Paper Content:
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Geometry-Aware Neural Rendering
Josh Tobin
OpenAI & UC Berkeley
josh@openai.comOpenAI Robotics
Pieter Abbeel
Covariant.AI & UC Berkeley
Understanding the 3-dimensional structure of the world is a core challenge in
computer vision and robotics. Neural rendering approaches learn an implicit 3D
model by predicting what a camera would see from an arbitrary viewpoint. We
extend existing neural rendering to more complex, higher dimensional scenes than
previously possible. We propose Epipolar Cross Attention (ECA), an attention
mechanism that leverages the geometry of the scene to perform efficient non-local
operations, requiring only O(n)comparisons per spatial dimension instead of
O(n2). We introduce three new simulated datasets inspired by real-world robotics
and demonstrate that ECA significantly improves the quantitative and qualitative
performance of Generative Query Networks (GQN) [7].
1 Introduction
The ability to understand 3-dimensional structure has long been a fundamental topic of research in
computer vision [ 10,22,26,34]. Advances in 3D understanding, driven by geometric methods [ 14]
and deep neural networks [ 7,31,40,43,44] have improved technologies like 3D reconstruction,
augmented reality, and computer graphics. 3D understanding is also important in robotics. To interact
with their environments, robots must reason about the spatial structure of the world around them.
Agents can learn 3D structure implicitly (e.g., using end-to-end reinforcement learning [ 24,25]), but
these techniques can be data-inefficient and the representations often have limited reuse. An explicit
3D representation can be created using keypoints and geometry [ 14] or neural networks [ 44,43,30],
but these can lead to inflexible, high-dimensional representations. Some systems forego full scene
representations by choosing a lower-dimensional state representation. However, not all scenes admit
a compact state representation and learning state estimators often requires expensive labeling.
Previous work demonstrated that Generative Query Networks (GQN) [ 7] can perform neural rendering
for scenes with simple geometric objects. However, robotic manipulation applications require precise
representations of high degree-of-freedom (DoF) systems with complex objects. The goal of this
paper is to explore the use of neural rendering in such environments.
To this end, we introduce an attention mechanism that leverages the geometric relationship between
camera viewpoints called Epipolar Cross-Attention (ECA). When rendering an image, ECA computes
a response at a given spatial position as a weighted sum at all relevant positions of feature maps from
the context images. Relevant features are those on the epipolar line in the context viewpoint.
Ilge Akkaya, Marcin Andrychowicz, Maciek Chociej, Mateusz Litwin, Alex Paino, Arthur Petron, Matthias
Plappert, Raphael Ribas, Jonas Schneider, Jerry Tworek, Nik Tezak, Peter Welinder, Lilian Weng, Qiming Yuan,
Wojciech Zaremba, Lei Zhang
33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Vancouver, Canada.arXiv:1911.04554v1 [cs.CV] 28 Oct 2019
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Our ModelPrevious MethodGround Truthr1234Representation networkAttention mechanism
Generation networkloss
clstmz2Figure 1: Overview of the model architecture used in our experiments. Grey boxes denote intermediate
representations, zilatent variables, +element-wise addition, and blue and red boxes subcomponents
of the neural network architecture. Green components are model inputs, blue are as in GQN [ 7], and
red are contributions of our model. (1) Context images and corresponding viewpoints are passed
through a convolutional neural network fto produce a context representation. We use the Tower
architecture from [ 7]. (2) We use the epipolar geometry between the query viewpoint and the context
viewpoint to extract the features in the context representation rkthat are relevant to rendering each
spatial point in the query viewpoint vq. These extracted features are stored in a 3-dimensional tensor
ekcalled the epipolar representation. See Figure 3(a) for more details. (3) At each generation step l,
we compute the decoder input by attending over the epipolar representation. The attention map al
captures the weighted contribution to each spatial position in the decoder hidden state of all relevant
positions in the context representations. See Figure 3(b) for more details on how the attention map is
computed. (4) The decoder, or generation network, is the skip-connection convolutional LSTM cell
from [ 7]. It takes as input the attention map al, previous hidden state hl 1, and a latent variable zl,
which is used to model uncertainty in the predicted output. See [7] for more details.
Unlike GQN, GQN with ECA (E-GQN) can model relationships between pixels that are spatially
distant in the context images, and can use a different representation at each layer in the decoder. And
unlike more generic approaches to non-local attention, which require comparing each spatial location
to every other spatial location ( O(n2)comparisons per pixel for a nnimage), [ 42], E-GQN only
requires each spatial location to be compared to a subset of the other spatial locations (requiring only
O(n)comparisons per pixel for a nnimage).
We evaluate our approach on datasets from the original GQN paper and three new datasets designed
to test the ability to render systems with many degrees of freedom and a wide variety of objects. We
find significant improvements in a lower bound on the negative log likelihood (the ELBO), per-pixel
mean absolute error, and qualitative performance on most of these datasets.
To summarize, our key contributes are as follows:
1.We introduce a novel attention mechanism, Epipolar Cross-Attention (ECA), that leverages
the geometry of the camera poses to perform efficient non-local attention.
2.We introduce three datasets: Disco Humanoid ,OpenAI Block , and Room-Random-Objects
as a testbed for neural rendering with complex objects and high-dimensional state.
3.We demonstrate the ECA with GQN (E-GQN) improves neural rendering performance on
those datasets.
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2 Background
2.1 Problem description
GivenKimagesxk2Xand corresponding camera viewpoints vk2Vof a scenes, the goal
of neural rendering is to learn a model that can accurately predict the image xqthe camera would
see from a query viewpoint vq. More formally, for distributions of scenes p(S)and images with
corresponding viewpoints p(V;Xjs), the goal of neural rendering is to learn a model that maximizes
This can be viewed as an instance of few-shot density estimation [29].
2.2 Generative Query Networks
Generative Query Networks [ 7] model the likelihood above with an encoder-decoder neural network
architecture. The encoder, or representation network is a convolutional neural network that takes vk
andxkas input and produces a representation r.
The decoder, or generation network , takesrandvqas input and predicts the image rendered from that
viewpoint. Uncertainty in the output is modeled using stochastic latent variables z, producing a density
g(xqjvq;r) =R
g(xq;zjvq;r)dzthat can be approximated tractably with a variational lower
bound [ 20,7]. The generation network architecture is based on the skip-connection convolutional
LSTM decoder from DRAW [12].
2.3 Epipolar Geometry
The epipolar geometry between camera viewpoints v1andv2describes the geometric relationship
between 3D points in the scene and their projections in images x1andx2rendered from pinhole
cameras atv1andv2[14]. Figure 2 describes the relationship.
v1v2yYl′ x1x2y′
Figure 2 : Illustration of the epipolar geometry. For any
image point yinx1corresponding to a 3D point Y,
the image point y0inx2that corresponds to Ylies on
a line l0inx2. This line corresponds to the projection
ontox2of the ray passing through the camera center
ofv1andyand depends only on the intrinsic geometry
betweenv1andv2, not the content of the scene.
There is a linear mapping called the fundamental matrix that captures this correspondence [ 14]. The
fundamental matrix is a mapping Ffrom an image point yinx1to the epipolar line l0.Fis a33
matrix that depends on v1andv2. The image point y0= (h0;w0;1)lies on the line l0corresponding
toyify0lies on the line ah0+bw0+c= 0, whereFy= [a;b;c ]T.
3 Epipolar Cross-Attention
In GQN, the scene representation is an element-wise sum of context representations from each
context viewpoint. The context representations are created from the raw camera images through
convolutional layers. Since convolutions are local operations, long-range dependencies are difficult
to model [ 15,16,42]. As a result, information from distant image points in the context representation
may not propagate to the hidden state of the generation network.
The core idea of Epipolar Cross-Attention is to allow the features at a given spatial position yin
the generation network hidden state to depend directly on all of the relevant spatial positions in the
context representations. Relevant spatial positions are those that lie on the epipolar line corresponding
toyin each context viewpoint.
Figure 1 describes our model architecture. Our model is a variant of GQN [ 7]. Instead of using
krkas input to compute the next generation network hidden state hl, we use an attention
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map computed using our epipolar cross-attention mechanism. The next two subsections describe the
attention mechanism.
3.1 Computing the Epipolar Representation
For a given spatial position y= (p0;p1)in the decoder hidden state hl, the epipolar representation ek
stores at (p0;p1)all of the features from rkthat are relevant to rendering the image at that position.2
(a) Epipolar extraction
1×1×1ekh′ ×w′ ×d′ h′ ×w′ ×h′ ×d′
h′ ×w′ ×h′ ×dv
h′ ×w′ ×h′ ×dk
h′ ×w′ ×dk
h′ w′ ×h′ ×dk
h′ w′ ×dk×1softmax
h′ w′ ×1×h′
h′ w′ ×h′ ×dv
h′ w′ ×dv
h′ w′ ×h′
h′ ×w′ ×dv
QlKkVk (b) Attention mechanism
Figure 3: (a) Constructing the epipolar representation ekfor a given camera viewpoint vk. For a
given spatial position in the decoder state hl, there is a 1-dimensional subset of feature maps l0inrk
arising from the epipolar geometry. This can be viewed as the projection of the line passing from the
camera center at vqthrough the image point onto rk. The epipolar representation ekis constructed
by stacking these lines along a third spatial dimension. Note that hlandrkareh0w0d0feature
maps, soekhas shapeh0w0h0d0. Ifh=wis the size of the image, h0=w0=h=4and
d0= 256 in our experiments. (b) Our attention mechanism. Blue rectangles denote convolutional
layers with given kernel size. “ " denotes batch-wise matrix multiplication, and “ +" element-wise
summation. The previous decoder hidden state hl 1is used to compute a query tensor Qlby linear
projection. The epipolar representation ekis also linearly projected to compute a key tensor Kkand
value tensor Vk.KkandQlare matrix-multiplied to form unnormalized attention weights, which
are scaled by 1=pdk. A softmax is computed along the final dimension, and the result is multiplied
byVkto get an attention score as in [ 41]. All of the attention scores are linearly projected into the
correct output dimension and summed element-wise.
Figure 3(a) shows how we construct the epipolar representation. To compute the epipolar line l0
rk, we first compute the fundamental matrix Fk
qarising from camera viewpoints vqandvk[14], and
then find l0
Ifhlhas shape (h0;w0), then for each 0p0
where the subscripts denote array indexing and p0
0is the point on l0
ycorresponding to p0
All of these operations can be performed efficiently and differentiably in automatic differentiation
libraries like Tensorflow [ 1] as they can be formulated as matrix multiplication or gather operations.
2Note that care must be taken that the representation network does not change the effective field of view of
the camera.
3To make sure p0
0are valid array indices, we round down to the nearest integer. For indices that are too large
or too small, we instead use features of all zeros.
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3.2 Attention mechanism
Figure 3(b) describes our attention mechanism in more detail. We map the previous decoder hidden
statehl 1and the epipolar representations ekto an attention score ak
lrepresents the weighted
contribution to each spatial position of all of the geometrically relevant features in the context
representation rk.
Typically the weights for the projections are shared between context images and decoder steps. To
facilitate passing gradients to the generation network, the attention maps ak
lare provided a skip
connection to rk, producing
whereis a learnable parameter. alis used as input to to produce the next hidden state hl.
4 Experiments
4.1 Datasets
To evaluate our proposed attention mechanism, we trained GQN with Epipolar Cross-Attention
(E-GQN) on four datasets from the GQN paper: Rooms-Ring-Camera (RRC), Rooms-Free-Camera
(RFC), Jaco, and Shepard-Metzler-7-Parts (SM7) [ 7,35]. We chose these datasets for their diversity
and suitability for our method. Other datasets are either easier versions of those we used (Rooms-
Free-Camera-No-Object-Rotations and Shepard-Metzler-5-Parts) or focus on modeling the room
layout of a large scene (Mazes). Our technique was designed to help improve detail resolution in
scenes with high degrees of freedom and complex objects, so we would not expect it to improve
performance in an expansive, but relatively low-detail dataset like Mazes.
The GQN datasets are missing several important features for robotic representation learning. First,
they contain only simple geometric objects. Second, they have relatively few degrees of freedom:
objects are chosen from a fixed set and placed with two positional and 1 rotational degrees of freedom.
Third, they do not require generalizing to a wide range of objects. Finally, with the exception of the
Rooms-Free-Camera dataset, all images are size 6464or smaller.
To address these limitations, we created three new datasets: OpenAI Block (OAB), Disco Humanoid
(Disco), and Rooms-Random-Objects (RRO)4. All of our datasets are rendered at size 128128.
Examples from these datasets are shown alongside our model’s renderings in Figure 6.
The OAB dataset is a modified version of the domain randomized [ 38] in-hand block manipulation
dataset from [ 28,27] where cameras poses are additionally randomized. Since this dataset is used for
sim-to-real transfer for real-world robotic tasks, it captures much of the complexity needed to use
neural rendering in real-world robotics, including a 24-DoF robotic actuator and a block with letters
that must be rendered in the correct 6-DoF pose.
The Disco dataset is designed to test the model’s ability to accurately capture many degrees of
freedom. It consists of the 27-DoF MuJoCo [ 39] model from OpenAI Gym [ 3] rendered with each of
its joints in a random position in [ ;). Each of the geometric shape components of the Humanoid’s
body are rendered with a random simple texture.
The RRO dataset captures the ability of models to render a broad range of complex objects. Scenes
are created by sampling 1-3 objects randomly from the ShapeNet [ 4] object database. The floor and
walls of the room as well as each of the objects are rendered using random simple textures.
4.2 Experimental setup
We use the the “Tower" representation network from [ 7]. Our generation network is from Figure
S2 of [ 7] with the exception of our attention mechanism. The convolutional LSTM hidden state
and skip connection state have 192 channels. The generation network has 12 layers and weights are
4Our datasets are available here:
Page 6:
Figure 4: ELBO (nats/dim) on the test set. The minimum y-value denotes the theoretical minimum
error. We compute this value by setting the KL term to 0 and the mean of the output distribution to
the true target image. Note that this value differs for the GQN datasets and ours because we use a
different output variance on our datasets as discussed in Section 4.2.
shared between generation steps. We always use 3 context images. Key dimension dk= 64 for all
experiments, and value dimension dv= 128 on the GQN datasets with dv= 192 on our datasets.
We train our models using the Adam optimizer [ 19]. We ran a small hyperparameter sweep to choose
the learning rate schedule and found that a learning rate of 1e-4 or 2e-4 linearly ramped up from 2e-5
over 25,000 optimizer steps and then linearly decayed by a factor of 10 over 1.6M optimizer steps
performs best in our experiments.
We use a batch size of 36 in experiments on the GQN datasets and 32 on our datasets. We train our
models on 25M examples on 4 Tesla V-100s (GQN datasets) or 8 Tesla V-100s (our datasets).
As in [ 7], we evaluate samples from the model with random latent variables, but taking the mean of
the output distribution. Input and output images are scaled to [ 0:5;0:5]on the GQN datasets and
[ 1;1]on ours. Output variance is scaled as in [7] on the GQN datasets but fixed at 1.4 on ours.
4.3 Quantitative results
Mean Absolute Error (pixels) Root Mean Squared Error (pixels) ELBO (nats / dim)
rrc 7:406:22 3.592.10 14:6212:77 6.805.23 0:56370:0013 0.56290.0008
rfc 12:4412:89 12.0512.79 26.8021.35 27:6520:72 0.56370.0011 0:56390:0012
jaco 4:301:12 4.000.90 8:582:94 7.432.32 0:56340:0007 0.56310.0005
sm7 3:131:30 2.140.53 9:974:34 5.632.21 0:56370:0009 0.56280.0004
oab 10:995:13 5.472.54 22:118:00 10.394.55 1:25870:0018 1.25690.0011
disco 18:867:16 12.469.27 32:726:32 22.0411.08 1:26350:0055 1.25740.0007
rro 10:125:15 6.593.23 19:639:14 12.086.52 1:25730:0011 1.25660.0009
Figure 5: Performance of GQN and E-GQN. Note: ELBO scaling is due to different choices of output
variance as discussed in Figure 4.
Figure 4 shows the learning performance of our method. Figure 5 shows the quantitative performance
of the model after training. Both show that our method significantly outperforms the baseline on most
datasets, with the exception of Jaco and RFC, where both methods perform about the same.
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4.4 Qualitative results
Figures 6 shows randomly chosen samples rendered by our model on our datasets. On OAB,
our model near-perfectly captures the pose of the block and hand and faithfully reproduces their
textures, whereas the baseline model often misrepresents the pose and textures. On Disco, ours more
accurately renders the limbs and shadow of the humanoid. On RRO, ours faithfully (though not
always accurately) renders the shape of objects, whereas the baseline often renders the wrong object
in the wrong location. Quality differences are more subtle on the original GQN datasets.
For more examples, including on those datasets, see Appendix A and the website for this paper5.
4.5 Discussion
E-GQN improves quantitative and qualitative neural rendering performance on most of the datasets
in our evaluations. We hypothesize that the improved performance is due to the ability of our model
to query features from spatial locations in the context images that correspond in 3D space, even when
those spatial locations are distant in pixel space.
Our model does not improve over the baseline for the Jaco and RFC datasets. Jaco has relatively
few degrees of freedom, and both methods perform well. In RFC, since the camera moves freely,
objects contained in the target viewpoint are usually not contained in context images. Hence the lack
of performance improvement on RFC is consistent with our intuition that E-GQN helps when there
are 3D points contained in both the context and target viewpoints.
There are two performance disadvantages of our implementation of E-GQN. First, E-GQN requires
computing the epipolar representation ekfor each context viewpoint. Each ekis ah0w0h0d0
tensor, which can could cause issues fitting ekinto GPU memory for larger image sizes. Second, due
to extra computation of ekand the attention maps al, E-GQN processes around 30% fewer samples
per second than GQN in our experiments. In practice, E-GQN reaches a given loss value significantly
faster in wall clock time on most dastasets due to better data efficiency.
Figure 6: Images rendered by our model. See Appendix A for more examples.
5 Related work
5.1 Multi-view 3D reconstruction
Constructing models of 3D scenes from multiple camera views is a widely explored subfield of
computer vision. If the camera poses are unknown, Structure-from-Motion (SfM) techniques [ 32,2]
Page 8:
(for unordered images) or Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) techniques [ 5] (for
ordered images from a real-time system) are typically used. If camera poses are known, multi-view
stereo or multi-view reconstruction (MVR) can be applied.
MVR techniques differ in how they represent the scene. V oxels [ 6], level-sets [ 8], depth maps
[36], and combinations thereof are common [ 33]. They also differ in how they construct the scene
representation. Popular approaches include adding parts that meet a cost threshold [ 34], iteratively
removing parts that do not [22, 10], or fitting a surface to extracted feature points [26].
Most MVR techniques do not rely on ground truth scene representations and instead depend on some
notion of consistency between the generated scene representation and the input images like scene
space or image space photo consistency measures [18, 22, 33].
5.2 Deep learning for 3D reconstruction
Recently, researchers have used deep learning to learn the mapping from images to a scene represen-
tation consisting of voxels [ 40,44,43,30,45] or meshes [ 30], with supervisory signal coming from
verifying the 3D volume against known depth images [ 40,45] or coming from a large-scale 3D model
database [ 44,30]. Loss functions include supervised losses [ 45], generative modeling objectives [ 30],
a 3D analog of deep belief networks [23, 44], and a generative adversarial loss [43, 11].
Some neural network approaches to 3D understanding instead create implicit 3D models of the
world. By training an agent end-to-end using deep reinforcement learning [ 25] or path planning and
imitation learning [ 13], agents can learn good enough models of their environments to perform tasks
in them successfully. Like our work, Gupta and coauthors also incorporate geometric primitives
into their model architecture, transforming viewpoint representations into world coordinates using
spatial transformer layers [ 17]. Instead of attempting to learn 3D representations that help solve
a downstream task, other approaches learn generic 3D representations by performing multi-task
learning on a variety of supervised learning tasks like pose estimation [46].
5.3 View Synthesis and neural rendering
Neural rendering or view synthesis approaches learn an implicit representation of the 3D structure of
the scene by training a neural network end-to-end to render the scene from an unknown viewpoint. In
[37], the authors map an images of a scene to an RGB-D image from an unknown viewpoint with an
encoder-decoder architecture, and train their model using supervised learning. Others have proposed
incorporating the geometry of the scene into the neural rendering task. In [ 9], plane-sweep volumes
are used to estimate depth of points in the scene, which are colored by a separate network to perform
view interpolation (i.e., the input and output images are close together). Instead of synthesizing pixels
from scratch, other work explores using CNNs to predict appearance flow [47].
In [7], the authors propose the generative query network model (GQN) model architecture for neural
rendering. Previous extensions to GQN include augmenting it with a patch-attention mechanism [ 31]
and extending it to temporal data [21].
6 Conclusion
In this work, we present a geometrically motivated attention mechanism that allows neural rendering
models to learn more accurate 3D representations and scale to more complex datasets with higher
dimensional images. We show that our model outperforms an already strong baseline. Future work
could explore extending our approach to real-world data and higher-dimensional images.
The core insight of this paper is that injecting geometric structure ino neural networks can improve
conditional generative modeling performance. Another interesting direction could be to apply this
insight to other types of data. For example, future work could explore uncalibrated or moving camera
systems, video modeling, depth prediction from stereo cameras, or constructing explicit 3D models.
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A Example images rendered using our method
This section contains additional example images rendered using GQN and our method.
Page 12:
Figure 7: Rooms Ring Camera
Figure 8: Rooms Free Camera
Page 13:
Figure 9: Jaco
Figure 10: Shepard-Metzler 7 Parts
Page 14:
Figure 11: OpenAI Box.
Figure 12: Disco Humanoid
Page 15:
Figure 13: Rooms Random Objects