Paper Content:
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Fully Autonomous Programming with Large Language Models
Vadim Liventsev∗†
TU Eindhoven &
Philips Research
The NetherlandsAnastasiia Grishina∗
Simula & University of
NorwayAki Härmä
Philips Research
The NetherlandsLeon Moonen
Simula & BI Norwegian
Business School
Oslo, Norway
Current approaches to program synthesis with Large Language
Models (LLMs) exhibit a “near miss syndrome”: they tend to gener-
ate programs that semantically resemble the correct answer (as
measured by text similarity metrics or human evaluation), but
achieve a low or even zero accuracy as measured by unit tests due
to small imperfections, such as the wrong input or output format.
This calls for an approach known as Synthesize, Execute, Debug
(SED), whereby a draft of the solution is generated first, followed
by a program repair phase addressing the failed tests. To effectively
apply this approach to instruction-driven LLMs, one needs to de-
termine which prompts perform best as instructions for LLMs, as
well as strike a balance between repairing unsuccessful programs
and replacing them with newly generated ones. We explore these
trade-offs empirically, comparing replace-focused, repair-focused,
and hybrid debug strategies, as well as different template-based
and model-based prompt-generation techniques. We use OpenAI
Codex as the LLM and Program Synthesis Benchmark 2 as a data-
base of problem descriptions and tests for evaluation. The resulting
framework outperforms both conventional usage of Codex without
the repair phase and traditional genetic programming approaches.
•Software and its engineering →Software design engineering ;•
Computing methodologies →Neural networks ;Model develop-
ment and analysis ;Search methodologies .
automatic programming, large language models, program repair
ACM Reference Format:
Vadim Liventsev, Anastasiia Grishina, Aki Härmä, and Leon Moonen. 2023.
Fully Autonomous Programming with Large Language Models. In Genetic
and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ’23), July 15–19, 2023,
Lisbon, Portugal. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.
∗Both authors contributed equally to this research.
†Corresponding author.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
GECCO ’23, July 15–19, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal
©2023 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0119-1/23/07. INTRODUCTION
Automatic programming has been an important goal of the Arti-
ficial Intelligence field almost since its inception [1], promising
to reduce the workload of software developers by automatically
solving some of the tasks they face. More recently, program syn-
thesis has emerged as an interpretable alternative [2] to black-box
machine learning methods that lets human experts understand,
validate and edit the algorithms generated by artificial intelligence.
In addition to the scientific benefits of such knowledge, it extends
the benefits of machine learning to domains, such as embedded
systems where it is technically challenging [3] or healthcare where
it is avoided for safety reasons [4, 5].
The predominant methodology in automatic programming has
shifted from deductive programming [6, 7] to genetic and evolution-
ary methods [8] to, more recently, large autoregressive language
models trained on corpora of source code due to their remarkable
capability for zero-shot generalization [9]. However, even state-of-
the-art models fine-tuned on a specific class of programming tasks
still require a costly filtering step where the LLM outputs that do
not compile or pass tests are discarded [10]. These outputs tend to
be superficially similar to correct solutions [11] despite failing to
produce the expected output, a phenomenon known as "near miss
syndrome" or "last mile problem" [12].
Given these challenges, research in machine learning on source
code [13] tends to focus on restricted domain-specific languages [14–
16] or automating specific parts1of the software development pro-
cess [19, 20] such as code search [21], code translation [22], detec-
tion of issues [23, 24], improvement [25] and repair [26] rather than
fully autonomous programming in a programming language popu-
lar with human developers [27]. However, two recent innovations
potentially make the latter task tractable.
One is Synthesize, Execute, Debug [28], a framework that attempts
to bridge the "last mile" gap by introducing program repair into
the program synthesis algorithm. A programming task is specified
using both a natural language description and a set of input/output
(I/O) pairs demonstrating what output is expected of the program,
thereby combining text to code [29] and programming by exam-
ple [30, 31] paradigms typical for competitive programming [32].
Synthesize, Execute, Debug creates a first draft program using a gen-
erative model, compiles and executes it with given input examples.
This is followed by a program repair step to fix the identified errors.
Another relevant innovation is instruction-driven large language
models [33]. Instruction-driven models use human feedback in their
training process and admit two inputs: a source text (or code) and
a textual command instructing the model to edit the source in a
1similarly to autonomous driving [17, 18]arXiv:2304.10423v1 [cs.SE] 20 Apr 2023
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LLM for
Pi, i=1,...,N
Final program
and score on
unseen testsEXECUTE
test set of
I/O pairs:
(I, O) test
- LLM input: code or text to
complete or edit
- LLM instruction on how to
change the input
pass rate?
N new
candidates LLM for
valid set of
I/O pairs:
(I, O) val
INSTRUCTFailing (I, O) val
pairs and
stderr for Pi Instructioninstrinput
if executed
at least
candidate PiTop program
Pi, i=1...WPi
PiFigure 1: Framework for LLM-based Synthesize, Execute, Instruct, Debug, and Rank approach.
particular way, i.e., "summarize" or "translate to Python". These
models have been shown to be highly successful in automatic pro-
gram repair [34]. However, given the free-form nature of these
instructions2how one should engineer instructions that maximize
repair performance is an open question.
Section 2 presents a framework that adapts Synthesize, Execute,
Debug to instruction-driven Large Language Models for solving
programming tasks in an autonomous fashion. We discuss related
work in Section 3, introduce experiments to establish optimal search
and prompting strategies for this framework in Section 4. Finally,
we demonstrate in Section 5 that our framework outperforms con-
ventional automatic programming techniques, such as genetic pro-
gramming and naive application of large language models that
generate one solution per problem without updating it iteratively.
The proposed framework, Synthesize, Execute, Instruct, Debug and
Rank , or SEIDR,3is summarized in figure 1. To solve a programming
task defined as a text description and a collection of I/O examples,
we split I/O examples into prompt and validation sets and use the
prompt set in a large language model to SYNTHESIZE a popula-
tion of candidate solutions. We EXECUTE the solutions, test them
against the validation set, generate a text description of the identi-
fied problems used to INSTRUCT a large language model to produce
repaired candidate solutions similar to the way a human developer
DEBUGs a program. We RANK the candidates by correctness mea-
sured by matching I/O pairs, discard the worst candidates, and
repeat until a fully correct solution is found.
2.1 Ingredients
SEIDR makes use of 2 instruction-driven large language models for
source code: a synthesis model 𝑝synth(input ,instr)and a debugging
model 𝑝debug(input ,instr), as well as, optionally, a large natural
language model 𝑝text(input)that can be used for writing instruc-
tions for the code model. Each model is a highly parameterised
probability distribution over the space of (input, instruction)-tuples
with parameters estimated on a large diverse (i.e., non-task-specific)
corpus. This stochastic nature of language models is an important
2Throughout this paper we avoid other definitions of instruction , such as an individual
operation in code , to prevent ambiguity.
3seiðr also refers to a type of Norse magic [35] pertaining to predicting and controlling
the future, which we deem thematically appropriate.prerequisite for SEIDR, since it lets us sample batches of diverse can-
didate solutions from 𝑝synth(input ,instr),𝑝debug(input ,instr), and
𝑝text(input). We have chosen the state-of-the-art transformer mod-
els [36] for 𝑝synth(input ,instr),𝑝debug(input ,instr), and 𝑝text(input)
in our experiments as described in Section 4.5. In general, SEIDR
requires a sequence-to-sequence generative model for these blocks.
2.2 Synthesize
The framework starts with the SYNTHESIZE block, which is re-
sponsible for generating initial draft solutions to programming
tasks to be repaired in the later stages of SEIDR. We start with a
basic template for a chosen programming language that contains a
number of standard library imports and an empty main function or
this language’s equivalent thereof, see figure 2. We populate this
template with a comment indicating a text description of a task
at hand and several I/O examples from the prompt training set.
We design the templates with guidelines by the authors of the lan-
guage model [37] and prior work [38] in mind. We then sample 𝑁
programs from 𝑝synth(input ,instr), setting input to the populated
template and instruction to the problem description. We use tem-
perature sampling with a monotonically increasing temperature
schedule where 𝑖-th program is sampled with temperature 𝑡𝑖≈𝑖
(approximate equality enables efficient implementation by means
of batching). Thus, the sampling procedure for the first programs
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
Given an integer x, return "Fizz"
if x is divisible b y 3, "Buzz" if x
is divisible b y 5, "FizzBuzz" if x
is divisible b y 3 and 5, and a
string v ersion of x if none of
the abo ve hold.
For example,
int main() {import os
import sys
import nump y as np
Given an integer x, return "Fizz"
if x is divisible b y 3, "Buzz" if x
is divisible b y 5, "FizzBuzz" if x
is divisible b y 3 and 5, and a
string v ersion of x if none of
the abo ve hold.
For example,
if __name__ == '__main__' : task
blockstandard preamble
with useful imports
Figure 2: Anatomy of SYNTHESIZE templates
Page 3:
Instruction, e.g.:
Make sure that
{Ival} -> {Oval}stderr
Fix {stderr}Failing
(I, O)val
for P iyesTemplate
Fix {stderr}Failing
(I, O)val
for P iyesTemplate
behavior)LLM for
Template output, e.g.:
The code must return
Oval instead of O for Ival.
The error is...
instruction)Instruction, e.g.:
Fix {bug summary}Figure 3: INSTRUCT blocks with and without an LLM.
approximates deterministic maximum likelihood estimation. Ulti-
mately, this approach ensures that samples are diverse, but always
contain the likeliest programs.
2.3 Execute
In the EXECUTE block, the programs are compiled (if necessary)
and launched using the standard tools for the programming lan-
guage. The program is run once for every I/O pair in the valida-
tion set. Its stdin stream receives all the input lines in a given
input pair, and its stdout andstderr streams are captured and
saved. We then measure the score of the program defined as ac-
curacy over output lines, with O being the expected output, and
𝑖I[stdout 𝑖=𝑂𝑖]
unless stderr is non-empty during compilation or execution, which
is considered to indicate failure and is assigned a score of 0.
2.4 Instruct
The goal of the INSTRUCT block is to provide an instruction that
summarizes a bug in the program candidate for 𝑝debug(input ,instr).
The resulting instruction with the bug summary should indicate
what requirement is violated and instruct the LLM to edit the candi-
date program so that the candidate meets the violated requirements.
In SEIDR, we generate instructions using template engines. In gen-
eral, template engines replace placeholders in files or strings with
input values and return a formatted string. With template engines,
we can create a number of templates that will be adapted dynami-
cally based on the results of program candidate execution.
We consider two different designs of the instruction generation
block: INSTRUCTstaticand INSTRUCTLLMshown in figure 3. Both
types of blocks use failing I/O pairs from the validation set and
stderr output of the candidate execution. In both blocks, if stderr
is not empty, i.e., execution errors occur before getting the output to
compare it with the expected output, the stderr -based template en-
gine generates an instruction to fix the error mentioned in stderr .
However, the blocks differ in the way they transform failing I/O
pairs to generate instructions in case stderr is empty.
INSTRUCTstaticuses a fixed input template and substitutes place-
holders for input and output with the corresponding strings of the
first failing test case. We show the resulting instruction for an ex-
emplar template in figure 3. By contrast, INSTRUCTLLMuses the
failing I/O pair in the LLM for text completion, thereby prompting
the text LLM to produce the bug summary. An exemplar output
of the code behavior template engine in figure 3 describes thatthe code returns output O instead of expected output O valfor the
failing test case with input string I val.The LLM is then prompted
to auto-complete this description of program behavior with the
bug summary. The bug description is passed further to the next
template engine and used as the debugging instruction, such as
“Fix {bug summary} ”.
2.5 Debug
The DEBUG block iterates over all programs in the population
and uses the instruction written by INSTRUCT based on the re-
sults of EXECUTE to sample from 𝑝debug(input ,instr)𝑁times to
repair every candidate, setting input to the candidate solution
andinstruction to the output of INSTRUCT. The population of
candidates is then replaced with the output of DEBUG.
2.6 Rank
Finally, the RANK block implements what is known in genetic
programming as parent selection [39]. It ranks all programs in the
candidate population by their score calculated in EXECUTE, keeps
the top 𝑊programs, and removes the rest from the population.
2.7 Meaning of Hyperparameters
After evaluating a given candidate solution in EXECUTE, SEIDR
supports two approaches to addressing the candidate’s flaws:
•Replace the candidate with another sample from the current
•Use INSTRUCT and DEBUG to repair the candidate.
We refer to this problem as repair-replace trade-off , by analogy with
production economics [40].
How does the choice of hyperparameters 𝑁and𝑊influence
the flow of SEIDR? 𝑁and𝑊act as upper bounds on the replace
option by limiting the size of the population. In the edge cases,
𝑁=𝑊=1corresponds to a repair-only process, while 𝑁=𝑊=∞
corresponds to replace-only, see figure 4.
Observe that a mutation-only genetic algorithm with population
size𝑊, such as SEIDR, is equivalent to local beam search with beam
width 𝑊on a 𝑁-ary tree [41, Section 4.1.4]. This corresponds to a
known property of local beam search: it degenerates into depth-first
search when 𝑊=1, whereas setting 𝑊=∞yields breadth-first
search. Hence, we refer to 𝑁astree arity and𝑊asbeam width .
The use of large language models for a program repair step within
a program synthesis pipeline has been studied by Joshi et al. [42]
and Gupta et al. [28], while a specific case of instruction-driven
Page 4:
31st 2nd 3rd generation
beam width = 3 = population size
910thinitial template candidate solutions
2 3 4 1
4 1
5tree arity
= beam width
= 1 programrepair only
(depth first)
(beam search)
replace only
(breadth first)
stderr non-empty at compile- or runtimecompiles and runs, but all I/O pairs wrongevery I/O pair as expectedsynthesize debug
beam width x tree arity = 6tree arity
= 2 programs
beam width = ∞
tree arity = ∞debug
at least one I/O pair as expectedFigure 4: Repair-replace trade-off as a tree search problem.
LLMs has been explored by Fan et al. [34]. The latter authors also
compare instruction-driven LLMs to other Automated Program
Repair (APR) strategies, and conclude that LLMs solve the task
effectively. However, they do not consider the entire Synthesize,
Execute, Debug framework, as we do in this work. By contrast, LLMs
are usually set up to generate a fix from the first debug attempt and
do not update failing patches iteratively.
Prompt generation for LLMs pre-trained on code is investigated
in prompt engineering literature on a number of tasks, such as
source code repair, type inference, code synthesis, and autocomple-
tion [43–45]. Studies on program repair automation used prompts
that contain code only, code with docstrings, and code with bug
hints with the Codex model to test the repair capabilities of the LLM
on the QuixBugs benchmark [46, 47]. The studies reported that bug
localization hints were not helpful, whereas providing buggy code
and the task summary was the most effective. ChatGPT was tested
on QuixBugs in addition to Codex models as well [48]. Kuznia et
al. [49] proposed to summarize task descriptions of competitive
programming and interview programming tasks. Following guid-
ance from these studies, we include I/O pairs and task descriptions
as docstrings in addition to the function signature in our prompts.
To explore the capabilities of SEIDR, we test the framework on the
benchmark of problems for code competitions with different types
of instructions for program candidate debugging, varied search
strategies, and two languages, Python and C++. Our experimentsuse the Program Synthesis Benchmark 2 (PSB2) for problem de-
scriptions and tests to evaluate the proposed framework [50]. We
compare the performance of programs synthesized with SEIDR
to the PushGP genetic programming system with down-sampled
lexicase selection [51]. During our empirical evaluation of SEIDR
performance, we address the following research questions:
RQ1. Repair-replace trade-off exploration: What is the im-
pact of using different tree search strategies in the autonomous
programming setting? We experiment with four different tree ar-
ities in the tree search and study their impact on the number of
resolved problems as well as the speed of obtaining solutions.
RQ2. Prompt engineering: What is the effect of using LLM-
produced bug summaries compared to static instructions on the
repair performance of automatically synthesized code? We test
six static debug instructions that describe bug behavior based on
violated requirements and five auto-generated debug prompts.
4.1 Data
PSB2 is a benchmark suite of 25 problems for program synthesis that
resemble small real-world tasks. PSB2 was developed as a more re-
alistic and challenging version of PSB1 [52], the latter consisting of
textbook problems and is widely used in genetic programming [53].
The problems require different data structures and control flows to
be used for effective solutions and are taken from sources, such as
competitive programming platforms and educational courses. The
problems have descriptions in English, as well as 1 million (M) tests
for training and 1M testing-stage tests, including edge or corner
cases that test the resulting program on complicated inputs. The
tests are provided as I/O pairs and are distributed together with the
problem descriptions as a PyPI package.4
In PSB1 [52], the training set consists of the edge test cases
and is augmented by random test cases if the number of edge
tests is not enough. The test set is formed by random test cases.
This terminology is preserved in PSB2. However, we do not have
a training or fine-tuning phase in our experiments, because the
models are not made available for further training. Instead, we
validate the framework with an existing pre-trained LLM for code
and text as its parts. Therefore, we only have the validation and test
phases. We will refer to training test cases in the PSB terminology
as validation test cases in this study.
4.2 Repair-replace Trade-off Settings
As described in Section 2.7, the choice of beam width 𝑊and tree
arity 𝑁define the repair-replace trade-off where higher 𝑊and𝑁
prioritize to repair over replace. We evaluate four options for these
hyperparameters as shown in table 1.
Table 1: Tree search hyperparameters.
experiment 1 2 3 4
beam width 𝑊 110 100∞
tree arity 𝑁 110 100∞
Because we aim to compare tree search parameters, we fix one
default debugging instruction and use the INSTRUCTstaticblock.
Moreover, we set the upper limit for the total number of gener-
ated program candidates to 1000 to limit the experimentation time.
Page 5:
Although some solutions may not be found within the hard limit,
we assume5that 1000 program candidates form a sufficiently large
search space for our experiments. 𝑊=𝑁=∞is achieved in im-
plementation by setting 𝑊and𝑁equal to the upper limit on the
number of candidates, i. e. 1000. This setting ensures that a second
generation of programs does not exist.
4.3 Prompting Strategies
The prompt for the LLM model 𝑝debug(input ,instr)consists of the
input for editing — candidate program generated so far — and a
debug instruction to repair the candidate. We test SEIDR on 11
debug instructions to explore whether the use of the LLM for text
completion 𝑝text(input)benefits the performance of our framework,
as well as what effect different prompt phrases have on the debug
process. We compare debug instructions that use neutral phrases
with those that use more confident language and mimic experienced
software developers, as well as shorter and longer instructions with
different amounts of details about code behavior. To alleviate the
effect of beam width and tree arity, we set 𝑁=𝑊=1and test the
repair-only tree search strategy shown in figure 4. This strategy is
used to gradually improve one program candidate throughout the
search with no competing programs in the same generation.
The debug instructions are formulated as templates. The instruc-
tions describe the violated requirements in terms of the wrong
output in a failing I/O test or summarize the bug to capture issues
in code logic. We present debug instructions using the template
engine format: the brackets { } denote that the placeholder in the
brackets will be replaced with the value generated during execution,
{Ival} and {O val} stand for values failing I/O pair from the validation
set. As shown in figure 3, the instruction to fix the execution errors,
which abort the program before the resulting output is obtained,
with stderr lines: Fix {stderr}. Static debug instructions that do not
use LLM for bug summarization are as follows:
S0 Make sure that {I val} -> {O val};
S1 Make sure the code returns {O val} for input {I val};
S2 Ensure that input {I val} yields output {O val};
S3 Modify code to get {O val} from {I val};
S4Code must correspond instructions in comments and {I val}
must yield {O val};
S5 See comments in code and return {O val} for input {I val}.
The instruction S0 is the default instruction for tree arity experi-
ments. It has an intuitive symbolic notation (->) instead of the word
“return” or “yield”. In instructions S1–S3, we experiment with verbs
and the order of output and input. Alternatively, in debug instruc-
tions S4–S5, we prompt the model to consider task description in
the docstring in addition to providing the details of the failing I/O
pair. Overall, instructions S0–S5 indicate the requirements to be
met, but do not describe the current program’s behavior.
The second set of instructions use the LLM for text comple-
tion 𝑝text(input). The instructions are designed so that the LLM is
prompted to complete the sentence that should describe an error.
In addition to validation I/O pairs, the following notation is used:
{Op} denotes the program candidate output for input {I val}, {task} is
a placeholder for a problem description in English. Note that we
do not include the incorrect output 𝑂𝑝of a generated candidate
5This assumption is later confirmed in Section 5.1.program in debug instructions S0-S5, because it is recommended
to avoid asking the model what not to do.6We denote the text
completion LLM’s output as {bug} which should constitute the bug
summary. Input templates to use LLM for bug description followed
by debugging instruction templates (after “ →”) are as follows:
M6The code should solve the following problem: {task}. The
code must return {O val} for input {I val} but it returns {O p}.
Obviously, the error is that...
→Fix {bug};
M7The code should solve the following problem: {task}. The
code must return {O val} for input {I val} but it returns {O p}.
The error is that...
→Fix {bug};
M8Problem description: {task}. The code must return {O val} for
input {I val}, but it returns {O p}. It is clear the error is that...
→Fix {bug};
M9There is clearly a bug in code, because the code returns {O p}
for input {I val} but output {O val} is expected. The bug is that...
→Fix {bug};
M10 There is clearly a bug in code, because the code returns {O p}
for input {I val} but output {O val} is expected. The bug is that...
→Fix {bug} and modify the code to return {O val} for in-
put {I val}.
Note that the text completion LLM does not use program candidates
in its input, but only template inputs M6–M10 before the arrow.
Input M6 for the text completion LLM is used to evaluate the
effect of the “confidence” sentiment on the bug summaries and
debugging process. It is identical to input M7, except for the word
“obviously”, which should reflect or confidence of the comment.
Inputs M7 and M8 can be compared in the way the problem descrip-
tion is introduced, i.e., as a separate sentence similar to a spoken
situation in prompt M7 or as a short title in M8.
Input templates M9 and M10 for text completion LLM are iden-
tical, but the instruction templates are different. Text completion
inputs start with a “confidently” phrased statement that a bug is
present in code. We include both the LLM output {bug} and de-
scription of the failing validation test case in debug instruction
M10. Therefore, instructions M6–M9 rely mainly on the LLM out-
put to summarize the bug, whereas instruction M10 also provides
information about the expected output.
4.4 Performance Indicators
In our experiments, we compare the number of fully solved
programs obtained using SEIDR with different values of hyper-
parameters. For a more detailed analysis of results, we use test pass
rate (TPR) andExcess Programs Generated (EPG) . TPR reflects the
percentage of fully passed test cases based on the exact match of
program output and test output. The TPR metric is used for the
final evaluation of generated programs and does not reflect partial
passing of the I/O test as opposed to score in the RANK block.
DEBUG and EXECUTE blocks generate a number of programs
that are replaced or repaired during the search for solution program.
The number of programs generated before the first occurrence of
the program that passes all validation test cases is referred to as EPG.
Page 6:
1 10 100∞
tree arity147101316192225
14 14PushGP
C++Figure 5: Number of solved PSB2 problems depending on the
tree arity in tree search for the fixed prompt type S0.
EPG is indicative of the computational cost of solving a problem
distributed in terms of LLM inferences and program compilations
and executions.
4.5 Implementation Details
We use GPT-3 models pre-trained on code7and text8as LLMs in
our framework. Specifically, we use Codex-edit (code-davinci-edit-
001) as the LLM for draft programs 𝑝synth and LLM for debugging
𝑝debug and GPT-3 (text-davinci-003) for bug summarization via
text completion with 𝑝text. We ensure that the program candidates
generated from the same parent program are different from each
other by changing the temperature parameter of Codex-edit.
We use 2000 I/O pairs from the test split of PSB2 to evaluate
the candidate program that has passed all the validation test cases
during debugging. Due to repetitive calls to the EXECUTE block,
we have to resolve the speed of testing versus precision trade-off
while choosing the number of validation test pairs. We resolve the
trade-off by fixing the validation set size at 100.
In the experiments with tree arity values, we set the limit to
generate a maximum of 1000 program candidates during the search
of the candidate that passes all validation tests. If we reach 1000
candidates and none of them passes all validation tests, we report
the test pass rate for the last generated candidate. In the experiments
with prompts, we set the limit of maximum generated programs to 5,
because we search for the prompt that yields the fastest solution to
exclude long searches and comply with the request rate limits.
5.1 RQ1. Repair-replace Trade-off Exploration
We compare the number of solved problems in the experiments
with tree arity of 1, 10, 100, and ∞and fixed debug instruction S0
in Python and C++ in figure 5. The results of SEIDR are compared
to the baseline performance of PushGP on the PSB2 benchmark,
which solves 17 out of 25 problems. Note that experiments with
𝑁=1and𝑁=∞can be considered as ablation studies, where the
replace option and repair option is turned off, correspondingly.
The results highlight the benefit of compromise strategies with
tree arity of 10 and 100 over repair-only ( 𝑁=1) and replace-only
(𝑁=∞) strategies. The repair-only scheme is outperformed by
other strategies. We explain the poor performance of repair-only
strategy by the fact that the search space is under-explored. Specif-
ically, replace scenario ensures the LLM for debugging represented
by Codex-edit in our experiments generates different updates of
1C++(a) 0≤EPG≤10 with step 1.
EPG range110100frequency47
EPG range110100
(b) 0≤EPG≤1000 with step 100.
Figure 6: Distribution of the number of generated programs
during each problem-solving attempt in the experiments
with different tree arities where a problem solution is found.
program candidates using variable temperature. The probability of
finding a better fix is higher when more alternatives are generated
to update the draft program at 𝑁>1compared to 𝑁=1. The
search strategy with 𝑁=10yields the best results: it performs
on par with PushGP for C++ and outperforms the baseline during
Python program synthesis by +2 problems resulting in a total of 19
programs that pass all test cases. The results imply that generating
a moderate number of programs in parallel during the DEBUG step
works better than the policies in which more updates are generated
for each program (100 or 1000) or only one program is updated
We present the analogy of the solution speed for all four arities
and fixed default debug instruction in figure 6. In detail, we show
the distribution of EPG values in all experiments to explore how
many candidate updates are generated before the solution is found.
We zoom in to the cases with solutions found with up to the first
10 program candidates in figure 6a and show the EPG distribution
with the step of 100 candidates in figure 6b.
Out of 100 experiments for each language, in 21–24% of runs in
Python and C++, the draft program is already the solution (EPG=0).
For 19-32% of experiments, the solution is found after discarding
5 candidates. Around half of experiments do not generate more
than 100 programs. However, 5 problems are solved with more than
500 generated programs in Python and 1 problem in C++ (with
𝑁=10). The results imply that the first steps in the update of
the draft program are crucial for solving the problem. The chances
of solving the problem on the later stages of the search, such as
after 100 programs have been generated, are low. This confirms our
initial assumption in Section 4.2 that 1000 programs are sufficient.
Answer to RQ1. SEIDR outperforms the PushGP baseline on
PSB2 in Python and performs on par with it in C++ experiments
Page 7:
S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10
debug prompt type147101316192225
689898 87910
8121110 10 10Python C++Figure 7: Number of solved PSB2 problems depending on the
instruction choice for the fixed tree arity of 1.
with tree arity of 10. Search strategies with tree arity larger than
one benefit from the replace possibility of the SEIDR framework
as a consequence of using variable temperature for Codex-edit.
The repair component is also crucial for the framework because
the replace-only search policy (with tree arity of ∞) performs
worse than the policies that alternate between replace and repair
during program update (with tree arity of 10 or 100).
5.2 RQ2. Prompt Engineering
We report the number of solved problems for different static and
GPT-assisted debug instructions in figure 7. Because debug instruc-
tions are parts of prompts for LLMs and the program candidate
format does not change, we will use the term prompt during the
analysis of experiment results with different instructions. Overall,
the performance of the framework is robust to the debug prompt
choice, both with LLM-generated and static templates. The number
of solved problems differs for Python and C++ in our experiments.
For C++, all debug prompts except S2 result in the same or higher
performance than the instruction S0 which is used in the repair-
replace trade-off experiments. The debug instruction S2 contains
the verbs “yield” and “ensure” which are probably rarely used in
code documentation. The best debug instruction for C++ is the
LLM-assisted template M6 containing the word “obviously”, which
should indicate the confidence of the author of bug summary whom
GPT-3 should mimic during autocompletion.
Python programs do not show the same effect during experi-
ments with different prompts. The overall performance drops in
comparison with using the prompt S0. By limiting the total number
of generated programs from 1000 to 5 in the current set of experi-
ments, we lose 2 problem solutions in Python with S0. The prompt
that results in the best performance in C++ for the EPG limit of 5
corresponds to the worst performance in Python. This result can
occur due to the small tree arity and low variability of debugging
updates of the initial draft. Another reason is that the GPT-3 sum-
mary of bugs may not point to logical errors. The model for text
autocompletion frequently outputs bug summaries that mention
“the code is not accepting the input correctly.” Note that such bug
summary appears in other debug prompts, too.
To analyze the effect of using different prompts on a problem
level, we present a heatmap of EPG for all 25 problems in figure 8.
We add the values of test pass rate in numbers or signs and show
EPG in color. Empty cells denote that the search halts due to OpenAI
exceptions, such as APIError .9In addition, if the framework halts
9 max programs attempts (light-blue cells with a “-”), it is due
to the input length limit of the underlying LLM 𝑝debug , i.e., the
generated code is too long and does not fit as input to the LLM.
Some problems are solved with all prompts, while other problems
are solved with only a subset of prompts, solved partially, or not
solved at all. A number of problems are solved with all or the
majority of prompts in both languages, such as basement, fizz-buzz,
paired-digits, and twitter. Other problems pass all tests in only
one of the languages, such as luhn, vector-distance, fuel-cost, or
substitution-cipher. Most of the solved problems are generated as
the first draft or within 1–2 debug steps. However, some problems
pass 90% of test cases at the fifth step, such as substitution-cipher
in Python with prompts S4 and M8 or shopping-list in C++ with
prompts S0, S1, S5 and M7. These runs are likely to be updated with
the fully correct programs in the following several steps, according
to the results in section 5.1, but the experiments are stopped for the
fairness of inter-prompt comparison. Alternatively, conducting the
prompt engineering experiment with 1000 max programs would
have shown what prompts are beneficial for solving the problems
in the long run and can be interesting for future work.
The most interesting cases concern the problems that are solved
only with LLM bug summaries or only with static prompts. For
example, the gcd problem is solved only with prompts M6–M10
in C++ and is not solved with either of S0–S5. A similar result
is obtained for spin-words and coin-sums in C++. In Python, we
observe only the cases where solutions are obtained with static
prompts and are not obtained with GPT-assisted prompts, e.g., for
find-pair, camel-case. In addition, several prompts work well from
both S and M categories as for gcd in Python.
Answer to RQ2. Program synthesis in C++ with SEIDR
achieves better performance in the repair-only setting with both
GPT-assisted prompts that summarize bugs in code and static
templates which describe failing I/O cases. The best-performing
C++ instruction is obtained with GPT-3 for text completion that
contains the word “obviously”. Results differ for PSB2 solutions
in Python: the static prompt template S0 results in the best per-
formance. Overall, SEIDR performance is stable with different
debugging prompts submitted to Codex-edit.
5.3 Threats to Validity
External threats to validity concern SEIDR performance on different
benchmarks and the use of other language models than the tested
ones. Specifically, PSB2 contains competitive programming tasks
which require smaller functions to be generated than production-
scale software. We plan to extend our experiments in future work
to explore the generalizability of results to other benchmarks.
Internal threats relate to the implementation. We use PSB2,
which has corner case tests in the training set and test regular
cases in the test set. To ensure a fair comparison with other studies
on PSB2, we evaluate and report results on the provided test set
of PSB2 which risks that the synthesized programs do not pass
some of the training cases. Large models for code editing and text
completion used in this study are nondeterministic, which impacts
results. Due to prohibitive model inference costs, each experiment
was only run once. However, our temperature sampling procedure
Page 8:
Figure 8: Number of excess programs generated (in color) and test pass rate (as numbers) depending on the type of debug
prompt. Higher EPG values are shown in darker shades than low EPG. We denote solved problems with “+” (test pass rate = 1),
unsolved problems with “-” (test pass rate = 0), and show the test pass rate for partially solved problems.
described in section 2.2 reduces this stochasticity significantly, es-
pecially for low-EPG results. As with other language models, Codex
is a black-box model and may generate malicious code [54]. The
Codex model was pre-trained on an unbalanced dataset across pro-
gramming languages [9]. Thus, the results can be skewed towards
high performance in popular programming languages.
In this study, we propose the SEIDR framework to solve the chal-
lenge of fully autonomous programming. We augment the program
synthesis procedure based on the large language models for code
generation from templates and textual instructions with the repair
block. The repair block consists of the tree search across the pro-
gram candidates generated by a large language model for code. The
LLM used for code repair takes imperfect program candidates and
instructions for their improvement as prompts. The instructions are
obtained from both static templates with failing test case descrip-
tions and templates with auto-generated bug summaries by a text
completion language model. We explore 11 prompting strategies
and the repair-replace trade-off of updating the draft program.
Contributions: We test SEIDR with the Codex-edit as the model
for draft program synthesis and debugging in Python and C++ on
the PSB2 benchmark. In our experiments, SEIDR outperforms the
PushGP baseline and achieves the state-of-the-art result with 19solved problems out of 25. It requires under 1000 program execu-
tions to solve them, in stark contrast to billions10of executions in
PushGP, making it feasible in the areas with costly testing, such as
robotics. Investigation of the repair-replace trade-off shows that
SEIDR with tree arity of 10 outperforms both the replace-only strat-
egy and the repair-only approach. Our prompt engineering study
shows that bug summaries generated with “confidence indicators”,
such as “obviously”, improve the performance of SEIDR during C++
code synthesis. Overall, our framework shows low performance
variability with different prompts, which indicates its robustness.
Future work: To study the generalizability of the SEIDR frame-
work, we plan to expand the experiments to the competitive pro-
gramming dataset of AlphaCode [10] and QuixBugs [46], as well as
experimenting with ranking strategies, such as lexicase selection.
The code and results are made available via Zenodo.11Note that
OpenAI discontinued the Codex API on March 23, 2023, and sug-
gests using the GPT-3.5-Turbo API instead.
10A problem is considered "solved" by PushGP if at least 1 of 100 runs, each with a
limit of 60 million programs, was successful.
Page 9:
The work presented in this paper was supported by the European
Commission through Horizon 2020 grant 812882, and by the Re-
search Council of Norway through the secureIT project (#288787).
The empirical evaluation made use of the Experimental Infrastruc-
ture for Exploration of Exascale Computing (eX3), supported by
the Research Council of Norway through grant #270053.
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