Paper Content:
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Dynamic Graph Attention Networks for Travel Time
Distribution Prediction in Urban Arterial Roads
Nooshin Yousefzadeh, Rahul Sengupta, and Sanjay Ranka
Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
{nooshinyousefzad, rahulseng,sranka }
Abstract —Effective congestion management along signalized
corridors is essential for improving productivity and reducing
costs, with arterial travel time serving as a key performance
metric. Traditional approaches, such as Coordinated Signal Tim-
ing and Adaptive Traffic Control Systems, often lack scalability
and generalizability across diverse urban layouts. We propose
Fusion-based Dynamic Graph Neural Networks (FDGNN), a
structured framework for simultaneous modeling of travel time
distributions in both directions along arterial corridors. FDGNN
utilizes attentional graph convolution on dynamic, bidirectional
graphs and integrates fusion techniques to capture evolving
spatiotemporal traffic dynamics. The framework is trained on
extensive hours of simulation data and utilizes GPU computation
to ensure scalability. The results demonstrate that our framework
can efficiently and accurately model travel time as a normal
distribution on arterial roads leveraging a unique dynamic graph
representation of corridor traffic states. This representation
integrates sequential traffic signal timing plans, local driving
behaviors, temporal turning movement counts, and ingress traffic
volumes, even when aggregated over intervals as short as a single
cycle length. The results demonstrate resilience to effective traffic
variations, including cycle lengths, green time percentages, traffic
density, and counterfactual routes. Results further confirm its
stability under varying conditions at different intersections. This
framework supports dynamic signal timing, enhances congestion
management, and improves travel time reliability in real-world
Index Terms —Traffic, Urban Corridor, ATSPM, Dynamic
Graphs, Graph Neural Networks.
As urbanization grows, managing congestion along sig-
nalized corridors (arterials) becomes increasingly important
for smart city transportation systems. Congestion not only
hampers productivity and the economy by causing delays but
also impacts societal well-being and the environment due to
increased emissions. Evaluating urban traffic corridor perfor-
mance through travel time and waiting time is essential for
optimizing traffic flow. Prolonged delays worsen congestion,
underscoring the need for innovative solutions to enhance
mobility and sustainability in cities.
Several methods can improve urban traffic efficiency. Coor-
dinated Signal Timing prioritizes main routes by synchronizing
green lights with real-time demand, reducing wait times. Real-
time data from sensors and cameras helps optimize flow
and safety. Actuated Signal Timing [3] adjusts lights based
on vehicle presence, ideal for low-capacity roads. Adaptive
Traffic Control Systems [2] dynamically adjust signals in high-
capacity areas but face challenges like equipment failures.Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) integrate technologies
like sensors and cameras to synchronize signals and improve
flow, though they are not available everywhere. Analytical
solutions [6] use virtual probe trajectories with loop detector
data to estimate corridor travel time, but reliable probe data
is difficult to obtain due to dynamic traffic patterns. Hence,
from a practical standpoint, the solutions that rely on highly
available data sources, such as loop detector data and signal
state data information to capture relevant traffic control pa-
rameters (e.g., signal timing plans), traffic pattern parameters
(e.g., turning movement counts and driving behavior) are more
Arterial travel time serves as a crucial Measure of Effective-
ness (MOE) is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), reflecting
delays and congestion over urban transportation networks.
This measure captures the impacts of variations in traffic signal
coordination and fluctuations in demand, offering a dynamic
view of system performance. Continuous assessment and mon-
itoring of travel time are essential to ensure the Level of Ser-
vice (LOS) provided to commuters meets acceptable standards,
maintaining reliability and efficiency. By analyzing the full
distribution of travel time, transportation professionals gain a
statistically richer and more comprehensive understanding of
urban corridor performance. This holistic perspective enables
data-driven strategies for more effective traffic management,
optimization, and planning, ultimately enhancing mobility and
reducing congestion in urban environments.
We propose a Fusion-based Dynamic Graph Neural Net-
work (FDGNN) as a fast, standalone tool for real-time travel
time distribution assessment in urban corridors. Extending our
prior work by Yousefzadeh et al. (2024), FDGNN moves
beyond isolated intersections to corridor-wide applications,
enabling comprehensive traffic optimization. The framework
leverages attentional graph convolution on dynamic and static
representations of urban corridors, using a traffic state matrix
to uniquely define graph objects for each scenario. Dynamic
graph attributes evolve over time, providing a realistic rep-
resentation of traffic dynamics. Intermediate fusion captures
complex dependencies, while the modular architecture sup-
ports hierarchical learning by reusing outputs from static
GNNs in dynamic GNNs.
Results show FDGNN can accurately estimate arterial travel
time in both directions, even under counterfactual scenarios
and varying observational interval windows. Performance was
tested across diverse scenarios, including variations in cyclearXiv:2412.11095v1 [cs.LG] 15 Dec 2024
Page 2:
length, green time ratios, and traffic volumes.
This model is designed to be generic in the application to an
urban corridor with any number of topologies of intersections,
while its performance relies on a limited number of easily
accessible traffic factors. These characteristics make FDGNN
a scalable and robust solution that can potentially hold promise
for real-time urban traffic optimization and adaptive control
in real-time. This advanced deep learning-based solution can
significantly benefit smart city infrastructures by enabling
adaptive, scalable traffic solutions responsive to real-world,
corridor-level complexities.
The main contributions of this paper are listed in the
•FDGNN uses interval-based traffic volumes from collec-
tor roads feeding into an arterial thoroughfare to infer
traffic volumes of intervening roads between intersec-
tions, solving a graph completion task via an Attentional
Graph Neural Network module.
•FDGNN constructs a corridor state matrix by concate-
nating multi-directional interval-based traffic volumes
with signal timing parameters, uniquely representing
traffic corridors as dynamic graphs with time-evolving,
direction-wise relationships between intersections.
•FDGNN leverages Dynamic Attentional Graph Neural
Networks with intermediate feature fusion to learn global
graph features. This enables richer, context-aware repre-
sentations that improve the adaptability of our framework
to complex traffic scenarios on long arterial roads.
•FDGNN employs a sequential learning scheme to enable
interdependent and hierarchical representation learning
across its modular architecture, enhancing overall perfor-
This study focuses on a 9-intersection urban corridor in a
large U.S. metropolitan area, simulated in SUMO for over
100,000 hours of simulation records under diverse traffic
conditions and signal timing plans. Two datasets each con-
taining 50,000 exemplars are generated using either real-world
or randomly-generate route files. The proposed model with
a total number of 59K parameters (0.23 MB size) is fully
parallelized by cost-effective GPU computation. Case studies
show that the model delivers accurate, reliable traffic signal
coordination, robustness to varying traffic conditions, and in-
terpretable modular assessments, applicable to urban corridors
with any number of intersections and configurations. Figure 1
illustrates the placement of inflow loop detectors, virtualization
of real-world Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures
(ATSPMs) on the base map of the microscopic traffic simulator
and other traffic control factors considered in the input of our
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
presents a brief overview of the background knowledge and
key concepts relevant to this work. Section III details the
architecture of the proposed digital twin model. Section IV
explains the data generation methodology. Section V evaluates
the performance of our model through a series of experiments.
Section VI reviews related work, and finally, Section VII
concludes the paper with key insights and directions for future
A. Graph Neural Networks
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) leverage the inherent
structural information of graphs, where nodes represent en-
tities and edges represent relationships. These networks have
proven effective in various applications, such as social net-
work analysis, recommendation systems, bioinformatics, and
knowledge graph completion. GNNs utilize a message-passing
paradigm, where nodes iteratively exchange information with
their neighbors to update their representations. This iterative
process allows the model to capture hierarchical and recursive
patterns in graph-structured data. A key component of GNNs
is the message-passing mechanism, which enables nodes to
update their embeddings by aggregating information from their
neighbors. This process is mathematically represented by an
equation involving an activation function, a weight matrix
for each neighborhood, and a bias vector for each node’s
representation. After several layers of message passing, nodes
accumulate information from progressively distant neighbors,
enhancing their ability to understand the graph’s structure.
More specifically, The node representation after the kthlayer
in a GCN is given by the following formula:
where cijis a normalization factor defined by the inverse
square root of the degrees of nodes iandj. Through multiple
iterations, GCNs refine node representations by considering
information from progressively distant neighbors, up to k-
B. Graph Convolutional Networks
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are a specific vari-
ant of GNNs, designed to adapt Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNNs) to graph data. GCNs aggregate information
from neighboring nodes using a weighted sum, where the
weights are influenced by the graph structure. The key steps
in a GCN include initialization, message aggregation, nor-
malization, pooling, and iteration. Normalization ensures that
the gradients don’t vanish, and pooling combines the normal-
ized messages with node representations. Through multiple
iterations, GCNs refine node representations by considering
neighbors up to a specified number of hops. More specifically,
The node representation after the kthlayer in a GCN is given
by the following formula:
where cijis a normalization factor defined by the inverse
square root of the degrees of nodes iandj. Through multiple
iterations, GCNs refine node representations by considering
information from progressively distant neighbors, up to k-
Page 3:
Output VariableInput VariableReused Output VariableImputed Inflow Waveform
Westbound Traffic FlowEastbound Traffic FlowInput Inflow WaveformCorridor Travel Time DistributionCorridor Travel Time Distribution
Input Inflow WaveformImputed Inflow Waveform
Figure 1: The inputs and outputs used in the modeling of an arbitrary urban corridor. Inflow loop detectors are positioned 500 meters upstream of
intersections. The diagram clearly distinguishes between input variables (in orange), output variables (in blue), and output variables that are reused as inputs
in other modules (in purple). Input variables include traffic volume over a certain interval from inflow waveform time series in three directions upstream of
an intersection, signal timing parameters (e.g., cycle length, offset, maximum green duration), driving behavior parameters (e.g., speed, acceleration, space
cushion, lane changing, etc.), turning movement counts, and the distance between consecutive inflow loop detector locations along the main route. Reused
output variables include traffic volume of intervening road segments between intersections on the arterial thoroughfare. Output variables include the normal
distribution of eastbound and westbound arterial travel times.
C. Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks
Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks (DGCNs) extend
traditional GCNs by incorporating dynamic graph structures,
where the graph topology or edge features can change over
time or in response to specific inputs. This adaptability en-
ables DGCNs to handle evolving relationships between nodes,
which is especially useful in scenarios like traffic forecasting,
social networks, and recommendation systems. In DGCNs, the
graph convolutional operation can be adjusted dynamically
at each layer based on the current graph structure, with
edge features or node interactions influencing the aggregation
process. The update rule for dynamic graph convolutions is
formulated as:
where ek
ijrepresents dynamic edge features at the kthlayer,
andcijis the normalization factor. This formulation allows the
model to adapt to changes in the graph, enabling more accurate
and flexible learning from dynamic data.
In this study, we estimate the bidirectional arterial travel
time distribution using an approximated and deterministic
approach grounded in the normality assumption. This method
not only accounts for uncertainty but also enhances the gen-
eralization of the original problem. The result is a robust,
efficient, and flexible framework for modeling travel time
dynamics in urban corridors, facilitating integration with other
frameworks, and solving various downstream tasks.
Dynamic Graph Neural Networks (DGNNs) extend con-
ventional Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) by incorporatingthe ability to process time-evolving data. These networks
have demonstrated efficacy in addressing complex real-world
problems by leveraging their adaptability, scalability, and
the integration of both temporal and spatial information in
graph structures [12], [15]. The intermediate fusion of node
and edge representations in graphs enables the extraction of
intricate patterns that emerge from evolving structural and
feature dynamics, offering a comprehensive understanding of
the underlying graph properties.
In this study, we leverage the combination of static and
dynamic graphs to estimate the distribution of time it takes
to travel through any arterial traffic corridor. This approach
leverages the strengths of both types of GNNs in order to
capture spatial and temporal complexities in traffic patterns
effectively. To enhance representation learning, we introduce
an intermediate fusion technique for node and feature embed-
dings. This fusion captures the interplay between structural
configurations and feature evolution, resulting in an enriched
representation of the target concepts [18].
Furthermore, we adopt a sequential optimization strat-
egy that provides a structured framework for managing the
complexities of representation learning through progressive,
step-wise decision-making. This approach enables efficient
handling of dynamic variations in the underlying data. The
proposed Fusion-based Dynamic Graph Neural Networks
(FDGNN) framework evaluates urban traffic corridor perfor-
mance by accurately estimating the distribution of arterial road
travel times, derived from input density histograms with a fine
resolution of 10-second bins.
The proposed model and input graph data are designed to be
generic, making them applicable to any urban traffic corridor
regardless of the number or topology of the encompassing
Page 4:
An overview of the FDGNN framework is depicted in
Figure 3. Table 1 comprehensively describes the notations,
terminologies, and variables used in this paper. The complete
source code is publicly available to support further research
and application.1
Notation Description Aggr Size Type
k number of intersections - 1x1 Integer, 0-9
w Size of time series window - 1x1 Integer, 0-360
inf Count of vehicles upstream the intersection within w 5 sec 1xw Integer, 0-8
tt Probability density values from the normal travel time distribution 10 sec 1xm Integer, 0-250
drv Driving behavior parameters - 1x9 Float, 0-30
tmc Turning-movement counts ratio - 1x12 Float, 0-1
dis Distance to the next intersection 1 m 1x1 Float, 0-600
cyc Common cycle length throughout the corridor 1 sec 1x1 Integer, 150-240
maxDr Effective green time for the phase 1 sec 8x1 Integer, 0-240
minDr Effective green time for the phase 1 sec 8x1 Integer, 0-240
off Offset in the start of the cycles 1 sec 11 Integer, 0-240
Mx GNNs for inf imputation between intersections - - torch.nn.Module
Mµ GNNs module for estimation of mean of tt(s) - - torch.nn.Module
Mσ GNNs module for estimation of standard deviation of tt(s) - - torch.nn.Module
TABLE 1: Summary of the notations and their definitions.
A. Intermediate Traffic Volumes between Intersections
The module ( Mx) is a graph neural networks model trained
on static graph data for a node feature imputation task. It
is a specific form of Mextintroduced in our previous work
[17], which imputes node features as intervening traffic volume
between intersections.
In its general form, this module includes an additional
residual attention sub-module for encoding the sequence of
input time series as node features for an urban traffic intersec-
tion. These features are replaced with traffic volume as scalar
vehicle count values at the urban corridor scale in this current
work. Hence, in this study, the Mxmodule consists of two
Graph Attention Layers (GATs) with 4 and 1 attention heads,
respectively. These layers embed 8-dimensional node features
into a 32-dimensional hidden representation, followed by a
fully connected layer, with all layers activated by the ReLU
activation function. This model takes input features in the
form of bidirectional acyclic graph objects, as described in
Subsection IV-C. The function of the module can be defined
as follows:
Mx:G(A, X i, Ei)→infej
where Arepresents the common topology of an urban inter-
section composed of Kconsecutive intersections, as described
in Subsection IV-C.
B. Mean and Standard Deviation of Travel Time Distribution
The module ( MµandMσ) is a graph neural networks
model trained on dynamic graph data. Compared to static
graphs, dynamic graphs are more informative node features
and time-evolving edge features. In this model, we employ
an intermediate fusion technique to merge the node and
edge feature embeddings into a general graph representation,
addressing a complex graph regression problem to estimate the
mean ( µ) and standard deviation ( σ) of travel time distributions
through arterial roads in urban corridors. The function of these
two modules can be defined as
Mµ:G(A, X′
i, E′
i, µttw
1Source code:σ:G(A, X′
i, E′
i, σttw
The architectures of both MµandMσare identical. Each
comprises two GAT layers with 4 and 1 attention heads,
respectively, embedding 14-dimensional node features into a
64-dimensional hidden representation. This is followed by
an edge MLP submodule and two fully connected layers,
generating outputs for both forward and reverse directions of
movement. All layers use the ReLU activation function.
The MLP submodule models the time-evolving edge fea-
tures expected in the dynamic graph representation of traffic
in urban corridors. After the first GAT layer, the edge MLP
submodule is applied, consisting of two fully connected layers
that encode and decode the 19-dimensional edge features into
and from a 64-dimensional hidden space, with a ReLU activa-
tion in between. The second GAT layer processes the updated
edge features output by the MLP submodule along with the
node features output by the first GAT layer, maintaining the
same edge connectivity.
As described in Subsection IV-C, edge features are
direction-specific, while node features are global to the di-
rection of movement. Therefore, the final edge embeddings
are first split based on their forward and reverse directions,
averaged, and then concatenated with the final global node
embeddings. These concatenated features are subsequently fed
into two final fully connected layers, activated by ReLU, to
produce the model’s outputs.
The modular architecture enhances the network’s represen-
tation learning, interpretability, and robustness of predictions.
Notably, it allows for sequential optimization, which is crucial
for this architecture since the outputs of the dynamic GNNs
rely on the outputs of the static GNNs.
C. Sequential Optimization Technique
Many real-world processes inherently follow a normal dis-
tribution or a close approximation thereof. The assumption
of normality provides a realistic means of generalizing these
processes, enhancing the robustness and accuracy of predictive
tasks. In this study, the limited number of vehicles in traffic
simulations leads to histograms that are often noisy and
discontinuous due to sparse data or irregular binning. Approx-
imating such histograms with a discrete normal probability
density function (PDF) effectively smooths the distribution,
mitigating noise and enabling better generalization in our
Furthermore, compared to sparse and noisy histograms,
fitted normal PDFs exhibit significantly lower representational
complexity. This reduction simplifies the model’s parame-
terization, resulting in improved memory and computational
efficiency. Additionally, the simplified framework enhances
flexibility, making it more adaptable for downstream tasks
while maintaining the integrity of the underlying data rep-
FDGNN framework, encompass previously introduced com-
ponents Minf,MµandMσ. It takes two static and dynamic
versions of graph representations of the target traffic corridor
(see Subsection Graph Data Construction IV-C):
Page 5:
FDGNN :G, G′→tte
i, ttw
We implement our framework using PyTorch machine learn-
ing framework and PyTorch Geometric library. We employ
a sequential optimization strategy within the training loop
to optimize our framework. Sequential optimization involves
updating the parameters of individual modules one at a time,
rather than optimizing the entire network simultaneously. This
approach is particularly advantageous when modules exhibit
interdependencies or serve distinct roles in the overall network
optimization. During each training epoch, multiple optimizer
objects are utilized to perform the backward pass and pa-
rameter updates for one module at a time. This technique
allows each module to be fine-tuned independently, potentially
leading to improved convergence and enhanced overall model
The training process begins by extracting the mean and
standard deviation of the normal probability density function
(PDF) for travel times in the east and west directions from
the original travel time histograms. Three independent Adam
optimizers are then defined, each with its own learning rate
and a mean squared error (MSE) criterion (squared L2 norm)
to drive the sequential optimization process.
Step 1: The first optimizer, optimizer inf, is employed to train
the static graph model Minfon static graph data with masked
node features. The objective is to impute intermediate traffic
volumes between intersections during arterial phases.
Step 2: The imputed traffic volumes from the previous step
are then used to replace the node and edge features in the
dynamic graph.
Step 3: The second optimizer, optimizer mean , is used to train
the dynamic graph model Mµon a regression task. The goal
is to predict the mean values of the bidirectional travel time
distribution, mean east andmean west.
Step 4: Finally, the third optimizer, optimizer stdv, trains the
dynamic graph model Mσon a regression task to predict
the standard deviation of the bidirectional travel time dis-
tribution, stdv east andstdv west. The overall loss function
comprises three components, each corresponding to one of
the aforementioned tasks and optimized independently. These
loss components can be formally defined as follows:
lossinf=MSE (ˆinf, inf )
lossmean =MSE (ˆµeast, µeast) +MSE (ˆµwest, µwest)
lossstdv=MSE (ˆσeast, σeast) +MSE (ˆσwest, σwest)
This sequential optimization framework ensures that the
individual components of the model are effectively trained,
leading to a more robust and accurate representation of the
travel time dynamics in urban corridors.
In this section, we provide a detailed explanation of how the
datasets used in this study were generated and preprocessed.
To ensure clarity and simplicity, we divide the data preparation
procedure into three key steps: Traffic Simulation, Log Extrac-
tion, and Graph Data Construction. Each step is described as
follows:A. Traffic Simulation
This study is based on realistic traffic data generated by
the SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) micro-simulator
framework, based on real-world parameters including road
layouts, signal timings, vehicle flow rates, and traffic rules. The
target arterial road contributed in this study features a series
of earlier 8 east-west directional intersections on State Road
436 (SR 436) arterial road running from US 441 in Apopka
in north of Orlando City. The intersections have unique char-
acteristics e.g., typologies, geometries, lane configurations,
traffic rules, traffic patterns, and signal timing plan settings.
The extensive dataset includes over 100,000 hours of traffic
data simulation using ThreadPoolExecutor for multi-threading
in Python while running this large amount of simulations in
parallel. We use real-world ATSPM (loop detector) data and
sparse WEJO (GPS) probe data to generate an approximate
Origin-Destination (OD) probability matrix, providing insights
into the likelihood of vehicles traveling between locations.
The SUMO tool, od2trips, is employed to create route files
for the simulation. The dataset used in this study is Real-
TMC dataset based on the realistic turning movement counts
matrix inferred by approximate OD matrices. However, for
comparison purposes, we also generate Real-TMC dataset
based on randomized route files. Based on the configuration
parameters outlined in Table 2 a python multiprocessing script
is used to run a large number of nearly real traffic scenarios
on urban traffic corridors under study to generate the required
raw data used in this study.
B. Log Extraction
A simulation Record is a record of a single run of traffic
simulation that is extracted and processed into structured XML
log files. These raw log files serve as the intermediary dataset
for subsequent analysis to produce a zip file for each traffic
simulation record with information tailored to the specific
needs of our study. The log extraction process includes several
steps including recording of the events, calculation of metrics,
data clearing, and data storage. During the metric calculation
step, various Python modules are added to operate additional
tasks e.g., count the number of vehicles crossing each road
segment, computer the traveling time of each vehicle, and
generate density histograms for traveling times through certain
Specifically, we use the Floating Car Data (FCD) output
log file generated by SUMO to compute travel time at arterial
directions of movement as the target variable assigned to each
traffic scenario simulation. This log contains the trajectory
information for each vehicle during the simulation. By ana-
lyzing the vehicle coordinates, we can determine the time it
takes for a vehicle to cross a specific region. This is done by
filtering the coordinates and their corresponding timestamps
to find the vehicle’s entry and exit times. We then calculate
the corridor travel time by recording the entry time at the first
intersection and the exit time at the final intersection. This
process is applied separately for both the East-West and West-
East routes. Vehicles that do not exit the final intersection are
excluded from the corridor travel time calculations.
Page 6:
Figure 2: Graphical representation of traffic state of an
urban corridor. Important factors are attributed as features to
nodes and edges to uniquely represent the traffic state of an
arbitrary urban corridor as a bidirectional and acyclic (dynamic)
graph with k nodes indexed by {J1, ..Jk}and 2k edges. The
edge features are attributed to the direction of the movement
between intersections.
𝑴𝒙𝑴𝝈𝑴𝝁~𝓝(𝝁,𝝈𝟐)𝑮(𝑨,𝑽,𝑬)𝑮′(𝑨,𝑽,𝑬′)Figure 3: Overview of the proposed framework. This diagram illustrates
the architecture of the proposed FDGNN framework, which consists of three
modules. The Mxmodule processes static graph data with masked node features
representing intervening traffic volumes, reconstructing the node features. These
reconstructed features are then passed as inputs to the MµandMσfusion-based
modules. The framework’s outputs are a discrete normal probability density
function (PDF) of bidirectional arterial travel time. The modules are sequentially
optimized and the final loss is computed with respect to the fitted travel time
histograms obtained from traffic simulations on the target urban corridor.
C. Graph Data Construction
To enable advanced analysis and data mining with graph
neural graph networks, the traffic data has to be transformed
into graphs. Further, to improve the expressiveness of data for
a comprehensive and accurate assessment of arterial bidirec-
tional travel time, two types of graph (i.e., static, and dynamic)
representations are constructed and leveraged throughout the
framework pipeline. Both types of graph data objects are bidi-
rectional and acyclic and share a uniform structure comprising
8 nodes corresponding to the eight intersections and 16 edges
representing road segments connecting each pair of consecu-
tive intersections in both directions of movement through the
arterial road. The use of acyclic graphs is especially useful
to avoid inefficiencies or errors, such as infinite loops during
traversal. Each node and edge is enriched with features derived
from the traffic logs. To better capture the dynamic traffic
patterns, we also include time-dependent features to capture
changes over time in the form of a temporal graph structure.
Node features are directional agnostic, while edge features
are directional specific and are attributed specifically to the
movement (linkage) direction.
The static graph representation of the corridor, denoted
asG(A, X, E ), serves as input to the module Mx. Here,
X∈R8×8represents the node features, and E∈R16×19
denotes the edge features. Corresponding to the ith traffic
scenario simulation sample and the direction of movement
o, the node feature matrix Xi={(infi)}encapsulates the
traffic volume associated with each intervening road segment
of the eight-intersection corridor, while the edge features
Ei={(diso, tmc i, drv i, inf i/diso)}comprise the following
attributes respectively, with respect to the direction of move-
•The fixed distances between consecutive intersections
computed at each direction of movement,
•Turning movement counts at each intersection,
•Driving behavior parameters, and
•Traffic density of the road segment corresponding to thedirection of movement, calculated as the ratio of traffic
volume to the length of the road segment.
In this framework, the node feature matrix Xis masked to
include only the traffic volume of effective phases along the
east-west arterial road. The masking operation is performed
through an element-wise multiplication between the node
feature matrix and a binary mask matrix T∈ {0,1}8×8. This
binary matrix ensures that only non-arterial phases of traffic
volume are considered during computation.
0,for phase 1,2,5,6.
The corridor dynamic graph data G′(A, X′, E′)is used
as input to the MµandMσmodules and is illustrated in
Figure 2. Unlike the static graph, the dynamic graph object is
constructed to abstract the concept of the traffic corridor holis-
tically. The edge features of the dynamic graph E′∈R16×19
of the dynamic graph are identical to those in the static graph;
however, they are not fixed and evolve over the time. This
temporal evolution is modeled within the architecture of the
graph neural networks. The node features of the dynamic graph
X′∈RK×14, on the other hand, are designed to combine
the fixed signal timing state of the corridor with the random
inflow traffic pattern state, forming a corridor state matrix that
uniquely and momentarily represents the traffic flow in an
urban corridor. In general, the corridor state matrix assigned to
graph nodes, X′∈R8×(2+m/2+m)aggregate feature vectors
from K= 8 intersections operating in m= 8 distinct
traffic signal phases. More specifically, corresponding to the
ith traffic scenario simulation sample, the node features matrix
i={(cyci, off i/cyc i, MaxDr i/cyc i, inf i)}respectively
comprise the following attributes for every intersections:
Each feature vector in the corridor state matrix concatenates:
•Traffic signal cycle length,
•Offset ratio computed as the ratio of the offset to the
length of the cycle,
Page 7:
•Effective green light ratio for phases 1, 2, 5, and 6 along
the arterial road as a ratio of maximum time of green to
the cycle length, and
•Traffic volume associated with every traffic signal phase
is calculated as the count value of vehicles within a time
series window.
cycle1,offset 1,green1
1, ,green6
1, . . . , infm
cycle2,offset 2,green1
2, . . . , infm
cyclek,offset k,green1
k, . . . , infm
Regarding the target variable of prediction, first, we con-
vert the resulting density histograms of traveling time(S) to
Probability Density Functions (PDFs). Our observation on
negligible skewness and kurtosis from a Pearson distribution
fit to the original travel time histograms served as evidence
to support the assumption that the distribution of travel time
in simulated traffic data approximates a normal distribution.
This statistical technique is especially useful in eliminating
irrelevant variability of bin-specific artifacts of histograms
(e.g., variations due to bin size or boundaries), and focusing
on the core distribution instead for more robust estimation.
Corresponding to the ith traffic scenario simulation sample,
the target PDF(s) of corridor travel time yi={(tte
i, ttw
can be computed for any desired resolution (i.e., bin size) of
output travel time histograms, and the input features can be
collected for any desired size of the window over input inflow
waveforms time series. The final graph data is serialized as
objects of the torch class and stored in
.pth files.
In this section, we evaluate the performance of our proposed
fusion-based dynamic graph neural networks (FDGNN) for
approximating travel time on arterial roads in urban traffic
corridors. A total of 100,000 hours of simulation records is
utilized to generate three datasets, each containing 50,000
samples. These datasets are constructed based on either real-
world route files ( Real-TMC dataset ) or a mixture of real and
randomly generated route files ( Mixed-TMC dataset ). Another
experimental dataset ( Real-TMC-short dataset ) is generated
with shorter length of intervals over inflow waveforms to count
traffic volumes at each phase of movement around intersec-
tions. The model is trained separately on each dataset and also
on a mixture of both datasets to analyze its generalizability.
To address the absence of a baseline, we train our proposed
framework on various purposefully designed datasets and
evaluate it under multiple intentional scenarios. The base
model, FDGNN, is trained on the Real-TMC dataset , which
uses data aggregated into 15-minute input intervals, and its per-
formance is compared against two baseline model variations.
The first variant, termed FDGNN-Short, is trained on the Real-
TMC-Short dataset , with data aggregated into 5-minute input
intervals. The second variant, referred to as FDGNN-Mixed, is
trained on the Mixed-TMC dataset , also using data aggregated
into 15-minute input intervals.The training dataset is split into 70% for training, while the
remaining 30% is divided equally, with 15% used for hyper-
parameter tuning and the other 15% reserved for performance
evaluation. Model performance is assessed by comparing
the actual (fitted) and predicted normal PDFs, using widely
accepted evaluation metrics:
•Normalized Root Mean Squared Error (NRMSE) :
max( ytrue)−min(ytrue)
•Hellinger Distance (HLD) :
HLD =1√
•Standard Deviation Error (STD) :
STD Error =|σtrue−σpred|
where σtrueandσpredare the standard deviations of the
true and predicted distributions, respectively.
•Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) :
where ytrue,iandypred,iare 250 discrete sample values
obtained from the probability density of the normal dis-
tribution of actual and predicted travel time respectively,
computed over evenly spaced (i.e., 10 seconds) over the
range of 0-2500 seconds of travel time through either
eastbound or westbound direction.
Further, to thoroughly analyze the model’s performance
across different traffic flow dynamics and control settings, we
divide the dataset into smaller subsets based on predefined
thresholds across three distinct scenarios. This allows for a
more detailed examination of the model’s behavior under
varying conditions.
A. Effect of Cycle Length
We subset the test set based on cycle lengths. We bucket
the cycle lengths into 3 buckets:
1) Low: For cycle lengths smaller than 160 seconds
2) Medium: For cycle lengths between 160 and less than
200 seconds
3) High: For cycle lengths equal to and above 200 seconds
B. Effect of Traffic Volume
We subset the test set based on corridor volumes i.e. the
number of vehicles completing the corridor journey within the
exemplar, along a certain direction. We bucket the volumes
into 3 buckets:
1) Low: For corridor volume smaller than 700 vehicles
2) Medium: For corridor volume between 700 and less than
900 vehicles
3) High: For corridor volume equal to and above 900
Page 8:
Parameter Description Variation
Signal Timing Plan Parameters
Total cycle Lengths Length of the common cycle for the corridor Varies from 150 seconds to 240 seconds
Offsets Offsets in the start time of the cycles at various intersections Offsets are varied randomly from 0 to the cycle length of the
respective intersections
Barrier Times When the barrier in Ring-and-Barrier occurs, separating the non-coordinated phases and the
coordinated phasesOccurs randomly while ensuring minimum allowable green
times for the phases along with yellow and red times are met.
Phase Duration Length of Green, Yellow, and Red times for the phases making up the dual rings of
Ring-and-Barrier operationMinimum and Maximum Green times, Yellow and Red times
are fixed based on field settings
Phase Order Phase order in the dual rings of Ring-and-Barrier operation Phase orders fixed for each intersection based on field settings
Driving Behavior Parameters
accel SUMO parameter for vehicle acceleration From 1.6 to 3.6 meters per second squared
decel SUMO parameter for vehicle deceleration From 3.0 to 6.0 meters per second squared
emergencyDecel SUMO parameter for maximum possible deceleration for a vehicle From 6.0 to 12.0 meters per second squared
minGap SUMO parameter for empty space left when following a vehicle From 1.0 to 4.0 meters
sigma SUMO parameter for driver imperfection with 0 denoting perfect driving, as per SUMO’s
default car-following modelFrom 0.1 to 1.0
tau SUMO parameter for modeling a driver’s desired minimum time headway From 0.1 to 3.0 seconds
lcStrategic SUMO parameter for eagerness for performing strategic lane changing, with 0 indicating no
unnecessary lane-changingFrom 0.1 to 3.0
lcCooperative SUMO parameter for willingness to perform cooperative lane changing, with lower values
indicating reduced cooperationFrom 0.1 to 1.0
lcSpeedGain SUMO parameter for eagerness to perform lane changing to gain speed, with higher values
indicating more lane-changingFrom 0.1 to 3.0
speedFactor SUMO parameter for controlling an individual’s speeding behavior, as a multiplier applied to
the speed limit. This allows individual vehicles to overspeed based on a normal distributionNormal distribution with Means ranging from 1.0 to 1.5 and
Standard Deviation from 0.1 to 2.0
TABLE 2: Dataset Generation Variability
C. Effect of Maximum Green Duration Percentage
We subset the test set based on maximum green time
percentage i.e. the percentage of maximum green time to the
corridor-through phase, to the cycle length, along a certain
direction. It represents what percent of the cycle could poten-
tially be given to the corridor direction of flow. We bucket the
ratio into 3 buckets:
1) Low: For maximum green time percentage less than 25
2) Medium: For maximum green time percentage between
25 % and less than 50 %
3) High: For maximum green time percentage equal to or
more than 50 %
The comparison provided in Table 3 ensures a comprehen-
sive assessment of the model’s ability to generalize across
diverse datasets and varying data aggregation resolutions.
More specifically, it shows if its performance is robust on
factual but also counterfactual scenarios, also if the perfor-
mance is accurate for shorter periods of observation over
inflow waveform time series. The upper (third) quartile, or
75th percentile, of travel time in the east and west directions,
is computed as 900 seconds and 1200 seconds, respectively.
Error measures are represented for various metrics used to
evaluate the estimation of discrete probability density function
(PDF) of the normal distribution for westbound travel time
along arterial roads.
As indicated by the error values, the FDGNN model can
approximate the distribution with a Standard Deviation Error
(STD) of approximately 22.21 seconds. This means that, on
average, the difference between the actual and predicted data
from their mean values is only around 22 seconds. The Mean
Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) is approximately 0.02
times the upper quartile of the westbound travel time, which
corresponds to a distance of around 24 seconds between the
actual and predicted mean values. The Normalized Root Mean
Squared Error (NRMSE) is about 0.05 times the range of the
actual data (30–1200 seconds), suggesting that the model’sestimation error is relatively very low. The Hellinger Distance
(HLD) of 0.07 shows that the two probability density functions
are nearly identical, though not exactly the same.
As observed, the performance of the FDGNN-Mixed model
is very comparable to that of the original model, despite being
trained on a mixture of real-world and randomly generated
data. This indicates that the model can successfully handle not
only factual but also counterfactual traffic scenarios, which is
useful for decision-making and analysis by traffic engineers
and policymakers.
When the window size for traffic volume counts in the
waveform time series is reduced from 15 minutes to 5 minutes
with cycle lengths ranging from 3-4 minutes, the results
become less optimal still compared to the original model, as
shown in the FDGNN-Mixed column. However, the deviation
from the actual distribution’s mean and standard deviation is
around 35.36 seconds, and with an upper bound as large as 20
minutes, this deviation remains within an acceptable range.
The cycle length significantly impacts the model’s perfor-
mance, with a notable negative effect on both the mean and
standard deviation of travel time estimates. Specifically, the
model achieves better accuracy with shorter cycle lengths,
as longer cycles introduce greater variability. This effect is
more pronounced for FDGNN-Short, which relies on shorter
input intervals that are less aligned with the traffic cycle
length. As the cycle length increases from less than 160
seconds to over 200 seconds, FDGNN shows a deterioration
of 12 seconds in mean estimation and 6 seconds in standard
deviation estimation.
The impact of traffic volume on model performance depends
on the input interval length. For FDGNN-Short, higher traffic
volumes result in degraded performance, as the 5-minute
input intervals fail to fully capture the dispersion of vehicle
platoons. In contrast, FDGNN and FDGNN-Mixed, which use
15-minute input intervals, handle heavy traffic volumes more
effectively, even when the traffic exceeds 900 vehicles per
interval. This suggests that to achieve efficient and accurate
real-time travel time estimation across varying traffic condi-
Page 9:
EastboundWestboundTravel Time DistributionIntervening Traffic Vo lu m e
Figure 4: Visualizing the results of FDGNN. Comparison of actual (red) and predicted (green) curves by FDGNN for a single traffic scenario. The analysis
includes the imputation of intervening inflow waveforms (right column) and the estimation of the normal Probability Density Function (PDF) of travel time
in both eastbound and westbound arterial directions through the urban corridor.
Cycle LengthLow 0.02434770 17.03274536 0.09061160 0.07630504 0.02766613 23.52367783 0.10321835 0.06859140 0.02644867 21.89211082 0.10410079 0.06309731
Medium 0.01884929 24.90428543 0.07056899 0.05500218 0.02553535 38.01504898 0.09571076 0.06581541 0.02274527 25.90636635 0.08542714 0.04536204
High 0.01401460 25.16983414 0.05289537 0.04202969 0.02309166 47.37397766 0.08680040 0.05483911 0.02090056 31.65452385 0.07882322 0.03523058
Traffic V olumeLow 0.02166128 21.15789795 0.08088386 0.06759340 0.02727904 32.71726227 0.10197287 0.06273066 0.02979009 28.52194023 0.11562980 0.01453793
Medium 0.01945891 22.87958527 0.07274126 0.05478137 0.02557360 36.01268387 0.09573939 0.05737593 0.02021122 24.78332901 0.07633955 0.04835678
High 0.01297529 20.92600632 0.04923087 0.03744519 0.02170557 37.73826599 0.08175873 0.05368090 0.01556541 27.27816772 0.05956285 0.03552472
Maximum Duration %Low 0.01204259 26.28626442 0.04483104 0.04474065 0.02088253 44.97696686 0.07883339 0.07344692 0.02083357 30.60698891 0.07801799 0.04993816
Medium 0.01973771 22.00541878 0.07385662 0.05460556 0.02572506 34.94701767 0.09629201 0.05724831 0.02467635 26.59957314 0.09488192 0.01123968
High 0.01850747 18.12760544 0.06880285 0.06923606 0.01954954 27.26508141 0.07472201 0.06617644 0.02273645 24.53370094 0.08540128 0.09216934
Total 0.01972620 22.21240997 0.07379317 0.05436989 0.02586315 35.36487961 0.09672741 0.05630891 0.02456818 26.61972809 0.09455994 0.02681638
TABLE 3: Performance evaluation. FDGNN is examined with metrics such as MAPE, STD, HLD, and NRMSE when it is
trained on real-world and/or randomly generated westbound traffic simulations. The analysis includes overall performance and
scenario-specific divisions based on cycle length, traffic volume density, and maximum green duration ratio.
tions throughout the day, adopting adaptable input intervals
may be beneficial.
Additionally, the proportion of maximum green time nega-
tively affects the outputs of all models, introducing greater
variability in predictions for both the mean and standard
deviation. This finding indicates that longer green times may
disrupt the stability of traffic flow, leading to less accurate
estimations of travel times. These observations highlight the
need for carefully balanced signal timing plans and dynamic
adjustment of model parameters to ensure reliable predictions
across diverse traffic scenarios.
Numerous computational techniques have been developed
for optimizing signal timing along corridors, primarily aimingto achieve an optimal ”progression” wave, enabling vehicles to
travel as a synchronized platoon across multiple intersections.
Examples include methods such as MAXBAND [4], MULTI-
BAND [13], PASSER [9], TRANSYT [14], and SYNCHRO
[19]. Additionally, [1] presents an integer programming-based
algorithm that derives an optimal corridor timing plan based
on pairwise intersection solutions.
Virtual Probe methods, introduced in [5], [7], estimate
the trajectory of an imaginary probe vehicle using kinematic
equations as it traverses a signalized corridor. Loop detector
data is employed to infer queue lengths at intersections,
which influence the probe vehicle’s maneuvers. However, this
approach only computes a single travel time for the corridor.
Building on this, [8] integrates loop detector and probe
vehicle data through an iterative Bayesian fusion method to
Page 10:
estimate urban arterial travel times. Deep learning approaches
have also been explored: [10] predicts travel speeds across road
networks, while [11] leverages trajectory data to forecast bus
travel times. Alternatively, [16] proposes a modified Gaussian
mixture model to estimate link travel time distributions along
signalized arterials, combining vehicle re-identification, fixed-
location magnetic sensors, and trajectory data.
However, despite these advancements, there remains limited
research on estimating arterial travel time distributions using
only loop detectors and signal timing data. This represents a
significant challenge due to the inherent difficulty of vehicle
re-identification within loop detector datasets.
In this paper, we delve into the challenge of approximating
the distribution of arterial traveling time as a key metric for
optimizing traffic corridor performance.
We run the SUMO micro-simulator in a multi-threading
manner to generate our extensive datasets. We extract the re-
quired information from structured XML log files and convert
it to proper static and dynamic graph representation objects.
The static and dynamic graph objects are designed to optimally
and uniquely represent the evolving traffic dynamic state of
urban traffic corridors. Each simulation generates structured
XML log files processed into zip archives tailored for anal-
ysis. Metrics like vehicle counts, travel times, and density
histograms are computed using Python modules. Floating Car
Data (FCD) logs calculate eastbound and westbound arterial
travel times by analyzing vehicle trajectories and timestamps
to determine intersection entry and exit times.
The proposed Fusion-based Dynamic Graph Neural Net-
works (FDGNN) framework leverages interval-based traffic
volumes and signal timing parameters to represent traffic
corridors as dynamic graphs with time-evolving, direction-
wise relationships. By employing an Attentional Graph Neural
Network for graph completion and incorporating dynamic
feature fusion, it learns global, context-aware representations,
enhancing adaptability to complex traffic scenarios. The se-
quential learning framework fosters interdependent and hier-
archical representation learning across modules, enabling more
accurate and efficient traffic volume inference and improved
performance on arterial corridors.
The performance of the model shows resilience and ro-
bustness while evaluated through a series of experiments. The
experiments are designed to examine the effect of cycle length
duration, traffic volume density, and the green time duration
allocated to the estimation of bidirectional arterial travel time
normal distributions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our
model can also successfully estimate under counterfactual
traffic scenarios on randomly generated route files.
This compact, deep learning-based approach, with a size of
230KB, is designed for urban corridors with any intersection
topology, relying on only a few easily accessible traffic factors.
Its scalability and robustness make it a promising solution for
real-time traffic optimization and adaptive control, enhancing
smart city infrastructure with efficient, corridor-level traffic
The work was supported in part by NSF CNS 1922782.
The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this
publication are those of the authors and not necessarily
those of NSF. The authors also acknowledge the University
of Florida Research Computing for providing computational
resources and support that have contributed to the research
results reported in this publication.
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Page 11:
Nooshin Yousefzadeh is currently pursuing her
Ph.D. Degree with the Department of Computer and
Information Science and Engineering, University of
Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. Her current research
interests are in Explainable Artificial Intelligence
and data-driven Machine Learning Algorithms for
practical applications in Intelligent Transportation,
Health Care, and Sustainability Science.
Rahul Sengupta is a Ph.D. student at the Computer
and Information Science Department at University
of Florida, Gainesville, USA. His research interests
include applying Machine Learning models to se-
quential and time series data, especially in the field
of transportation engineering.
Sanjay Ranka (Fellow, IEEE) is a Distinguished
Professor in the Department of Computer Infor-
mation Science and Engineering at University of
Florida. His current research is on developing algo-
rithms and software using Machine Learning, the In-
ternet of Things, GPU Computing, and Cloud Com-
puting for solving applications in Transportation and
Health Care. He is a fellow of the IEEE, AAAS,
and AIAA (Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence As-
sociation) and a past member of IFIP Committee
on System Modeling and Optimization. He was
awarded the 2020 Research Impact Award from IEEE Technical Committee
on Cloud Computing. His research is currently funded by NIH, NSF, USDOT,
DOE, and FDOT. From 1999-2002, as the Chief Technology Officer and
co-founder of Paramark (Sunnyvale, CA), he conceptualized and developed
a machine learning-based real-time optimization service called PILOT for
optimizing marketing and advertising campaigns. Paramark was recognized by
VentureWire/Technologic Partners as a Top 100 Internet technology company
in 2001 and 2002 and was acquired in 2002.