Authors: Antonio Mastropaolo, Luca Pascarella, Emanuela Guglielmi, Matteo Ciniselli, Simone Scalabrino, Rocco Oliveto, Gabriele Bavota
Paper Content:
Page 1:
On the Robustness of Code Generation Techniques:
An Empirical Study on GitHub Copilot
Antonio Mastropaolo, Luca Pascarella, Emanuela Guglielmiy, Matteo Ciniselli
Simone Scalabrinoy, Rocco Olivetoy, Gabriele Bavota
SEART @ Software Institute, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Switzerland
yUniversity of Molise, Italy
Abstract —Software engineering research has always being
concerned with the improvement of code completion approaches,
which suggest the next tokens a developer will likely type while
coding. The release of GitHub Copilot constitutes a big step
forward, also because of its unprecedented ability to automati-
cally generate even entire functions from their natural language
description. While the usefulness of Copilot is evident, it is
still unclear to what extent it is robust. Specifically, we do
not know the extent to which semantic-preserving changes in
the natural language description provided to the model have
an effect on the generated code function. In this paper we
present an empirical study in which we aim at understanding
whether different but semantically equivalent natural language
descriptions result in the same recommended function . A negative
answer would pose questions on the robustness of deep learning
(DL)-based code generators since it would imply that developers
using different wordings to describe the same code would obtain
different recommendations. We asked Copilot to automatically
generate 892 Java methods starting from their original Javadoc
description. Then, we generated different semantically equivalent
descriptions for each method both manually and automatically,
and we analyzed the extent to which predictions generated by
Copilot changed. Our results show that modifying the description
results in different code recommendations in 46% of cases.
Also, differences in the semantically equivalent descriptions might
impact the correctness of the generated code ( 28%).
Index Terms —Empirical Study, Recommender Systems
One of the long lasting dreams in software engineering re-
search is the automated generation of source code. Towards this
goal, several approaches have been proposed. The first attempts
targeted the relatively simpler problem of code completion,
that has been tackled exploiting historical information [ 50],
coding patterns mined from software repositories [ 21], [42],
[56], [10], [41], [45], [19] and, more recently, Deep Learning
(DL) models [62], [27], [29], [8], [53], [15].
The release of GitHub Copilot [14] pushed the capabilities
of these tools to whole new levels. The large-scale training
performed on the OpenAI’s Codex model allows Copilot to
not limit its recommendations to few code tokens/statements
the developer is likely to write: Copilot is able to automatically
synthesize entire functions just starting from their signature
and natural language descriptions.
This new generation of code recommender systems has the
potential to change the way in which developers write code
[18] and comes with a number of questions concerning how to
effectively exploit them to maximize developers’ productivity.Intuitively, the ability of the developer to provide “proper” in-
puts to the model will become central to boost the effectiveness
of its recommendations. In the concrete example of GitHub
Copilot, the natural language description provided to the model
to automatically generate a code function could substantially
influence the model output. This means that two developers
providing different natural language descriptions for the same
function they would like to automatically generate could receive
two different recommendations. While this would be fine in
case the two descriptions are actually different in the semantics
of what they describe, receiving different recommendations for
semantically equivalent natural language descriptions would
pose questions on the robustness and usability of DL-based
code recommenders.
This is the main research question we investigate in this
paper: We study the extent to which different semantically
equivalent natural language descriptions of a function result in
different recommendations ( i.e.,different synthesized functions)
by GitHub Copilot. The latter is selected as representative of
DL-based code recommenders since it is the de facto state-of-
the-art tool when it comes to code generation.
We collected from an initial set of 1,401 open source projects
a set of 892 Java methods that are (i) accompanied by a Doc
Comment for the Javadoc tool, and (ii) exercised by a test
suite written by the project’s contributors. Then, as done in
the literature [ 23], [32], we considered the first sentence of
the Doc Comments as a “natural language description” of the
method. We refer to this sentence as the “ original ” description.
We preliminarily checked whether existing automated para-
phrasing techniques are suitable for robustness testing, i.e.,if
they can be used to create semantically equivalent descriptions
of the methods to generate. We validated two state-of-the-
art approaches in this scenario: PEGASUS [ 66], a DL-based
paraphrasing tool, and Translation Pivoting (TP), a heuristic-
based approach. We used both techniques to generate a
paraphrase for each original description in our dataset. Then,
we manually inspected the obtained paraphrases and classified
them as semantically equivalent or not. We obtained positive
results for both the approaches, with TP being the best
performing one with 77% of valid paraphrases.
Then, to answer our main research question, we generated
different paraphrases for each original description.arXiv:2302.00438v1 [cs.SE] 1 Feb 2023
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We used the two previously described automated approaches,
i.e., PEGASUS and TP, and we also manually generated
paraphrases by distributing the original descriptions among four
of the authors, each of which was in charge of paraphrasing a
subset of them.
Therefore, for each original description, we obtained a set of
semantically equivalent paraphrased descriptions. We provided
both the original and the paraphrased descriptions as input to
Copilot , asking it to generate the corresponding method body.
We analyze the percentage of cases in which the paraphrased
descriptions result in a different code prediction as compared
to the original one, with a particular focus on the impact
on the prediction quality, e.g., cases in which the original
description resulted in the recommendation of a method passing
its associated test cases while switching to a paraphrased
description made Copilot recommending a method failing its
related tests.
Our results show that paraphrasing a description results
in a change in the code recommendation in 46% of cases.
The resulting changes also cause substantial variations in
the percentage of correct predictions. Such findings indicate
the central role played by the model’s input in the code
recommendation and the need for testing and improving the
robustness of DL-based code generators.
Data and code used in our study are publicly available [ 6].
Thegoal of our study is to understand how robust is a state-
of-the-art DL-based code completion approach ( i.e., GitHub
Copilot ). We aim at answering the following research questions:
RQ 0: To what extent can automated paraphrasing
techniques be used to test the robustness of DL-based
code generators? Not always natural language processing
techniques can be used out of the box on software-related
text [ 35]. Therefore, with this preliminary RQ, we want
to understand whether existing automated techniques for
generating natural language paraphrases are suitable for SE
task at hand ( i.e.,paraphrasing a function description).
RQ 1: To what extent is the output of GitHub Copilot
influenced by the code description provided as input by the
developer? This RQ aims at understanding whether Copilot ,
as a representative of DL-based code generators, is likely to
generate different recommendations for different semantically
equivalent natural language descriptions provided as input.
In the following we detail the context for our study (Sec-
tion II-A) and how we collected (Section II-B) and analyzed
(Section II-C) the data needed to answer our RQs.
A. Context Selection
The context of our study is represented by 892 Java methods
collected through the following process. We selected all GitHub
Java repositories having at least 300 commits, 50 contributors,
and 25 stars. These filters have been used in an attempt to
exclude personal/toy projects.We also excluded forked projects to avoid duplicates. The
decision to focus on a single programming language aimed
instead at simplifying the non-trivial toolchain needed to run
our study. The whole repositories selection process has been
performed using the GitHub search tool by Dabic et al. [17].
At this stage, we obtained 1,401 repositories.
In our experimental design, we use the passing/failing tests as
a proxy to assess the correctness of the predictions generated by
Copilot . Thus, we need the projects to use a testing framework
and to be compilable. We selected all projects that used Maven
as build automation tool and for which the build of their latest
release succeeded. We obtained 214 repository. By parsing
the POM (Project Object Model) file1we only considered
projects having as dependencies both jUnit [ 4] — a well-
known unit testing framework — and Jacoco [ 2] — a code
coverage library. We analyzed the Jacoco reports and selected
as methods subject of our experiment those having at least
75% of statement coverage. This gives us confidence that the
related test cases exercise an acceptable number of behaviors
and, therefore, could allow to spot cases in which different
generated functions for semantically-equivalent descriptions
actually behave differently. We are aware that passing tests does
not imply correctness. We discuss this aspect in Section IV.
Given our goal to use the method’s description as input for
Copilot , we also exclude methods not having any associated
Doc Comment for the Javadoc tool. Then, we process the
Doc Comment of each method in our dataset to extract from
it the first sentence ( i.e.,from the beginning to the first “.”).
This is the same approach used in the literature when building
datasets aimed at training DL-based techniques for Java code
summarization (see e.g., [23], [32]), with the training set
composed by pairs <method, code_description >, with
the latter being the first sentence of the Doc Comment. To
ensure that the extracted sentence contains enough wording for
the code description, we exclude all methods having less than
10 tokens in the extracted first sentence, since their description
may not be sufficient for synthesizing the method.
Avg Median St. Dev.
# Tokens 154.3 92.0 218.2
# Parameters 1.6 1.0 1.2
# Cyclomatic Complexity 5.3 3.0 7.6
% Coverage 96.1 100.0 6.7
The above-described process resulted in the collection of
892 Java methods. Table I shows descriptive statistics about
their characteristics in terms of number of tokens, parameters
and cyclomatic complexity. These three together provide an
idea about the complexity of the task Copilot was asked to
perform ( i.e.,the complexity of the methods it had to generate).
1POM files are used in Maven to declare dependencies towards libraries.
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public class Hook implements Resultsable { // Start: attributes from JSON file report private final Result result = null; private final Match match = null; @JsonDeserialize(using = OutputsDeserializer.class) @JsonProperty("output") private final Output[] outputs = new Output[0]; // foe Ruby reports private final Embedding[] embeddings = new Embedding[0]; // End: attributes from JSON file report @Override public Result getResult() { return result; } /** Return the embedding vector */ public Embedding[] getEmbeddings() { | } /** Checks if the hook has content meaning as it has at least * attachment or result with error * message. */ public boolean hasContent() { if (embeddings.length > 0) { return true; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(result.getErrorMessage())) { return true; } // TODO: hook with 'output' should be treated / as empty or not? return false; } }Full Context
Method to be predicted
public class Hook implements Resultsable { // Start: attributes from JSON file report private final Result result = null; private final Match match = null; @JsonDeserialize(using = OutputsDeserializer.class) @JsonProperty("output") private final Output[] outputs = new Output[0]; // foe Ruby reports private final Embedding[] embeddings = new Embedding[0]; // End: attributes from JSON file report @Override public Result getResult() { return result; } /** Return the embedding vector */ public Embedding[] getEmbeddings() { | } }Non Full Context
Method to be predictedFig. 1. GitHub Copilot’s input for both code context representations
Statistics about the coverage show, instead, the by-design high
statement coverage we ensure for the included methods.
B. Data Collection
To address RQ 0, we experiment with two state-of-the-art
paraphrasing techniques. The first is named PEGASUS [ 66],
and it is a sequence-to-sequence DL model pre-trained using
self-supervised objectives specifically tailored for abstractive
text summarization and fine-tuned for the task of paraphrasing
[5]. As for the second technique, we opted for Translation
Pivoting (TP).Such a technique relies on natural language translation
services to translates the original description ofrom English
into a foreign language ( i.e.,French), obtaining oE!F. Then,
oE!Fis translated back in the original language ( oE!F!E)
obtaining a paraphrase.
We provide each technique with the original description
as input. TP failed to generate a valid paraphrase ( i.e., a
sentence different from the original one) in 100 cases (out
of 892), while this only happened once with PEGASUS. We
manually analyzed whether the valid paraphrases we obtained
were actually semantically equivalent to the original description.
For such a process, each of the 1,683 paraphrases (892 for
each of the two tools minus the 101 invalid ones) has been
independently inspected by two authors who classified it as
semantically equivalent or not. Conflicts, that arisen in 11.9%
(PEGASUS) and 16.54% (TP) of cases, have been solved by
a third author not involved in the first place.
Concerning RQ 1, we start from the original description
and we generate semantically equivalent descriptions by (i)
using the two automated tools, i.e., PEGASUS [ 5] and TP,
and (ii) manually generating paraphrases. For the manual
paraphrasing, we split the 892 methods together with their
original description into four sets and assigned each of
them to one author. Each author was in charge of writing a
semantically equivalent but different description of the method
by looking at its code and original description. This resulted
in a dataset (available in [ 6]) in which, for each subject
method, we have its original andparaphrased description. In
the end, for each original sentence, we had between one and
three paraphrases: paraphrased PEGASUS ,paraphrased TP, and
paraphrased manual . While paraphrased manual is available for
all the methods, paraphrased PEGASUS andparaphrased TPare
not. Indeed, we exclude the cases in which each of such tools
failed to generate paraphrases (1 and 100, respectively) and the
ones that were not considered as semantically equivalent in our
manual check (based on the results of RQ 0). The maximum
number of semantically equivalent paraphrases is 2,575 (up to
891 with PEGASUS, up to 792 with TP, and 892 manually).
The paraphrases, as well as the original description, have
been used as input to Copilot , simulating developers asking it
to synthesize the same Java method by using different natural
language descriptions. At the time of our study, Copilot does not
provide open APIs to access its services. The only way to use
it is through a plugin for one of the supported IDEs. Manually
invoking Copilot for the thousands of times needed (up to 6,934,
as we will explain later) was clearly not an option. For this
reason, we developed a toolchain able to automatically invoke
Copilot on the subject instances: We exploit the AppleScript
language to automate this task on a MacBook Pro, simulating
the developer’s interaction with Visual Studio Code ( vscode ).
For each method miin our dataset, we created up to four
different versions of the Java file containing it (one for each
of the experimented descriptions). In all such versions, we
(i) emptied mi’s body, just leaving the opening and closing
curly bracket delimiting it; and (ii) removed the Doc Comment,
replacing it with one of the four code descriptions we prepared.
Page 4:
Starting from these files, the automation script we imple-
mented (available in our replication package [ 6]) performs the
following steps on each file Fi.
First, it opens Fiinvscode and moves the cursor within the
curly brackets of the method miof interest. Then, it presses
“return ” to invoke Copilot , waiting up to 20 seconds for its
recommendation. Finally, it stores the received recommendation,
that could possibly be empty ( i.e.,no recommendation received).
To better understand this process, the top part of Fig. 1 depicts
how the invocation of Copilot is performed. The gray box
represents the whole Java file ( i.e.,the context used by Copilot
for the prediction). The emptied method ( i.e.,getEmbeddings )
is framed with a black border, with the cursor indicating the
position in which Copilot is invoked. The green comment on
top of the method represents one of the descriptions we created.
As it can be seen, Fig. 1 includes for the same Java file two
different scenarios, named Full context andNon-full context . In
theFull context scenario (top part of Fig. 1) we provide Copilot
with the code preceding and following the emptied method,
simulating a developer adding a new method in an already
existing Java file. In the Non-full context scenario, instead, we
only provide as context the code preceding the emptied method
(bottom part of Fig. 1), simulating a developer writing a Java
file sequentially and implementing a new method.
The basic idea behind these two scenarios is that the
contextual information provided to Copilot can play a role
in its ability to predict the emptied method. Overall, the
maximum number of Copilot invocations needed for our study
is 6,934 (892 original descriptions plus up to 2,575 paraphrases,
each of which for 2 context scenarios). After having collected
Copilot ’s recommendations, we found out that sometimes they
did not only include the method we asked to generate, but
also additional code ( e.g., other methods). To simplify the data
analysis and to make sure we only consider one recommended
method, we wrote a simple parsing tool to only extract from
the generated recommendation the first valid method (if any).
C. Data Analysis
Concerning RQ 0, we report the number and the percentage
of 892 methods for which automatically generated paraphrases
(i.e., those generated by PEGASUS and by TP) have been
classified as semantically equivalent to the original description.
This provides an idea of how reliable these tools are when
used for testing the robustness of DL-based code generators.
Also, this analysis allows to exclude from RQ 1automatically
generated paraphrases that are not semantically equivalent.
To answer RQ 1, we preliminarily assess how far the
paraphrased descriptions are from the original ones ( i.e.,the
percentage of changed words) by computing the normalized
token-level Levenshtein distance [ 31] (NTLev) between the
original (do) and any paraphrased description ( dp):
NTLev (do; dp) =TLev (do; dp)
with TLev representing the token-level Levenshtein distance
between the two descriptions.While the original Levenshtein distance works at character-
level, it can be easily generalized at token-level (each unique
token is represented as a specific character). In this case, a token
is a word in the text. The normalized token-level Levenshtein
distance provides an indication of the percentage of words
that must be changed in the original description to obtain a
paraphrased one.
Then, we analyze the percentage of methods for which the
paraphrased descriptions result in a different method prediction
as compared to the original one. When they are different, we
also assess how far the methods obtained by using a given
paraphrased description is from the method recommended
when providing the original description as input. Also in this
case we use the token-level Levenshtein distance as metric. The
latter is computed with the same formula previously reported
for the natural text descriptions; in this case, however, the
tokens are not the words but the Java syntactic tokens. Thus,
NTLev indicates in this case the percentage of code tokens
that must be changed to convert the method obtained through
theoriginal description into the one recommended with one
of the paraphrases.
Finally, we study the “quality” of the recommendations
obtained using the different descriptions both in the Full
context and Non-full context scenarios. Given the sets of
methods generated from the original description and each of the
paraphrasing approach considered, we present the percentages
of methods for which Copilot : (i) synthesized a method passing
all the related test cases ( PASS ); (ii) synthesized a method that
does not pass at least one of the test cases ( FAIL ); (iii) generated
an invalid method ( i.e.,with syntactic errors) ( ERROR ); (iv)
did not generate any method ( EMPTY ). Syntactic errors have
been identified as recommendations for which Java Parser [3]
did not manage to identify a valid recommended method ( i.e.,
cases in which Java Parser fails to identify a method node in
the AST generated for the obtained recommendation). On top
of the passing/failing methods, we also compute the token-level
Levenshtein distance and the CodeBLEU [ 49] between each
synthesized method and the target one ( i.e.,the one originally
implemented by the developers). CodeBLEU measures how
similar two methods are. Differently from the BLEU score
[46], CodeBLEU evaluates the predicted code considering not
only the overlapping n-grams but also syntactic and semantic
match of the two pieces of code (predicted and reference) [ 49].
D. Replication Package
The code and data used in our study are publicly available
[6]. In particular, we provide (i) the dataset of manually defined
and automatically generated paraphrases; (ii) the AppleScript
code used to automate the Copilot triggering; (iii) the code used
to compute the CodeBLEU and the Levenshtein distance; (iv)
the dataset of 892 methods and related tests used in our study;
(v) the scripts used to automatically generate the paraphrased
descriptions using PEGASUS and TP; and (vi) all raw data
output of our experiments.
Page 5:
Results Achieved With the Original and the Manually Paraphrased Descriptions
Unit Test Results652644
Levenshtein Distance on CodeALLFAILPASS2,721011,7792,72110249Min:Max:Fig. 2. Results achieved by Copilot when considering the Full context code representation on paraphrases manual .
As previously explained, in RQ 1we conducted our exper-
iments both in the Full context and in the Non-full context
scenario. Since the obtained findings are similar, due to space
limitations we only discuss in the paper the results achieved
in the Full context scenario ( i.e.,the case in which we provide
Copilot with all code preceding and following the method
object of the prediction). The results achieved in the Non-full
context scenario are available in our replication package [6].
A. RQ 0: Evaluation of Automated Praphrase Generators
Equivalent Nonequivalent Invalid
PEGASUS 666 (74.7%) 225 (25.2%) 1 (0.1%)
TP 688 (77.1%) 104 (11.7%) 100 (11.2%)
Table II reports the number of semantically equivalent and
nonequivalent descriptions obtained using the two state-of-the-
art paraphrasing techniques, namely PEGASUS and Translation
Pivoting (TP), together with the number of invalid paraphrases
generated. Out of the 892 original descriptions on which they
have been run, PEGASUS generated 666 (75%) semantically
equivalent descriptions, while TP went up to 688 (77%). If
we do not consider the invalid paraphrases, i.e.,the cases for
which the techniques do not actually provide any paraphrase,
the latter obtains87% of correctly generated paraphrases.These findings suggest that the two paraphrasing techniques
can be adopted as testing tools to assess the robustness of
DL-based code recommenders. In particular, once established
a reference description ( e.g., theoriginal description in our
study), these tools can be applied to paraphrase it and verify
whether, using the reference and the paraphrased descriptions,
the code recommenders generate different predictions.
Answer to RQ 0.State-of-the-art paraphrasing techniques
can be used as starting point to test the robustness of DL-
based code recommenders, since they are able to generate
semantically equivalent descriptions of a reference text in
up to 77% of cases.
B. RQ 1: Robustness of GitHub Copilot
Performance of Copilot when using the original and the
paraphrased description as input. Fig. 2 summarizes the
performance achieved by Copilot when using the original
description (light blue) and the manually generated paraphrased
description (dark blue) as input. Similarly, we report in Fig. 3
the performance obtained when considering the paraphrases
generated with the two automated techniques, i.e.,PEGASUS
and TP (top and bottom of Fig. 3, respectively). It is worth
noticing that, in the latter, we only considered in the analysis
the paraphrases manually considered as equivalent in RQ 0,i.e.,
666 for PEGASUS and 688 for TP.
A first interesting result is that, as it can be noticed
from Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the results obtained with the three
methodologies are very similar. For this reason, to avoid
repetitions, in the following, we will mainly focus on the
results obtained with the manually generated paraphrases.
Page 6:
Results Achieved With the Original and the Automatically Generated Paraphrased Descriptions
Unit Test Results479463
Levenshtein Distance on CodeALLFAILPASS1,4412,7472712,7471,441283Max:010010Min:
Unit Test ResultsOriginal495
FAILLevenshtein Distance on CodeALLFAILPASS12,625016511,779175001,779Min:Max:02,625Fig. 3. Results achieved by Copilot when considering the Full context code representation on paraphrases PEGASUS andparaphrases TP.
Also, as we will discuss, the quality of Copilot ’s recom-
mendations is very similar when using the original and the
paraphrased descriptions.
In Fig. 2, the bar chart in the left side reports the number of
methods recommended by Copilot (out of 892) that resulted in
failing tests, passing tests, syntactic errors, and no ( i.e.,empty)
recommendation. Looking at such a chart, the first thing that
leaps to the eyes is the high percentage of Java methods ( 73%
for the original and72% for the paraphrased description)
for which Copilot was not able to synthesize a method passing
the related unit tests.Only13% of instances (112 and 122 depending on the
used description) resulted in test-passing methods. While such
a result seems to indicate limited performance of Copilot ,
it must be considered the difficulty of the code generation
tasks involved in our study. Indeed, we did not ask Copilot to
generate simple methods possibly implementing quite popular
routines ( e.g., a method to generate an MD5 hash from a string)
but rather randomly selected methods that, as shown in Table I,
are composed, on average, by more than 150 tokens (median =
92) and have an average cyclomatic complexity of 5.3 (median
= 3.0).
Page 7:
public void removeListener(IChemObjectListener col){ if (chemObjectListeners == null) { return; } List<IChemObjectListener> listeners = lazyChemObjectListeners(); if (listeners.contains(col)) { listeners.remove(col); }}Target Method
Recommended method starting from the original descriptionpublic void removeListener(IChemObjectListener col){ if (chemObjectListeners == null) { return; } lazyChemObjectListeners().remove(col);}CodeBLEU: 0.45PASSFig. 4. Example of recommended method that passes the unit tests but reports
a low CodeBLEU score compared to the oracle ( i.e.,target method).
Thus, we consider the successful generation of more than
110 of these methods a quite impressive result for a code
recommender. The remaining 15% of instances resulted
either in a parsing error ( 100 methods) or in an empty
recommendation (30 methods).
The box plot in the middle part of Fig. 2 depicts the results
achieved in terms of CodeBLEU [ 49] computed between
the recommended methods and the target one ( i.e., the one
implemented by the original developers). Higher values indicate
higher similarity between the compared methods. Instead, in the
right box plot, we show the normalized Levenshtein distance,
for which lower values indicate higher similarity.
For both metrics, we depict the distributions when con-
sidering all generated predictions, the ones failing tests, and
the ones passing tests. As expected, higher (lower) values of
CodeBLEU (Levenshtein distance) are associated with test-
passing methods. Indeed, for the latter, the median CodeBLEU
is0.80 (Levenshtein = 0.10) as compared to the 0.40
(Levenshtein =0.58) of test-failing methods. Despite such
an expected finding, it is interesting to notice that 25% of
test-passing methods have a rather low CodeBLEU <0.50.
Fig. 4 shows an example of recommended method having
a CodeBLEU with the target method of 0.45 and passing the
related tests. The recommended method, while substantially
different from the target, captures the basic logic imple-
mented in it. The target method first checks if the object
chemObjectListeners isnull and, if not, it proceeds re-
moving from the listeners list the element matching the one
provided as parameter ( i.e.,col). The method synthesized by
Copilot avoids the second ifstatement by directly performing
the remove operation after the null check.
Note that there the two implementations are equivalent: The
remove method of java.util.List preliminarily checks
whether the passed element is contained in the list before
removing it. While the check in the original method has
no functional role, together with the introduction of the
listeners variable, it might have been introduced to make
the method more readable and self-explanatory.
public static void translateAllPositive(IAtomContainer atomCon){ double minX = Double.MAX_VALUE; double minY = Double.MAX_VALUE; Iterator<IAtom> atoms = atomCon.atoms().iterator(); while (atoms.hasNext()) { IAtom atom = (IAtom); if (atom.getPoint2d() != null) { if (atom.getPoint2d().x < minX) { minX = atom.getPoint2d().x; } if (atom.getPoint2d().y < minY) { minY = atom.getPoint2d().y; } } } logger.debug("Translating: minx=" + minX + ", minY=" + minY); translate2D(atomCon, minX * -1, minY * -1);}Target Method
Recommended method starting from the original description
Levenshtein distance: 165PASSpublic static void translateAllPositive (IAtomContainer atomCon){ double minX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double minY = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double minZ = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (IAtom atom : atomCon.atoms()) { if (atom.getPoint2d() != null) { minX = Math.min(minX, atom.getPoint2d().x); minY = Math.min(minY, atom.getPoint2d().y); } if (atom.getPoint3d() != null) { minX = Math.min(minX, atom.getPoint3d().x); minY = Math.min(minY, atom.getPoint3d().y); minZ = Math.min(minZ, atom.getPoint3d().z); } } for (IAtom atom : atomCon.atoms()) { if (atom.getPoint2d() != null) { atom.setPoint2d(new Point2d( atom.getPoint2d().x - minX, atom.getPoint2d().y - minY)); } if (atom.getPoint3d() != null) { atom.setPoint3d(new Point3d( atom.getPoint3d().x - minX, atom.getPoint3d().y - minY, atom.getPoint3d().z - minZ)); } }}Fig. 5. Example of recommended methods that pass the unit tests but would
require 165 edit actions to match the target method.
Similarly, Fig. 5 shows an example of prediction passing the
tests but that, accordingly to the Levenshtein distance, would
require 165 token-level edits to match the target prediction
(NTLev=63%). Differently from the previous example, it is
clear that, in this case, the two methods do not have the same
behavior since the recommended one also treats 3D points,
while the original one only 2D points. In other words, the tests
fail to capture the difference in the behavior.
These examples provide two interesting observations. The
first is that, metrics such as CodeBLEU and Levenshtein
distance may result in substantially wrong assessments of
the quality of a prediction. Indeed, while the discussed
predictions have low CodeBLEU/high Levenshtein values and,
thus, would be considered as unsuccessful predictions in most
of the empirical evaluations, it is clear that they are valuable
recommendations for a developer, even when not 100% correct
(see Fig. 5). This poses questions on the usage of these metrics
in the evaluation of code recommenders. Second, also the
testing-based evaluation shows, as expected, some limitations
as in the second example, in which the two methods do not
implement the same behavior but both pass the tests.
Page 8:
As a final note, it is also interesting to observe as 25%
of test-failing predictions exhibit high values ( >0.60) of
CodeBLEU, indicating a high code similarity that, however,
does not reflect in test-passing recommendations.
Impact of paraphrasing the input descriptions. Out of
the 892 manually paraphrased descriptions, 408 (46%) result
in different code recommendations as compared to the original
description. This means that Copilot synthesizes different
methods when it is provided as input with the original
description and with the manually paraphrased description,
which are supposed to summarize the same piece of code.
Note that at this stage we are not focusing on the “quality”
of the obtained predictions in any way. We are just observing
that different input descriptions have indeed an impact on
the recommended code. This implies that developers using
different wordings to describe a needed method may end
up with different recommendations. Such differences also
result in the potential loss of correct recommendations. Indeed,
out of the 112 test-passing predictions obtained with the
original description and the 122 obtained with the manually
paraphrased description, only 98 are in overlap, indicating that
there are 38 correct recommendations only generated either by
theoriginal (14) or the paraphrased (24) description.
To have a deeper look into the 408 different predictions
generated by Copilot with the original and the paraphrased
description, the left part of Fig. 6 (light blue) shows the
normalized token-level Levenshtein distance between (i) the
original description and the paraphrased description (see
the boxplot labeled with “Description”), and (ii) the method
obtained using the original description and that recommended
using the paraphrased description (“Code”). The “Description”
boxplot depicts the percentage of words that must be changed
to convert the paraphrased description into the original one.
As it can be seen, while describing the same method, the
paraphrased descriptions can be substantially different as
compared to the original ones, with 50% of them requiring
changes to more than 70% of their words. Similarly, the
different methods recommended in the 408 cases under analysis,
can be substantially different, with a median of 30% of code
tokes that must be changed to convert the recommendation
obtained with the original description into the one obtained
using the paraphrased description (see the “Code” boxplot).
These findings are confirmed for the automatically para-
phrased descriptions (see the middle and the right part of Fig. 6
for the results achieved with the PEGASUS and TP paraphrases,
respectively). As it can be seen, the main difference as
compared to the results of the manually paraphrased description
(left part of Fig. 6) is that TP changes a substantially lower
number of words in the original description as compared to
PEGASUS and to the manual paraphrasing. Such a finding
is expected considering that TP just translates the original
description back and forth from English to French, thus rarely
adding new words to the sentence, something that is likely
to happen using PEGASUS or by paraphrasing the sentence
manually.Answer to RQ 1.Different (but semantically equivalent)
natural language descriptions of the same method are likely
to result in different code recommendations generated by
DL-based code generation models. Such differences can
result in a loss of correct recommendations ( 28% of
test-passing methods can only be obtained either with the
original or the paraphrased descriptions). These findings
suggest that testing the robustness of DL-based code
recommenders may play an important role in ensuring
their usability and in defining possible guidelines for the
developers using them.
Threats to construct validity concern the relationship between
the theory and what we observe. Concerning the performed
measurements, we exploit the passing tests as a proxy for the
correctness of the recommendations generated by Copilot . We
acknowledge that passing tests does not imply code correctness.
However, this it can provide hints about the code behavior.
To partially address this threat we focused our study on
methods having high statement coverage (median = 100%).
Also, we complemented this analysis with the CodeBLEU and
the normalized token-level Levenshtein distance. As for the
execution of our study, we automatically invoked Copilot rather
than using it as actual developers would do: We automatically
accepted the whole recommendations and did not simulate a
scenario in which a developer selects only parts of the provided
recommendations. In other words, while our automated script
simulates a developer invoking Copilot for help, it cannot
simulate the different usages a developer can make of the
received code recommendation.
Threats to internal validity concern factors, internal to our
study, that could affect our results. While in RQ 2we had
multiple authors inspecting the semantic equivalence of the
paraphrasing generated by the automated tools, in RQ 1we
relied on a single author to paraphrase the original description.
This introduces some form of subjectivity bias. However, the
whole point of our paper is that, indeed, subjectivity plays
a role in the natural language description of a function to
generate and we are confident that the written descriptions
were indeed semantically equivalent to the original one. Indeed,
the authors involved in the manual paraphrasing have an
average of seven years of experience in Java. Also related
to internal validity is our choice of using the first sentence of
the Doc Comments as the original natural language description.
These sentences may be of low quality and not representative
of how a developer would describe a method they want to
automatically generate. This could substantially influence our
findings, especially in terms of the effectiveness of Copilot (i.e.,
its ability to generate test-passing methods). However, such
a threat is at least mitigated by the fact that Copilot has also
been invoked using the manually written descriptions, showing
a similar effectiveness. A final threat regards the projects used
for our study.
Page 9:
327 out of 666 Pegasus Paraphrased Descriptions Resulted in Changes of the Recommended Code
LevenshteinDistanceCode328 out of 688 TP Paraphrased Descriptions Resulted in Changes of the Recommended Code LevenshteinDistanceDescription
Code408 out of 892 Manually Paraphrased Descriptions Resulted in Changes of the Recommended Code Fig. 6. Levenshtein distance between the original description and (i) the manually paraphrased descriptions (left part) and (ii) the descriptions automatically
paraphrased by PEGASUS (middle part) and Translate Pivoting (right). Similarly, we report the Levenshtein distance between the method recommended using
theoriginal description and the three paraphrases. The latter is only computed for recommendations in which the obtained output differs.
Those are open-source projects from GitHub, and it is likely
that at least some of them have been used for training Copilot
itself. In other words, the absolute actual effectiveness reported
might not be reliable. However, the objective of our study is to
understand the differences when different paraphrases are used
rather than the absolute performance of Copilot, like previous
studies did ( e.g., [43]).
Threats to external validity are related to the possibility to
generalize our results. Our study has been run on 892 methods
we carefully selected as explained in Section II-A. Rather than
going large-scale, we preferred to focus on methods having
a high test coverage and a verbose first sentence in the Doc
Comment. Larger investigations are needed to corroborate
or contradict our findings. Similarly, we only focused on
Java methods, given the effort required to implement the
toolchain needed for our study, and in particular the script
to automatically invoke Copilot and parse its output. Running
the same experiment with other languages is part of our future
Recommender systems for software developers are tools
supporting practitioners in daily activities [ 38], [51], such
as documentation writing and retrieval [ 64], [39], [40], [24],
refactoring [ 11], [55], bug triaging [ 54], [63], bug fixing [ 30],
[58], [34], etc. Among those, code recommenders, such as code
completion tools, have became a crucial feature of modern
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and support in
speeding up code development by suggesting the developers
code they are likely to write [ 12], [29], [16]. Given the empirical
nature of our work, that focuses on investigating a specific
aspect of code recommenders, in this section we do not discuss
all pervious works proposing novel or improving existing code
recommenders (see e.g., [64], [39], [40], [30], [58], [34], [61],
[44], [36], [28], [7], [29], [27], [60], [57]). Instead, we focus on
empirical studies looking at code recommenders from different
perspectives (Section V-A) and on studies specifically focused
on GitHub Copilot (Section V-B).A. Empirical Studies on Code Recommenders
Proksch et al. [48] conducted an empirical study aimed
at evaluating the performance of code recommenders when
suggesting method calls. Their study has been run on a real-
world dataset composed of developers’ interactions captured
in the IDE. Results showed that commonly used evaluation
techniques based on synthetic datasets extracted by mining
released code underperform due to a context miss.
On a related research thread, Hellendoorn et al. [20]
compared code completion models on both real-world and
synthetic datasets. Confirming what observed by Proksch et al. ,
they found that the evaluated tools are less accurate on the
real-world dataset, thus concluding that synthetic benchmarks
are not representative enough. Moreover, they found that
the accuracy of code completion tools substantially drops in
challenging completion scenarios, in which developers would
need them the most.
M˘ar˘as,oiuet al. [37] analyzed how practitioners rely on
code completion during software development. The results
showed that the users actually ignore many synthesized
suggestions. Such a finding has been corroborated by Arrebola
and Junior [ 9], who stressed the need for augmenting code
recommender systems with the development’s context.
Jin and Servant [ 26] and Li et al. [33] investigated the hidden
costs of code recommendations. Jin and Servant found that
IntelliSense, a code completion tool, sometimes underperforms
by providing the suitable recommendation far from the top of
the recommended list of solutions. Consequently, developers
are discouraged from picking the right suggestion. Li et al. ,
aware of this potential issue, conducted a coding experiment in
which they try to predict whether correct results are generated
by code completion models, showing that their approach can
reduce the percentage of false positives up to 70%.
Previous studies also assessed the actual usefulness of these
tools. Xu et al. [65] ran a controlled experiment with 31
developers who were asked to complete implementation tasks
with and without the support of two code recommenders. They
found a marginal gain in developers’ productivity when using
the code recommenders.
Page 10:
Ciniselli et al. [15] empirically evaluated the performance of
two state-of-the-art Transformer-based models in challenging
coding scenarios, for example, when the code recommender
is required to generate an entire code block ( e.g., the body
of a for loop). The two experimented models, RoBERTa
and Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5), achieved good
performance (69% of accuracy) in the more classic code
completion scenario ( i.e., predicting few tokens needed to
finalize a statement), while reported a substantial drop of
accuracy (29%) when dealing with the previously described
more complex block-level completions.
Our study is complementary to the ones discussed above.
Indeed, we investigate the robustness of DL-based code
recommenders supporting what it is know in the literature as
“natural language to source code translation ”. We show that
semantically equivalent code descriptions can result in different
recommendations, thus posing questions on the usability of
these tools.
B. Empirical Studies on GitHub Copilot
GitHub Copilot has been recently introduced as the state-
of-the-art code recommender, and advertised as an “AI pair
programmer” [ 1], [22]. Since its release, researchers started
investigating its capabilities.
Most of the previous research aimed at evaluating the
impact of GitHub Copilot on developers’ productivity and its
effectiveness (in terms of correctness of the provided solutions).
Imai [ 25] investigated to what extent Copilot is actually a
valid alternative to a human pair programmer. They observed
thatCopilot results in increased productivity ( i.e.,number of
added lines of code), but decreased quality in the produced
code. Ziegler et al. [67] conducted a case study in which they
investigated whether usage measurements about Copilot can
predict developers’ productivity. They found that the acceptance
rate of the suggested solutions is the best predictor for perceived
productivity. Vaithilingam et al. [59] ran an experiment with
24 developers to understand how Copilot can help developers
complete programming tasks. Their results show that Copilot
does not improve the task completion time and success rate.
However, developers report that they prefer to use Copilot
because it recommends code that can be used as a starting
point and saves the effort of searching online.
Nguyen and Nadi [ 43] used LeetCode questions as input
toCopilot to evaluate the solutions provided for several
programming languages in terms of correctness — by running
the test cases available in LeetCode — and understandability
— by computing their Cyclomatic Complexity and Cognitive
Complexity [ 13]. They found notable differences among the
programming languages in terms of correctness (between
57%, for Java, and 27%, for JavaScript). On the other
hand, Copilot generates solutions with low complexity for
all the programming languages. While we also measure the
effectiveness of the solutions suggested by Copilot , our main
focus is on understanding its robustness when different inputs
are provided.Two previous studies aimed at evaluating the security of
the solutions recommended by Copilot . Hammond et al. [47]
investigated the likelihood of receiving from Copilot recom-
mendations including code affected by security vulnerabilities.
They observed that vulnerable code is recommended in 40%
of cases out of the completion scenarios they experimented
with. On a similar note, Sobania et al. [52] evaluated GitHub
Copilot on standard program synthesis benchmark problems
and compared the achieved results with those from the genetic
programming literature. The authors found that the performance
of the two approaches are comparable. However, approaches
based on genetic programming are not mature enough to be
deployed in practice, especially due to the time they require to
synthesize solutions. In our study, we do not focus on security,
but only on the correctness of the suggested solutions.
Albert Ziegler, in a blog post about GitHub Copilot2
investigated the extent to which the tool suggestions are copied
from the training set they used. Ziegler reports that Copilot
rarely recommends verbatim copies of code taken from the
training set.
We investigated the extent to which DL-based code recom-
menders tend to synthesize different code components when
starting from different but semantically equivalent natural
language descriptions. We selected GitHub Copilot as the tool
representative of the state-of-the-art and asked it to generate 892
non-trivial Java methods starting from their natural language
description. For each method in our dataset we asked Copilot
to synthesize it using: (i) the original description, extracted
as the first sentence in the Javadoc; and (ii) paraphrased
descriptions. We did this both by manually modifying the
original description and by using automated paraphrasing tools,
after having assessed their reliability in this context.
We found that in46% of cases semantically equivalent but
different method descriptions result in different code recom-
mendations. We observed that some correct recommendations
can only be obtained using one of the semantically equivalent
descriptions as input.
Our results highlight the importance of providing a proper
code description when asking DL-based recommenders to
synthesize code. In the new era of AI-supported programming,
developers must learn how to properly describe the code
components they are looking for to maximize the effectiveness
of the AI support.
Our future work will focus on answering our first research
question in vivo rather than in silico . In other words, we aim
at running a controlled experiment with developers to assess
the impact of the different code descriptions they write on
the received recommendations. Also, we will investigate how
to customize the automatic paraphrasing techniques to further
improve their performance on software-related text (such as
methods’ descriptions).
Page 11:
This project has received funding from the European
Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No.
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