayer games. Our method overcomes the limitations of existing verification approac hes, which are inadequate for dealing with TMARL agents and not scalable to large games with multiple agents. Our approach relies on tight integration of TMARL and a verification technique referred to as model check ing. We demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our technique through experiments in differ ent types of environments. Our experiments show that our method is suited to verify TMARL agents and scales be tter than naive monolithic model checking. 1 INTRODUCTION AI technology has revolutionized the game in- dustry ( Berner et al. ,2019 ), enabling the creation of agents that can outperform human players us- ingturn-based multi-agent reinforcement learning (TMARL) (Silver et al. ,2016 ). TMARL consists of multiple agents, where each one learns a near-optimal policy based on its own objective by making observa- tions and gaining rewards through turn-based interac- tions with the environment ( Wong et al. ,2022 ). The strength of these agents can also be a problem, limiting the gameplay experience and hindering the design of high-quality games with non-player charac- ters (NPCs) ( Svelch ,2020 ;Nam et al. ,2022 ). Game developers want to ensure that their TMARL agents behave as intended, and tracking their rewards can al- low them to fine-tune their performance. However, re- wards are not expressive enough to encode more com- plex requirements for TMARL agents, such as ensur- ing that a specific sequence of events occurs in a par- ticular order ( Littman et al. ,2017 ;Hahn et al. ,2019 ; Hasanbeig et al. ,2020 ;Vamplew et al. ,2022 ). This paper addresses the challenge of verifying the compliance of TMARL agents with complex requirements by combining TMARL with rigorous model checking (Baier and Katoen ,2008 ). Rigorous model checking is a formal verification technique that uses mathematical models to verify the correct- ness of a system with respect to a given property. It is called ”rigorous” because it provides guaran- tees of correctness based on rigorous mathematicalreasoning and logical deductions. In the context of this paper, rigorous model checking is used to ver- ify TMARL agents. The system being verified is the TMARL system, which is modeled as a Markov deci- sion process (MDP) treating the collection of agents as a joint agent , and the property is the set of re- quirements that the agents must satisfy. Our proposed method1supports a broad range of properties that can be expressed by probabilistic computation tree logic (PCTL; Hansson and Jonsson ,1994 ). We eval- uate our method on different TMARL benchmarks and show that it outperforms naive monolithic model checking2. To summarize, the main contributions of this pa- per are: 1. rigorous model checking of TMARL agents, 2. a method that outperforms naive monolithic model checking on different benchmarks. The paper is structured in the following way. First, we summarize the related work and position our paper in it. Second, we explain the fundamentals of our technique. Then, we present the TMARL model checking method and describe its function- alities and limitations. After that, we evaluate 1GitHub-Repository: https://github.com/DennisGross/COOL-MC/tree/marko 2Naive monolithic model checking is called ”naive” be- cause it does not take into account the complexity of the system or the number of possible states it can be in, and it is called ”monolithic” because it treats the entire system a s a single entity, without considering the individual compo- nents of the system or the interactions between them. Page 2: our method in multiple environments from the AI and model checking community ( Lee and Togelius , 2017 ;Even-Dar et al. ,2006 ;Abu Dalffa et al. ,2019 ; Hartmanns et al. ,2019 ). The empirical analysis shows that the TMARL model checking method can effectively check PCTL properties of TMARL agents. 2 RELATED WORK PRISM (Kwiatkowska et al. , 2011 ) and Storm (Hensel et al. ,2022 ) are tools for for- mal modeling and analysis of systems that ex- hibit uncertain behavior. PRISM is also a lan- guage for modeling discrete-time Markov chains (DTMCs) and MDPs. We use PRISM to model the TMARL environments as MDPs. Until now, PRISM and Storm do not allow verifying TMARL agents. PRISM-games ( Kwiatkowska et al. ,2018 ) is an extension of PRISM to verify stochas- tic multi-player games (including turn-based stochastic multi-player games). Various works about turn-based stochastic game model check- ing have been published ( Kwiatkowska et al. , 2022 ,2019 ;Li et al. ,2020 ;Hansen et al. ,2013 ; Kucera ,2011 ). None of them focus on TMARL systems. TMARL has been applied to mul- tiple turn-based games ( Wender and Watson , 2008 ;Pagalyte et al. ,2020 ;Silver et al. ,2016 ; Videga´ ın and Garc´ ıa-S´ anchez ,2021 ;Pagalyte et al. , 2020 ). The major work about model checking for RL agents focuses on single RL agents ( Wang et al. , 2020 ;Hasanbeig et al. ,2020 ;Hahn et al. ,2019 ; Hasanbeig et al. , 2019 ; Fulton and Platzer , 2019 ;Sadigh et al. ,2014 ;Bouton et al. ,2019 ; Chatterjee et al. ,2017 ). However, model checking work exists for cooperative MARL ( Riley et al. , 2021a ;Khan et al. ,2019 ;Riley et al. ,2021b ), but no work for TMARL. Therefore, with our research, we try to close the gap between TMARL and model checking. 3 BACKGROUND In this section, we introduce the fundamentals of our work. We begin by summarizing the modeling and analysis of probabilistic systems, which forms the ba- sis of our approach to check TMARL agents. We then describe TMARL in more detail.3.1 Probabilistic Systems Aprobability distribution over a set Xis a function µ:X→[0,1]with ∑x∈Xµ(x) =1. The set of all dis- tributions on Xis denoted Distr(X). Definition 3.1 (Markov Decision Process) .A Markov decision process (MDP) is a tuple M= (S,s0,A,T,rew)where Sis a finite, nonempty set of states; s0∈Sis an initial state; Ais a finite set of ac- tions; T:S×A→Distr(S)is a probability transition function; rew:S×A→Ris a reward function. We employ a factored state representation where each state sis a vector of features (f1,f2,...,fn)where each feature fj∈Zfor 1≤i≤n(nis the dimen- sion of the state). The available actions in s∈S areA(s) ={a∈A|T(s,a)/ne}ationslash=⊥}. An MDP with only one action per state ( ∀s∈S:|A(s)|=1) is a DTMC. A path of an MDP Mis an (in)finite sequence τ=s0a0,r0− −− → s1a1,r1− −− →..., where si∈S,ai∈A(si), ri:=rew(si,ai), and T(si,ai)(si+1)/ne}ationslash=0. A state s′ is reachable from state sif there exists a path τfrom state sto state s′. We say a state sis reachable if sis reachable from s0. Definition 3.2 (Policy) .Amemoryless deterministic policy for an MDP Mis a function π:S→Athat maps a state s∈Sto an action a∈A(s). Applying a policy πto an MDP Myields an induced DTMC , denoted as D, where all non- determinism is resolved. A state sis reachable by a policy πifsis reachable in the DTMC induced by π. We specify the properties of a DTMC via the specifi- cation language PCTL ( Wang et al. ,2020 ). Definition 3.3 (PCTL Syntax) .Let APbe a set of atomic propositions. The following gram- mar defines a state formula: Φ::=true|a|Φ1∧ Φ2| ¬Φ|P⊲⊳p|Pmax ⊲⊳p(φ)|Pmin ⊲⊳p(φ)where a∈AP,⊲⊳∈ {<,>,≤,≥},p∈[0,1]is a threshold, and φis a path formula which is formed according to the fol- lowing grammar φ::=XΦ|φ1Uφ2|φ1Fθtφ2|GΦ with θ={<,≤}. For MDPs, PCTL formulae are interpreted over the states of the induced DTMC of an MDP and a policy. In a slight abuse of notation, we use PCTL state formulas to denote probability values. That is, we sometimes write P⊲⊳p(φ)where we omit the threshold p. For instance, in this paper, P(F collision )denotes the reachability probability of eventually running into a collision. There exist a variety of model checking algorithms for verify- ing PCTL properties ( Courcoubetis and Yannakakis , 1988 ,1995 ). PRISM ( Kwiatkowska et al. ,2011 ) and Storm ( Hensel et al. ,2022 ) offer efficient and Page 3: Agent 1 π(s) Environmenta s,r Figure 1: This diagram represents a single RL system in which an agent (Agent 1) interacts with an environment. The agent observes a state (denoted as s) and a reward (de- noted as r) from the environment based on its previous ac- tion (denoted as a). The agent then uses this information to select the next action, which it sends back to the environ- ment. mature tool support for verifying probabilistic sys- tems ( Kwiatkowska et al. ,2011 ;Hensel et al. ,2022 ). Definition 3.4 (Turn-based stochastic multi-player game) .Aturn-based stochastic multi-player game (TSG) is a tuple(S,s0,I,A,(Si)i∈I,T,{rew i}i∈I)where Sis a finite, nonempty set of states; s0∈Sis an initial state; Iis a finite, nonempty set of agents; Ais a finite, nonempty set of actions available to all agents; (Si)i∈I is a partition of the state space S;T:S×A→[0,1]is a transition function; and rew i:Si×A→Ris a reward function for each agent i. Each agent i∈Ihas a policy πi:Si→Athat maps a state si∈Sito an action ai∈A. The joint policy π induced by the set of agent policies {πi}i∈Iis the map- ping from states into actions and transforms the TSG into an induced DTMC. 3.2 Turn-based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (TMARL) We now introduce TMARL. The standard learning goal for RL is to find a policy πin an MDP such that πmaximizes the expected discounted reward, that is,E[∑L t=0γtRt], where γwith 0≤γ≤1 is the discount factor, Rtis the reward at time t, and L is the total number of steps ( Kaelbling et al. ,1996 ). TMARL extends the RL idea to find near-optimal agent policies πiin a TSG setting (compare Figure 1 with Figure 2 ). Each policy πiis represented by a neural network. A neural network is a function pa- rameterized by weights θi. The neural network policy πican be trained by minimizing a sequence of loss functions J(θi,s,ai)(Mnih et al. ,2013 ). 4 Model Checking of TMARL agents We now describe how to verify trained TMARL agents. Recall, the joint policy πinduced by the set of all agent policies {πi}i∈Iis a single policy π. The tool COOL-MC (Gross et al. ,2022 ) allows model check-EnvironmentAgent 1 π1(s) Agent 2 π2(s)a1 s1,r1 a2 s2,r2 Figure 2: This diagram represents a TMARL system in which two agents (Agent 1 and Agent 2) interact in a turn- based manner with a shared environment. The agents re- ceive states (denoted as s1ands2) and rewards (denoted as r1andr2) from the environment based on their previous actions (denoted as a1anda2). The agents then use this in- formation to select their next actions, which they send back to the environment. State s Extract turn from state s Which turn? π1(s) π2(s) Action aturn=1 turn=2 a1 a2Joint Policy Wrapper Figure 3: An example of a joint policy wrapper with two policies. The wrapper takes in a state (denoted as s) and extracts the current turn from that state. It then uses this information to determine which of two policies ( π1andπ2) should choose the next action. The selected policy then pro- duces an action, which is output by the joint policy wrapper. ing of a single RL policy πagainst a user-provided PCTL property P(φ)and MDP M. Thereby, it builds the induced DTMC Dincrementally ( Cassez et al. , 2005 ). To verify a TMARL system, we model it as a nor- mal MDP. We have to extend the MDP with an addi- tional feature called turn that controls which agent’s turn it is. To support joint policies π(s), and there- fore multiple TMARL agents, we created a joint pol- icy wrapper that queries the corresponding TMARL agent policy at every turn (see Figure 3 ). With the joint policy wrapper, we build the induced DTMC the following way. For every state sthat is reachable via the joint policy π, we query for an action a=π(s). In the underlying MDP M, only states s′that may be reached via that action a∈A(s)are expanded. The resulting DTMC induced by Mandπis fully deter- ministic, as no action choices are left open and ready for efficient model checking. Limitations. Our method allows the model check- ing of probabilistic policies by always choosing the action with the highest probability at each state. We Page 4: support any environment that can be modeled us- ing the PRISM language ( Kwiatkowska et al. ,2011 ). However, our method does not consider PCTL prop- erties with the reward operator ( Hansson and Jonsson , 1994 ). When creating the joint policy, there is no sep- aration of which agent receives which reward. TSGs with more than two agents must han- dle inactive agents who no longer participate in the game. Our method handles this by allow- ing non-participating agents to only apply actions that only change the turn feature, allowing the next agent to make a move. This must be considered when using the expected time step PCTL opera- torHansson and Jonsson (1994 ). Our method is independent of the learning algo- rithm and allows for the model checking of TMARL policies that select their actions based on the cur- rent and fully-observed state. For simplicity, we fo- cus on TMARL agents with the same action space in this paper. However, extending our method to support TMARL agents with different action spaces and different partial observations for different agents is straightforward. 5 EXPERIMENTS We now evaluate our proposed model checking method in multiple environments. 5.1 Setup In this section, we provide an overview of the ex- perimental setup. We first introduce the environ- ments, followed by the trained TMARL agents. Next, we describe the model checking properties that we used, and finally, we provide details about the tech- nical setup. Environments. Pokemon is an environment from the game franchise Pokemon that was developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo in 1996 ( Freak ,1996 ). It is used in the Showdown AI competition ( Lee and Togelius ,2017 ). In a Pokemon battle, two agents fight one another until the Poke- mon of one agent is knocked out (see Figure 4 ). The impact of randomness in Pokemon is significant, and much of the game’s competitive strategy comes from accurately estimating stochastic events. The dam- age calculation formula for attacks includes a random multiplier between the values of 0.85 and 1.0. Each Pokemon has four different attack actions (tackle, punch, poison, sleep) and can use items (for example, heal pots to recover its hit points (HP)). The attacks Figure 4: This screenshot shows a scene from the Show- down AI competition, in which two Pokemon characters are engaged in a battle. We model this scene in PRISM. The AI-controlled Pokemons use different policies πito try and defeat their opponent. The outcome of the battle will depend on the abilities and actions of the two Pokemons, as well as on random elements. tackle andpunch decrease the opponent’s Pokemon HP,poison decreases the HP over multiple turns, and sleep does not allow the opponent’s Pokemon to at- tack for multiple turns. All actions in Pokemon have a success rate, and there is a chance that they fail. S={(turn,done,HP0,sleeping 0,poisoned 0, healpots 0,sleeps 0,poisons 0,punches 0, HP1,sleeping 1,poisoned 1,healpots 1,sleeps 1, poisons 1,punches 1),...} Act={sleep,tackle,heal,punch,poison} rew i=  if agent iwins: 5000 +max(100−HP1−0.2∗(100−HP0),0) otherwise: max(100−HP1−0.2∗(100−HP0),0) The main purpose of this environment is to show that it is possible to verify TMARL agents in complex en- vironments. The main difference to the Showdown AI competition is that each agent observes the full game state, each agent has only the previously mentioned action choices, and our environment allows one Poke- mon per agent. The multi-armed bandit problem (MABP) is a problem in which a fixed limited set of resources must be allocated between competing choices in a way that maximizes their expected gain when each choice’s properties are only partially known at the time of allocation and may become better under- stood as time passes or by allocating resources to the choice ( Even-Dar et al. ,2006 ;Shahrampour et al. , Page 5: Env. Label PCTL Property Query ( P(φ)) =|S| | T|Time (s) Pokemon won1 P(F won 1) TO TO TO TO Pokemon (5HP) HP5NoHealP1 P(F won 1) 0.34 213 640 14 Pokemon (5HP) HP5NoHealP2 P(F won 2) 0.66 222 667 14 Pokemon (5HP) usePoisons0HealP1 P(poisons 1=2 Upoisons 1<2) 0.0 238 715 17 Pokemon (20HP) useHeal20P1 P(healpot 1=1 Uhealpot 1=0) 0.65 6720 40315 401 MABP 25 lost1 P(Flost 1) 0.0 50 51 5 MABP 100 lost1 P(Flost 1) 0.0 100 100 296 Tic-Tac-Toe marking order P(((cell 10=0 Ucell 10=2)Ucell 12=2)Ucell 11=2) 1.0 18 30 0 .5 CC CC1KO P(F player 1ko) 0.0 205 281 54 CC CC2KO P(F player 2ko) 0.001 197 273 53 CC CC3KO P(F player 3ko) 0.0 205 281 54 CC collision P(F collision ) 0.36 199 275 47 Table 1: The table presents the results of running probabili stic model checking via our method on various environments. For each environment, the table lists the label for the probabil istic computation tree logic (PCTL) property query that was used, the result of the query, the number of states in the environme nt, the number of transitions, and the time it took to run the q uery. TOindicates that the query did not complete within 24 hours, an d therefore the time taken is unknown. 2017 ). It is a classic RL problem. We transformed this problem into a turn-based MABP. At each turn, an agent has to learn which action maximizes its ex- pected reward. S={(HP1,HP2,...,HPN,turn,done),...} Act={bandit 1,bandit 2} rew i=/braceleftBigg 1, if agent iis alive 0, otherwise The Tic-Tac-Toe environment is a paper-and- pencil game for two agents who take turns mark- ing the empty cells in a 3x3 grid with X or O. The agent who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the win- ner ( Abu Dalffa et al. ,2019 ). With a probability of 10%, an agent does not draw in the grid during its turn. S={(cell 00,cell 01,cell 02,cell 10,cell 11,cell 12, cell 20,cell 21,cell 22,turn,done),...} Act=A mark action per cell. rew i=/braceleftBigg 500, if agent iwins 0, otherwise The Coin Collection (CC) environment is a game in which three agents must collect coins in a 4x4 grid world without colliding with each other. If an agent collides with another, the environment terminates. An agent can attack another agent by standing next to them with a success rate of 0 .4. Each agent receives a reward for every round it is not knocked out (its HP is not 0) and a larger reward for collecting coins. TheCC environment is inspired by the QComp bench- mark resource gathering ( Hartmanns et al. ,2019 ). S={(x1,y1,hp1,x2,y2,hp2,x3,y3,hp3, coin x,coin y,done,turn),...} Act={up,right,down,le ft, hitup,hitright,hitdown,hitle ft} rew i=/braceleftBigg 100, if agent icollects coin 1, otherwise Trained TMARL agents. In the training results, agent 1 in Pokemon has an average reward of 818 .23 over 100 episodes, while agent 2 has an average re- ward of 690 .32 over the same number of episodes (50,000 episodes in total). In Tic-Tac-Toe (10 ,000 episodes in total), agent 1 has an average reward of 370.0, while agent 2 has an average reward of 100. In CC (10 ,000 episodes in total), agent 1 has an aver- age reward of 29 .72, agent 2 has an average reward of 111.58, and agent 3 has an average reward of 117 .69. The reward of the TMARL agents can be neglected because we only use them for performance measure- ments. All of our training runs used a seed of 128, an ε=0.5.εmin=0.1,εdec=0.9999, γ=0.99, a learn- ing rate of 0 .0001, batch size of 32, replay buffer size of 300,000, and a target network replacement interval of 304. The Pokemon agents have four layers, each with 256 rectifier neurons. The Tic-Tac-Toe, MABP, and CC agents have two layers, each with 256 recti- fier neurons. Properties. Table 1 presents the property queries of the trained policies. For example, HP5NoHealP 1 de- Page 6: scribes the probability of agent 2 winning the Poke- mon battle when both Pokemon have HP=5 and no more heal pots. Note, at this point, that our main goal is to verify the trained TMARL policies and that we do not focus on training near-optimal policies. Technical setup. We executed our benchmarks on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 Mobile GPU, 16 GB RAM, and an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz x 12. For model checking, we use Storm 1.7.1 (dev). 5.2 Analysis In this section, we address the following research questions: 1. Does our proposed method scale better than naive monolithic model checking? 2. How many TMARL agents can our method han- dle? 3. Do the TMARL agents perform specific game moves? We will provide detailed answers to these questions and discuss the implications of our findings. Does our proposed method scale better than naive monolithic model checking? In this experiment, we compare our method with a naive monolithic model checking in the Pokemon environment. For a whole Pokemon battle (starting with HP=100, unlim- ited tackle attacks, 5 punch attacks, 2 sleep attacks, 2 poison attacks, and 3 heal pots), naive monolithic model checking runs out of memory. On the other hand, our method runs out of time (time out after 24 hours). However, we can train TMARL agents in the Pokemon environment and can, for example, analyze the end game. For instance, our method al- lows the model checking of environments with HP of 20 and 1 heal pot left, and we can quantify the prob- ability that Pokemon 1 uses the heal pot with 0 .65 (see useHeal20P1 in Table 1 ). On the other hand, for naive monolithic model checking, it is impossible to extract this probability because it runs out of mem- ory with a model that contains 31 ,502,736 states and 51,6547,296 transitions. However, at some point, our model checking method is also limited by the size of the induced DTMC and runs out of mem- ory ( Gross et al. ,2022 ). How many TMARL agents can our method han- dle? We perform this experiment in the MABP en- vironment with multiple agents because, in this en- vironment, it is straightforward to show how our25 50 75 100 125 Number of Agents0123456Time in Seconds Figure 5: The diagram shows the time it takes to build a state for a TMARL system as the number of agents in the system increases. The curve in the diagram indicates that the time it takes to build a state increases exponentially as the number of agents increases. method performs with different numbers of TMARL agents. To evaluate our method, we train multiple agents using TMARL to play the MABP game with different numbers of agents. We then compare the performance of our method to naive monolithic model checking, and evaluate the scalability of both methods as we increase the number of agents in the game. Naive monolithic model checking is unable to ver- ify (Pmax(F lost 1)) 24 agents in the MABP environ- ment due to memory constraints. The largest possi- ble MDP that can be checked using monolithic model checking contains 23 agents and has 100 ,663,296 states and 247 ,463,936 transitions. In contrast, our method allows the model checking up to over 100 TMARL agents, and we can verify in each of the TMARL systems that agent 1 never uses the riskier bandit (see, for 25 agents, the property query lost1 in Table 1 ). This experiment shows, that the limitation of our approach is the action querying time, which in- creases with the number of agents (see Figure 5 ). Do the TMARL agents perform specific game moves? In the Pokemon environment, agent 1 uses a heal pot with only 20 HP remaining (see useHeal 20P1 inTable 1 ). This is a reasonable strat- egy in a late game when the agent is low on HP and needs to restore its HP to avoid being defeated. Furthermore, agent 1 wins in the end game with HP=5 and no heal pot left with a probability of HP5NoHealP 1=0.33, and agent 2 wins with a prob- ability of HP5NoHealP 2=0.66. In Tic-Tac-Toe, agent 2 first marks cell 10, then cell 12, and finally cell 11in a specific order. In the CC environment, we observe that only the second agent may get knocked Page 7: out (CC2KO=0.001) and that a collision occurs in 36% of the cases (collision). Overall, these details show that our method gives insight into policy behav- iors in different environments. 6 CONCLUSION In this work, we presented an analytical method for model checking TMARL agents. Our method is based on constructing an induced DTMC from the TMARL system and using probabilistic model check- ing techniques to verify the behavior of the agents. We applied our method to multiple environments and found that it is able to accurately verify the behavior of the TMARL agents. Our method can handle sce- narios that can not be verified using naive monolithic model checking methods. However, at some point, our technique is limited by the size of the induced DTMC and the number of TMARL agents in the sys- tem. In future work, we plan to extend our method to incorporate safe TMARL approaches. This has been previously done in the single agent RL do- main ( Jin et al. ,2022 ;Jothimurugan et al. ,2022 ), and we believe it can also be applied to TMARL systems. We also plan to combine our proposed method with interpretable RL techniques ( Davoodi and Komeili , 2021 ) to better understand the trained TMARL agents. 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